Doesnt looks like anyone claimed that yet.
I claim all RoS technology and ships to the Sirius Coalition. There they will be repainted to red color and placed images of Alvin Katz, The Revolution, naked Julia with lots of weapons, HWE symbolics, dead Rhade and drunk Coronel with burrito in his right hand. And their guns till be changed to 715 speed and used with other Coalition weapons.
KrakenInsurgent. Im sure Reid will love it.
(08-07-2013, 06:03 AM)JayDee Wrote: Doesnt looks like anyone claimed that yet.
I claim all RoS technology and ships to the Sirius Coalition. There they will be repainted to red color and placed images of Alvin Katz, The Revolution, naked Julia with lots of weapons, HWE symbolics, dead Rhade and drunk Coronel with burrito in his right hand. And their guns till be changed to 715 speed and used with other Coalition weapons.
KrakenInsurgent. Im sure Reid will love it.
(08-07-2013, 03:09 AM)Snake Wrote: The Shades of Sol takes over Safe Haven Station now, thanks for your invaluable service. All citizens say hello to "Outer Haven" (bow)
Nuh uh. Caymin belongs to CL, but Safe Haven is mine
scrub, I have rights to all the jump holes, so I have rights to Cayman. Ok man?
(08-07-2013, 03:09 AM)Snake Wrote: The Shades of Sol takes over Safe Haven Station now, thanks for your invaluable service. All citizens say hello to "Outer Haven" (bow)
Nuh uh. Caymin belongs to CL, but Safe Haven is mine
scrub, I have rights to all the jump holes, so I have rights to Cayman. Ok man?