The National Council of Malta, representing the Nation of Malta, and the Crayter Republic (hereafter referred to as Parties) hereby agree to the following terms: § 1 [Cessation of Hostilities]
The Parties mutually agree to cease any act of aggression towards each other.
§ 2 [Return of Prisoners of War]
The Parties agree to the release of all citizens that are considered as prisoners of war. Their free choice to remain within the sovereign space of the other party remains unaffected.
§ 3 [Mutual recognition of legal governmental entites]
1. The National Council is obligated to change its legislature to reflect the Crayter Republic as a legal entity with all the privileges and obligations that entails according to its fair and equally applied legislature. In addition, the National Council of Malta releases a statement, recognizing the Crayter Republic as the legal successor of the United Nations and thus as a subject of international law.
2. The Crayter Republic publically recognizes the Nation of Malta as the one true heir of the sleeper ship Hispania and as such, as an equal to the other Houses of Sirius.
§ 4 [Territories]
1. The Nation of Malta lays claim to the Tau-29 system. In addition, it will extend its legal influence into the Coronado system. The entire extend of the Barrier Rim becomes subject to the exclusive legislature of Malta. Barrier Gate Station remains neutral.
2. The Crayter Republic lays claim on the Tau-31 system. The Crayter Republic rescinds its territorial claim on the Coronado system in so far as it includes the Barrier Rim. The free passage of people and Cardamine through the Tau-31 system is guaranteed by the Crayter Republic.
3. The Parties will respect the claims defined in this treaty and will mutually allow free access and transit through the space under their legislation.
§ 5 [The Gallic War]
The Parties agree to fight alongside each other to repell the Gallic invasion into Sirius. Territorial claims gained though the war efforts are subject to further agreements after the end of the war.
§ 7 [Exclusion of independent entities]
The Parties are not responsible for actions of independent citizens and organizations. Their actions cannot be held against any of the Parties as a whole.
§ 8 [Amendment of legislature]
1. The Crayter Republic amends its legislature to legalize the transport of any quantity of Cardamine within its space. The legislation regarding Cardamine in doses higher than those for personal use on Crayter REpublic bases and planets remains unchanged.
2. The Parties agree that the transport of people towards Malta will be legalized, as long as the persons in question are given the free choice between a life within the the Maltese Nation or the Crayter Republic.
3. The Parties agree to outlaw the possession and transport of Artifacts, Sorted Artifacts, and Xeno Artifacts with the exception of Crayterian citizens for research purposes.
4. The Parties agree to amend their legislature as necessary to facilitate the goals of this treaty.
§ 9 [Exchange of scientific and technological knowledge]
Both parties agree to aid each other with non-military knowledge and technologies, in order to ensure mutual technological development and prosperity for their citizens.
§ 10 [Exclusivity]
This agreement signed by both parties and so initialed by both parties in the margin opposite of this paragraph constitutes the final written expression of all the terms of this agreement and is a complete and exclusive statement of those terms.