:angry::angry:I will probably hate myself for doing this but have you all read the specifications that Igiss made for the Special RP. And I mean all of you...players and Admin? I am tired of all the aurguing. I came here to play and have fun but I am seeing the same stuff that made me leave politics and aviation (pilots and bosses that thought the aircraft was ready for flight and failed to read the special section of the AD (Airwortheness Directive)), in game and here. People that think they have read the rules or regulations and miss some important words.
Approval takes one week (7 days) from the moment when the thread is posted and made visible (approved by moderator). All threads are pre-moderated to prevent obviously incomplete/irrelevant threads from appearing. Posts (comments) in those threads are not pre-moderated.
During approval, players who have concerns about certain setup might voice their doubts. I recommend not to post anything unless you have important reasons to. I also recommend not to interfere when the characters has nothing in common with the faction(s) you are involved with, and when you know nothing about the player who posts the request.
Please DO NOT post approvals ("Yes it's OK with me" in any form). Only administrators should do such thing.
If no motivated negative posts are seen after 7 days, the character is automatically considered to be approved. If there are such posts, administrator may delay approval until everything is fixed, or make the thread invisible (disapprove). If none of the administrators interfere due to lack of time within the specified time limit, character's author is advised to contact any of the server admins and remind about the request.
Note that 7 days last since the day when thread was made visible by moderator, not from the day when it was posted. Moderator approval should be relatively fast.
Server administrators may post their approval earlier than in 7 days.
If the player does not follow requirements posted in his/her own thread, violates server rules, or abuses his/her new status,the approval is revoked, and the thread made invisible again.
Under the outline that Igiss layed out, if a player or ADMIN gives a statement without reason for disapproval the Special RP player is still a valid RP. Locking a thread does not mean it is disapproved. Making a thread invisable makes it disapproved. In doing so the ADMIN should pm the author with a reasonable and explained answer. With that answer the author should set back and maybe rethink, ask a few questions in pm's or in flood and then resubmit a better proposal.
The way that it is being done now, under the specs that is given, then all proposals can be forwarded to Igiss for appeal. With him and others working hard to get 4.85 out, all your aurguing will slow it down. So I suggest that Everybody take a deep breath and really think about this. Special RP should take into account the known history of FL and the hints given where Igiss and the Modders are wishing to take us in the future.
////I know what I just said will hit some people hard and hope they will think before responding in pm or otherwise. But I was getting tired of it. I don't care who or what you are, Make sure you have read all the fine print. If I become KOS in game I will take the hint and move along. Same on the Forum. Well thats my rant for the year.
Akuma keeps repeating the same point. And the most important, and simple one.
Admins need to show more transparency.
What Kane did was good. And that's all that needs to be done. If there is a viable reason as to why a setup is dissaproved, post it completely. Fellow Hoodlum and Del have been missing that point, and it needs to be corrected.
Just because you're and admin doesn't mean you can ignore your own rules. Motivated reasoning against a special RP character must be expressed. There's no way around it.
Follow your own rules, and the community will be more obliged to do the same. You complain that allowing certain exceptions will set a bad example for others. You are doing exactly what you are preaching against by your hypocritic actions.
Take a hard look at yourselves, swallow whatever kind of pride is balled up in your throat, and do your jobs.
Harsh, but completely necessary for a funtioning RP community to run correctly.
Thing is, have you ever been an admin? or something similar.
Ain't an easy task, Yes they did some flaws, as I showed in my post last page,
but in order to keep the discussion civilize as much as possible and not offensive, the best thing to do is to speak as much neutral as possible. Don't use the "I" and "we" in your argumentation, otherwise you get personal and may offend the reader since you aren't impersonal.
Thing that a lot of people here do forgets in debates, that is why most of them ends up in flames, saddly
You are right, it isn't always easy, but then these people volunteer because they want the position.
The problem is when you have admins that have an "us against them" mentality like they do here, when things get dicey and they make a mistake, all too often here they circle the wagons and treat community members like the enemy.
And often they excuse it by saying that they are keeping the community togather and anyone who disagrees with them is tearing the community apart, which is utter crap.
So lets press for transparancy, togather. Lets make this a better community.
How about it KV? You willing to do what you can to not make excuses for the admins and make everything fair instead?
Should admins be transparent (a term I've seen thrown around a lot in this thread)? Yes.
Are they playing favorites? Maybe.
Should there be change to the system? Hell yes. I second all of King's suggestions, and make one of my own: on acceptance/denial, an explanation must be given.
What's sad is I agree with almost all of this thread (even Akuma's posts, before he started going completely anti-admin).
Well congratulations to all you forum and game admins and mods. I'm happy for you. Seriously and honestly, I am.
Regardless, since evidently I did not solve things, I'll try again.
When the admins post a comment on these special RPs, we will endeavor to give you a valid and honest reason, posted in plain view for all to see.
Can you be satisfied with that? Because I have just about had it with this Admin witch-hunt. I will not tolerate public bashing of my colleagues for the simple reason that they didn't let you have your way. If you can come in with a civil, logical, courteous and non-hostile debate or question, you will get the same returned to you. If you whine and yell and scream, like I have been seeing, then don't expect us to go out of our way to assist you or be nice to you.
Remember; Calm, Polite, Logical. That will get you so much farther then yelling.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren