Who the bloody hell are you to come in here and make any sort of demands from us.
You're nobody, that's who.
If you come into Liberty with your Tridente and Capital Ships, you won't recieve any more mercy from us.
You will be subjected to immediate termination.
The days where Liberty Rogues relied on the Outcasts to survive are over.
Welcome to the new Liberty
You better get used to it, or you'll die a quick and painful death.
Consider this an ultimatum to your so called "coalition" back down or you will be crushed.
Eva, out.
|::Transmission Terminated::|
Eva, it wasn't demands but your erratic behaviour when you did used to rely on the Outcasts and suck up to us when you was in grave danger and now you have the audacity to challenge us? The Outcast Reign will not be scared by your threatens as it was us that put you in your place of worthyness this can be taken away as easily as it was placed upon you Rogue!
Remember this Eva, when i ram a Outcast Battleship into one of your bases, You will suggest a cease-fire as you cannot even grant stock to a local trident. Your out of stock, your low on Cardimine and you defiantly do not have the tools to take on the Outcast Wraith.
Oh and Eva, Challenge muchly accepted.
The Outcasts and some Lane Hackers shall be in your vicinity shortly good luck.