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Date and time: 10-24-07, 3:30 am GMT
Location: Colorado
The trader "Nizbala" had his shields removed and hull damage inflicted after launching from Planet Denver and proceeding to the trade lane to New York, followed by interruption of the trade lane he was about to dock with. Following a request for 400 of the engines he was carrying to aid the Junker nation, he decided to engage cruise engines. Some dastardly trick scrambled the humble pirate's ship control systems (not a CD; some kind of unknown nefariousness), enabling the trader to get a good head start.
Once ship controls were restored, the trade lane was used to catch up to the cruising Nizbala who had cruised parallel to the trade lanes. Nizbala then cruised to Pueblo Station, docked, and called in a Darkwing gunboat and fighter to cover his further retreat to New York.
Along the way Nizbala proclaimed that he would rather die than pay a pirate, following which he would post bounties on the pirate's head, and KEEP RENEWING them after each time they were claimed!
The humble Junker was called "scum" and other unmentionables, all of which are baseless since Junkers DO bathe, occasionally.
It should be noted that the only reason Nizbala survived, is that the pirate chose to give him the initial chance to keep his life and 90% of his cargo in exchange for aiding his more humble neighbors in Sirius.
Traders like this make a pirate want to just start and keep shooting without issuing any demands at all until the trader cries uncle on his own initiative and ASKS for demands to be given.
If "Nizbala" is not a valid candidate for the excrement list, who is?
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for all the latest news on Nerfs and Final Nails, or to request trade changes.
Its traders like this that give traders everywhere a bad name. Too often I have heard cries for a pirate to request cargo instead of cash. Here we have a pirate doing just that and the trader gives him grief.
I shall add this dishonorable trader to my list. Thank you Xoria.
**Incoming Transmission*
From: Zapp
To: All Pirates
I have recently met and discussed with Atalawohisdi the trader that flies the Caribe. Just so everyone knows, I engaged in Sigma 13. He flies through half the system before going back to New Berlin, where he cruises from one side of the system to the other, hugging the sun as close as he can. All the while, he flies near Battleships trying to scrape me off. I finally send out the white flag, and move back to Sigma 13. However, it was a ruse, and he bit. Knowing his trade route, I interdicted the trade lane and the chase began anew. It ended, an hour after it began, with me retreating, out of Countermeasures and getting very irritated.
He kept boasting how he has never been caught; I'd like to see him beat until he begs to pay, then beaten some more.
To: Pirates Atalawohisdi, Xoria
From: Trader Nizbala
I made your list eh? I guess I should be honored. As far as the Junkers go, after that incident I'll never even consider paying them anything....credits, cargo, whatever. I don't recall saying I'll place bounties on them, but after all, I was drunk and angry, so maybe I did ( the Planet Denver bar had a special that night). But I did call them every name I could think of that befits their character....trash. Try to pirate me in Liberty again Junker scum and get a great view of the system from your escape pod.
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Joined: Oct 2007
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Comm ID : {JC}-Sinbad
Nizbala, your memory is worse than your attitude.
First of all, we demanded 400 CARGO, not credits. You were carrying engines at the time, purchased from Planet Denver no doubt, so it would have cost you a mere 329,600 credits. Whatever you had to offer the Darkwing to get them to come save your hide cost you more than that.
Additionally, you bragged that if we DID catch you, that you would place an eternal bounty on us.
So, you demonstrated both terrible financial planning, and ridiculous disregard for the lives of yourself and others.
The only reason you survived the encounter, is that I let you survive the encounter.
I drained your hull to about 10% and then stopped to give you a chance to reconsider handing over the cargo. I could have easily destroyed you, but MY regard for your life prevented that.
The only reason you got a head start running after that is that my ship's systems crashed 2 seconds after I stopped firing. Tough luck on my part, I'm not complaining about that.
The bottom line is that you made our excrement list because of your unreasonable response to a reasonable request, not because you didn't pay or we didn't catch you.
Edited with apologies.
Check out my Trade Development Blog
for all the latest news on Nerfs and Final Nails, or to request trade changes.
OK Pirates, here it is, CCC-Incorperated. Somebody get big bucks out of this guy. He runs and doesn't pay. Hunt this guy down take him for everything he has. He's got a big mouth so be ready. ARRRRRR!
Ok, here is another piece of pond scum to add to the list. Sergent_cross, I don't care what happens to this guy. He runs and doesn't pay. I even ask for cargo as payment.
Hail fellow. The oppression of your people sickens me as does our own. The Xenos are and always will be FED UP with the trade that takes place in Liberty to and from other houses in Sirius.
Know this; all trade in and out of Liberty space is subject to destruction by my hands, and those of my fellow Xenos. Should you feel the necessity, please send me the name and last known location of any trader engaged in such activity.