Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: New Berlin: The Ring
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire
I've asked you all to respond to this communication to offer a project concept I have been working on for your companies. As you may or may not know, I ran the IMG Research and Development team for a number of months and helped me take the skills I learned working with ship repair and construction to a whole new level. Now, back home in Rheinland, I have a considerable stake in the safety of your companies as they are the real strength behind our nation. In the past months I have spoken with both Kruger and Daumann captains and have heard their hopes and wishes for a new class of Rheinalnd transport. I have yet to be able to hear from ALG on my first communication request for a conversation, so I hope this encourages them to answer.
The project name is called ' Leviathan -, a new transport design on par with the Kusari Akegata and Bretionia Shire class transports. I'll supply more details as the project develops as well as a working prototype and design specs when the appropriate time is reached. This will be the first civilian operation ever to interact at this level and I hope it will show the people of Rheinalnd that your companies are approachable and seek to safeguard its employees.
Realistically, though Daumann holds the resources to take on such a project, they still rely on Kruger for additional minerals and ALG for making, what would normally be a horrid mess into a dentist clean office.
When project Leviathan becomes more of a reality, we will ask Daumann to start configuring one of their shipyards to begin construction as soon as the last testing phase is complete. The time frame for a workable ship is still in the distance, but all the technology is ready and available. I hope to hear from you all soon with any comments and questions you may have. I do this for Rheinland.
Transmission timed out
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
[color=#33CC00]From:Helga Henke, The Ring, New Berlin. To:Adam Spire
Good day herr Spire.
My name is Helga Henke, secretary of the Board of Directors, the board has an answer to your transmission.
Quote:The Board has reviewed your request to work as a research and development partner with Daumann Heavy Construction. We would like you to give Herr Daumann and the rest of the board, a presentation for this new concept transport ship. You are right about out needs for a new transport, and your past experience as a leader of research and development for the IMG will surely be beneficial for both of us. We will be waiting for you at The Ring.
Please report to The Ring, base security will be waiting for your arrival.
Good day
Helga Henke,
Administration department,
Secretary of the Board