Utilising her neural-net access, Azuki prepares a press release to be sent to the local and international news carriers. Of course the message would be vetted by KSP officials, but Azuki did not expect it to be controversial.
"I am Azuki Tamagochi, a guest of the Kusari State Police on Planet Honshu. I and numerous Guild Citizens remain interred here for the crime of belonging to the Gas Miner's Guild. The circumstances leading to the current blockade have lost their relevance, as the economic impact of this conflict is now hurting both our peoples."
Azuki used a separate channel to request the KSP open an invitation for GMG diplomats to come to Honshu. If the Treaty proposal was considered classified when it came into Azuki's hands, then she would need to speak to diplomats from both sides in person.
"As a former Guild Master of the GMG, I urge the Kusari and GMG governments to come to Honshu and begin the process of formal reconciliation. The long-term economic impacts and stability of the region depend on a rational approach to any talks."
Azuki also sent a transmission to the new Kishiro management team. She has read the news about the change in leadership, and was hopeful that Kishiro would be able to take a more proactive stance to the peace process.
"Peace should be foremost on the minds of every concerned person. We owe it to our people's to grant them their wish for peace, and the prosperity that flows from it."
Due to a distinct lack of progress in this matter, as well as your incarceration, I am wondering if there is anything I may help you with to move this on.
This lack of movement towards an outcome, one way or another has grown quite tiresome as of late.
Samura Heavy Industries is of course always interested in a peaceful outcome with any party, we will not be bullied for it as I am sure the Guild will not.
Therefore I also share your recommendation of a meeting between all the concerned parties on Planet Honshu where we can sit down and discuss this face to face.
A mutually beneficial meeting is in everyone's best interests, as we can clearly see from the past actions of both groups, neither party is interested in anything more than argument.
IF we are not to be involved in any sort of prolonged armed conflict, we should instead move forward with peace.
The only people who have gained anything from this "crisis" is the Outcasts and I am sure that neither of our corporations wishes to see them gain from our discomfort.
Whilst communications between Azuki and the Guild were no doubt monitored by the KSP, as well as Kusari government agents, there was a clear mandate given to Azuki to ascertain the Guild's intentions - and to relay the offer made by the government to them.
Thus it was no surprise when Azuki forwarded onto her keepers, a communication from one of the Guild Masters.
Quote:Sender: GMG Guild Master Nozaki Ichimoto
To: The Council of the Rising Suns
Subject: The Treaty of Kurile
Rising Suns,
One and a half years ago, I presented to your highness a flawless antique mechanical clock that had long been a centrepiece to the Aomori executive offices. My couriers reported that the package was delivered, but I have no way of knowing whether it was received. Do any of you recall the antique and, more importantly, the message that was delivered with it?
"In order for the Gas Miners Guild to consider future cooperation with Kusari, it is necessary for the Kusari government to uphold the clear original intent of mutually negotiated contracts and treaties...."
And in a subsequent transmission:
"It is only upon a foundation of a reliance in the good faith intentions of Kusari towards the Gas Miners Guild that future negotiations on any matters between GMG, Kusari, and Kusari corporations may proceed... The Gas Miners Guild has full faith that the Emperor of Kusari will commit his government to a path that leads both GMG and Kusari towards mutual understanding, cooperation, and trust..."
The illegal manner in which Kusari ended the Treaty of Aomori fully compromised the foundation of trust that the Guild established with the government. The Guild's demand for Samura to cease operations on Planet Kurile was legal in regards to the Treaty of Aomori. The dispute occurred outside of Kusari Territory as it is defined in the text of the document which the Guild Masters signed, and does not involve aggression against Kusari military or state police forces. The government immediately involved themselves in the crisis, though the Guild considered the dispute to be exclusively with Samura. The treaty was broken when these words were broadcast by your highness:
"The GMG have seen fit to begin assaults against civilian shipping in the Sigmas. Not only that, but now the GMG have cost the lives of three honorable KNF officers who were on board the transport Samura transport Tamasine, making their way to Kurile to meet up with the rest of their wing. These deaths provide a clear and unquestionable violation of article 2.6 of the Treaty of Aomori. The GMG have made clear they have no intention of abiding by the commitments they have made in the Treaty, and as such, today, I declare the Treaty of Aomori violated by the GMG. The Treaty of Aomori is now null and void."
The vessel that was destroyed was transmitting a Samura IFF. By GMG Paramilitary protocol, it is a civilian vessel regardless of the passengers. Instead of Kusari bringing the accused violation of 2.6 to attention where it could be properly evaluated, the government declared the treaty "null and void." Kusari forces took immediate action, seizing assets on Planet Honshu, initiating a blockade of Okinawa, and quarantining Aomori station. This seems inconsistent with what was just transmitted: "Kusari has no and never had a desire for conflict with the Guild."
Despite my instincts, I have decided to give a fair response to the Treaty of Kurile.
Preface: Acceptable
Article 1: Mutual Recognition of Sovereignty
1.1 Acceptable
1.2 Sigma-19 is not a region of political overlap with Kusari. Kusari has no grounds to make territorial claims to the system.
1.3 This is an agreement with the Kusari government, and this section is about 'Sovereignty'. The terms belong in an agreement with Samura Industries. I see no reason to reject the terms, but they do not belong in this treaty.
1.4 Kishiro technologies are the administrators of Isehara Station, and GMG enforces security. There will be no Kusari 'zone' in Okinawa, especially one so vaguely defined.
1.5 "The Gas Miners Guild recognise the Kusari Teikokus right to defend their assets" This line is vague and open to interpretation. Something along the lines of "Kusari Teikoku reserves the right to defend Kusari corporate and government assets within Kusari Territory" might be more agreeable.
Article 2 Mutual Security
2.2a and 2.3a The territorial and property claims of Samura industries should be established in a separate document.
Sigma-17 is neutral territory. As far as the GMG is concerned, KNF operating outside of its territory qualifies as imperial expeditionary forces. Corporations should be responsible for the security of their own installations outside of the territory of its governing body.
The final sentence of 2.3 may be included after a few modifications: "The Gas Miners Guild recognizes Sigma-13 as major transit route to Rheinland. Kusari Naval Forces are granted transit rights through Sigma-13 along the trade lanes. Only one Kusari capital ship may enter the Sigma-13 system at a time."
2.4 Needs to be reverted to the original text. The changes "A small contingent of Kusari officers will hold at Isehara for purposes of its defence, enforcement of a 5.0k radius around the station will be enforced at the discretion of Kishiro Technologies" and "..., out of the Isehara 5k defence zone." are unacceptable.
I hope you will take my suggestions seriously. I do not speak for my colleagues, but I am motivated to reach peace with Kusari the nation, and its people. However, I will only sign a treaty with a governing body that has earned its trust.
Ichimoto Nozaki
Guild Master
Azuki was certain that it would find its way into the hands of the Imperial Council very quickly...
Thank you for your transmission to the government, I have been informed that it is being discussed at this present time as they received another communication from the Guild on a separate line, of course it never hurts to have more for efficiencies sake.
I would recommend an actual diplomatic envoy so we may all sit face to face to discuss this and I am sure immunity for the delegation for the purpose of this visit in a small matter to guarantee.
It fills my heart with joy to know that there is discussion now existing on this matter where we can at least talk about and discuss our differences.
Please pass on my thanks to your colleagues for taking the time to make sure the their transmission has been received.