While We Deaths| enjoy thoroughly what we do, lately the Men have become....disheartened. While I would like to thank you for your support, the men think, and I agree, that, while professionalism is a must, the Lack of Female Members.....is....causing problems.
Captain Murdock currently has an insane crush on Major Kiara Maddox, and The Marshall brothers were trying to make a pass at the HRD Android, Lt.Col.Kurani. Samantha Carter....seems to be the type to successfully ward off any unwanted passes, which....Tyler found out the hard way..... While, I personally find this all quite amusing, I wish to ask that you send, more qualified, females to replenish our ranks.
If you have candidates you wish me to review for selection, please send them here....The Deaths| are still 2 members short.
I am ready, if you decide so, to join the Deaths| but I require pick-up from Planet Erie.
None of the ships they have there I am able to interface with.
I am too advanced for that.
Ill wait for your reply on a secure comm.
Signal Lost:
Transmission Close
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153...iller5.png | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story
A.I. Starkiller is pending approval from the Grey Men. At this time, The Grey Men Deem A.I. Projects to Volatile, and Hard to control. Their Learning ability varies, and if improperly taught, or if they gain conciousness have been prone to problems.
Deaths| "Current" Diplomacy Status:
LSF-Neutral unless attacked
Junkers-Friendly, with exception to Legacy's
Outcasts-Depends, typically unfriendly, but individual cases surprise
Rogues-Depends, typically unfriendly, but individual cases surprise
Lane Hackers-Depends, typically unfriendly, but individual cases surprise
Xenos-Depends, typically unfriendly, but individual cases surprise
HS.|-Friendly unless attacked, due to Mutual Alliance with DXI
Interspace Commerce-Neutral
Liberty "Public Enemy" List:
Legacy's-Junker Black Sheep(Kill on sight)
Reni.Hanako/Reni.Hanako.-Freelancer/Ex-GC(Destroying a Deaths| ship, refuses to fight without backup from Watchman, or LN/LNS, Typical Ex-GC cowardice, Cardimine Addicted)
The.Watchman-Vigilante, Police IFF(threats against Deaths|)
BHG|Robert.Meath- BHG/Orca(Harrasment/Attacking a Deaths| Ship)
[LN]Stephanie.Malaign(Suspicion of Nomad Infection)
[LN]David.Hale(Suspicion of Nomad Infection)
LNS-Aurora(Nomad Infected)
Sirius Wide:
BHG|-Less then Friendly with exception to:
Freelancers-Friendly with exception to:
Mercenaries-Neutral, unless attacked
Wilde/Nomad-Hostile, kill on sight
Mobius Squadron-Neutral
Enter Password: ***********************************************************
Enter Verification Number: ******************
Enter Decryption Key Type: ******
Enter Decoder Key Value: ****
Enter Security Clearance Pass to Proceed....
Submit Retinal Scan......
Submit DNA........
Submit Neural scan.......
Stand by while your Bio scan is verified..............
Welcome Colonel Cameron Mitchell,
You have 1 Message. Read now? [Yes/No]
Please enter Message Authentication Code: ***********************************************
From: Benefactor Alpha
Colonel Mitchell,
While your overall Mission Success is Outstanding, Your allowance, and participation in personal grudges
within the Liberty System, are....while not against Code, less then satisfactory. We understand how much time and effort you have invested into carrying out our wishes, however, these unexpected problems in Liberty, could jeopardize the entire Op.
It is due to this "wild card" that we have, unanimously, decided to wire a substantial 20 billion dollars in the usual method, to help you end this problem.
You have your alliance with The Order, whose goals, are similar to ours. Contact the Corsairs, on your own, or through your Order Contacts. Don't Let Personal Issues, ruin this, or it will be your head on the chopping block.
In light of the recent hiccup, We have also decided, unanimously, to allow you and Lt. Col. Kurani to proceed with Phase 1 Recruitment. We are still contemplating Project Starkiller, however as you know in the past A.I. have become volatile, and murderous, killing its human handlers once consciousness is achieved. We will get back to you on that matter.
For the Greater Good, Through Deception and Subversion, We Shall Prevail.
I have never heard that the Grey Men were afraid an A.I.
I thought that it would seem more then easy to guess that i am already conscious.
This was how the next generation of A.I's were produced.
I guess that it is hard for people to except the fact that A.I's can be more then a computer.
Tell your bosses they have no reasons to fear me.
but if they think otherwise they should come see me!!!!
And since you must know I did get a lift with the [*USI*]Houston as far as baltimore.
There he gave me enough credits to buy a ship and i am now at Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor.
Signal Lost:
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153...iller5.png | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story
Excellent News. I see the Grey Men are easy to offend. Good Day
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153...iller5.png | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story