As you have paid for zhis shipment in advance you need not to pay for zhis week. I will contact you again, when I have repeated it next week.
By zhe way: It's strange zhat I was not attacked by any nomads in Kappa. Do you have any reason for zhis? I mean, if zhere is no presence of zhem I just wonder if zhose...things mastermind something up. If zhey can think of course.
Anyway, if you are in need of something, you know how to contact me.
Due to a malfunction of mein ship's clock there are no proper timestamps available zhis time. I just noticed zhis right now. I hope zhis is no problem for you. I will get zhat fixed until next time.
Ah... ja, two things beside zhe shipment:
First, you cargo droid informed me zhat I should stop zhe shipment right now, until you contact me. Reason was zhat zhe supply stocks were full.
If zhat is true I will stop zhe weekly shipment until you contact me again. But remember to pay me for zhis latest transport.
And zhen zhere is some disturbing news. Yesterday I met a mercenary near Freeport 9. He was very interested in my cargo and its destination. Don't worry, Kaz'ilth, ich didn't tell him anything and he did not try to follow mein Behemoth, when...being drawn by accident into the Omicron-74 jumphole.
See zhe comlogs below:
Quote:Matias_Nelissens: Hey, what was zhat?
Hell_of_Water: a weapon error..
Hell_of_Water: where do you bring this food?
Matias_Nelissens: A weapon error? Aha.
Matias_Nelissens: I am not quite sure why zhis might interest you.
Hell_of_Water: why not?
Matias_Nelissens: Nun, tell me, why you are so interested in my supplies?
Hell_of_Water: do you support Corsairs?
Matias_Nelissens: I support those zhat pay me. Zhat is all you should know, mercenary.
Hell_of_Water: mh
Hell_of_Water: i dont thrust you Smuggler
Hell_of_Water: anyways i hope for you that you doesnt support corsairs
Matias_Nelissens: Oh mein god, you don't trust me... what a pity *ironically*
Hell_of_Water: We dont like 'Sairs
Matias_Nelissens: Zhat does not interest me for now. Now leave me alone, merc.
Hell_of_Water: or what smuggler?
Hell_of_Water: this is a Zoner System
Matias_Nelissens: And?
Hell_of_Water: do you have a permission to enter it?
Matias_Nelissens: Are you working for zhe Omicroners
Matias_Nelissens: `?
Hell_of_Water: maybe.
Matias_Nelissens: With other words: No
It seems like zhat some people are becoming more und more interested in disrupting zhe Corsairs' food supplies. Zhe Outcasts perhaps? I do not know, as zhis mercenary did not give me any hint about his employer.
Anyway, Kaz'ilth, if you are in need of anything, just contact me on zhis channel.
SOURCE..................................................Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin
COMM ID.................................................Matias Nelissens
VIDEO UPLINK.........................................ESTABLISHED
Hallo Ka'zilth,
it's a pity that the shipments for Gammu will be stopped for now, but it is gut to know, that there will be specific tasks to do for me if needed.
Regarding zhe payment, I have received it yesterday, so don't owe me any credit for mein work.
So this little mercenary belonged to zhe Renegades, ja? Tough guys what I have heard from in Rheinland. They are pissing of the Polizei and Rheinwehr a lot zhese days, so it is good to know that I have the Kaz'ilth freecard if I should meet them again.
SOURCE..................................................Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin
COMM ID.................................................Matias Nelissens
VIDEO UPLINK.........................................ESTABLISHED
Gut evening Kaz'ilth,
so after "hijacking" your latest investment some time ago, you need me for a babysitter job? Nun, not quite zhat what i expected, but I think I can protect your little miner for some time and it gives me zhe oppurtinity to take my new ship into zhe Omicrons to update its neural system map and get some other little upgrades for it on Gammu. Zhat is if you do not mind if I use your hangar for some upgrades of course.
Just tell me when I shall meet zhe Dumitru in Gammu's orbit.
Oh by zhe way, who will pilot zhe mining ship? I hope it is not zhis little smuggler zhat was cyring on my comms all zhe time?