Comm ID: Order communications command Location: Planet Toledo Subject: Loss of an Order vessel in foreign space
This transmission has been picked up through our emergency channels. All the relevant comm codes were identified and confimed but the transmission was rushed and garbled. What follows is the transcript of the transmission.
***Audio transcript begins***
*there is the sound of sporadic gunfire and shouting*
Von Clause: Zis is Marine captain Von Clause of the OCV Hepshetsut, transmitting an urgent distress signal...
*the audio is interrupted by a grenade blast*
Von Clause: Get ze repeater on zem and hold zem back damn it!
*heavy weapons fire is added to the background noise*
Von Clause: Ze LSF have caught up with us and ve are dead in ze vater! Ze ship is disabled and ve have LSF and Navy marines boarding at all access points. I don't have much time. Ve have secured ze comm bay under orders from ze Colonel, but ze status of ze rest of ze ship is unknown. Ve have not heard from Colonel Leigh since zey boarded but all other marine teams are either dead or captured.
*there is another grenade blast, louder this time, followed by garbled screaming. The gunfire stops and there is the sound of the room being stormed*
Unidentified voice: Drop the weapon! Now!
Von Clause: Have it your vay Libertonian...
*there is the sound of a scuffle as someone is shoved into the comms console*
Unidentified voice: This one is secure! Brown, shut down the comms!
***Audio transcript ends***
What this seems to indicate is that the OCV Hepshetsut has been interdicted and captured by the LSF during routine operations in Liberty. All contact has been lost with Colonel Leigh and his crew so we must assume that they are now prisoners of the Liberty authorities.
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.