If someone blows you up in a slave liner saying that it's illegal, complain to their superiors since there's no such law on the books.
Or just file a sanction report.
Edit: More on the topic, Junkers are Green-cell to Civilian Bret/Lib/Rheinland and Sirius Civilian, which means you can use the following transports that are bigger than the Salvager:
Pirate Transport (illegal in most places)
Prison Liner
Border Worlds Transport (it's open-use)
Slave Liner
Atlas (requires permission from IMG, white cell)
Pirate Train (illegal in most places)
If the slave liner is legal in Liberty and Rhineland, then somebody needs to tell the lawfuls there that. I've been told by many that it isn't legal. If it is legal, then disregard this whole thread.
The Slave Liner is legal in Liberty.
(Written in blue since that's the primary colour of Liberty.)
' Wrote:anyway would be awesome a Junker'ish transport.... the gap between CSF and salvager is too great.....
I assume you mean in terms of price?
Between the CSF and Salvager, pricewise, you have the following ships that Junkers can use, in addition to the ones I already listed: Freighters:
Correo (white cell)
Civilian Freighter
Only issue i ever had in my slave liner was with indie lawfuls. Talk to any of the faction lawfuls, and they will tell you they "watch" slave liners, but they are still permitted in house space.