Incoming transmission.
Comm ID: Peter Kristall
Message Body:
Dear, sweet Eris on a hot dog bun.
Mister Hale? I have a minor problem with your line of reasoning.
The problem isn't the Indians. The head of Freeport 2 already had complaints about them well before this incident, and they are already in serious danger of losing their docking rights on Zoner bases Sirius-wide.
The problem isn't the fine. I'd gladly take out a loan and pay you folks myself, even if I had to work the rest of my natural life to repay it, if it meant my Freeport would be left in peace.
The problem isn't a problem with clauses 1 and 2 of the treaty. I think they are very good clauses, and I would love to see them included in any future deals between Freeport 2 and the Liberty government.
However, this treaty is void <strike>six</strike> five ways from Sunday.
Not only is the signiatory body long, long dead. Not only is the sucessor to the body, the Zoner Alliance, gone, leaving NO central Zoner authority.
The so-called 'Zoner' signature on the treaty, one Aurelia Silvan, has revealed herself as Aurelia DeFrance, daughter of King Louis DeFrance of Gallia. She has removed herself to Gallia, and declared her intention to destroy all Zoners everywhere!
Freeport 10 was even attacked by her personal battleship! They've STILL not repaired all the battle damage. I should know, I'm helping.
So I think there might have been some sabotage involved as regards the treaty, don't you?
Now, that having been said, I'm just a concerned citizen. A very, very concerned citizen. The head of Freeport 2 may see things differently.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie