Plans are changed yet again (and for the last time, hopefully, seeing as there remains just 1 month a bit until the request time is up). While keeping the same two points regarding the Einbeck and the Schiller, we've become the Proud Owners:tm: of the LNS Tundra, with @Groshyr being made its owner after discussing with @Dimon, the previous owner (soon to be made official as well, once staff replies). This means that we, moving forward, Das Wilde will represent The Rheinland Wild's interests, as per our ID proposal, but also have the LNS Tundra operate as the flagship of another branch, much like Stulingen in Rheinland, of an elite few Liberty Wild as a side-quest of sorts for RP and activity. This sub-branch will be a revitalized Black Division, with new lore, rather than an all-encompassing, Division 9 restart, which would make little sense for a Rheinland-centric group to do. (Former iterations' background)
The ID proposal will not be changed and will remain the same until a response from the staff on our officialdom status is provided. Thank you and we hope to see you in-game with us down the line!