Oh what a trip. May have been quiet but with Licentia able to crawl around, she sure got estatic when seeing the Omega 41 dwarf star. I think we found her sugar replacement, simply showing her shiny pulsars.
Either way. I took the liberty of responding towards Colonel Erikssons request for help. I may be overstepping my bounds on such but my belief is that we should assist however possible. I'll be personally visiting Omicron Minor the next few days to see if I can assist in anyway. And knowing my sister, she'll try to tell me to not get involved.
I know that we have enough problems within Baffin on certain ships, however could Eris be generous enough to permit a few more souls upon Shasta should things turn for the worst?
****************Incoming Transmission*******************
[color=#FFFFFF]Source:[TAZ]Chao's.Eyes, Livadia Shipyard, Omicron-74 Sender:Professor Louis Carlisle Encryption:Very High
[font=Lucida Console]
Kallisti there fellow brethren.
It's been a long time since Rainus and I contacted you guys. We were ambushed by Nomads somewhere in Omicron Kappa and thus were unable to initiate contact regarding our status. Our ship was crippled and if it wasn't for some strange robots living in Planet Gammu we would have shared the same fate as our Great Polyfather. Yes, we've heard about Mal's death through public channels. We sensed something was wrong the moment our pineals started to tingle. He will be greatly missed.
As for current events, we are now at Livadia Shipyard resting and awaiting for the upgrades the Omicroners are offering. Our ship badly needs major refitting.
Xavier, once we are done with the major refitting. Maybe I can procure the schematics and components that you need for us to be able to start refitting operations in Baffin.
On a personal note, its good to be back home, fellow popes/popess.
~~Yours in Eris' Graciousness~~ Professor Louis Carlisle
Posts: 8,519
Threads: 741
Joined: Aug 2008
Staff roles: Moderator
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: All TAZ
Subject: Various....So Listen Up
A meeting was held yesterday with the senior leadership of the faction. In attendance was Kyte, Mad John, Xavier Triton, Mnemosym and myself. A variety of issues were discussed. I will give you a bit on each.
TAZ ID Paperwork: It has been in the development phase for some time. Initially, I wanted to have it as a requirement for temple access but it seems the tunings will be too difficult for the frequency so I will put forth to have this done as is.
As a side note, I have also put forth to some engineers plans to build a separate Temple. Then we can move the temple off of Pueblo. Perhaps this will deter visitors.
Xavier Triton has been named Ambassador for TAZ. With my medical obligations and just the daily grind of being the administrator, I felt this to be a good move. Xavier has served me as deputy Ambassador for some time and done so admirably. Unless I'm specifically asked for, Xavier will represent TAZ in diplomatic matters. Who knows, some fresh blood at some of the old negotiating tables may be just what is needed. Natually, I will give final approval or disapproval before any signings but I trust Xavier's judgement. Xavier, there is an empty office down the hall from me that is a bit more comfy than what you currently have so feel free to move into it.
Gallia: Intell of Gallia has been scarce of late so I don't know what's going on there besides the many reports of GRN sitings in the Taus. My orders remain. NO TAZ ships are to enter Gallic space and if you're in the Taus, be extra careful and if possible, bring an escort. If anyone has information to pass along, please do.
Automated Defenses: This idea was proposed for Baffin, to be placed at either side of the Superhighway and around our bases. I have again put this forth to our engineers. I'm hoping that if it happens that we will have defenses similar to those of Omicron 74. This will take some time.
Fighter/Bomber Training: We all need this. We have good transport pilots and capital crews but few experienced fighter and bomber pilots. We need to train in fighter to fighter, bomber to bomber and fighter to bomber training. I will attempt to contact some local neighbors about some drills. Perhaps sparring with a few different ones will help get different styles and perspectives.
My congratulations also go out to Fyre, the now former commander of [TAZ]Chaogirl's.Pride as she married Administrator Matok of Freeport 6 yesterday. The ship, as I understand, will be commanded now by Kyte and will frequent both bases. Please extend your congratulations to them both.
Professor Carlisle, you may want to look up Commander Haddock at Lividia. Med.Force.One has been at Lividia for the past couple of weeks undergoing upgrades and new medical installs. I'm sure he'd like the company of one of his own while he's there.
I called the Conference called 'Consul escort' back to Baffin.
That ship will serve as an armed transport for the Discordians wishing to travel within our system.
The vessel was renamed [TAZ]Cabbage.Help.Fund.
Please change the transponder designation in our charts, John.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++
I saw your notion on this bit from your last message..
Quote:Fighter/Bomber Training: We all need this. We have good transport pilots and capital crews but few experienced fighter and bomber pilots. We need to train in fighter to fighter, bomber to bomber and fighter to bomber training. I will attempt to contact some local neighbors about some drills. Perhaps sparring with a few different ones will help get different styles and perspectives.
As being one with possibly the most combat experience within TAZ, I hereby request to take command of our few fighter groups in case of any emergency in the future. By Eris I know I could do my best to keep the peace. I just hope nothing turns into the calamity like it did in Omega 3 more than a year ago in baffin anytime soon.
Brettonias ==End of Log==
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Your help would be appreciated.
To tell you the truth, i'm currently working on a restructuring of the Templars orders.
We do need more dedication and a better professionalism within the Templars orders, as you know, given what is happening in the Taus, these days.
As soon as the changes will be agreed on within the very inner spanktum, you will be informed.
For now on, stay shiny.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++
Comm ID: [TAZ]Kyte
Loc: Warden's Office, Baffin
To: All TAZ
Subject: Refit
Okay I responded to the post on refit, suggesting that we are working on our end toward helping out Livida. Of course they were very gracious in their reply. Gotta love those guys. Will have Pride sent down this week. This refit opportunity comes at a good time. We don't want to be operating outdated ships, however, as you all know we do have some facilities of our own. It is important that we continue to support the fine folks over there, while we work to expand our own facilities. Ultimately I feel this is worthy of our attention and resources.
Additionally, I wanted to express my happiness at being able to visit with you in our meeting over Eris. It has been a long time since we have been able to do that. I'd like to see us together again, before to long to revisit the items that Doc discussed. Schedules being what they are, if we keep our noses pointed in the right direction, I think we can make it happen, eventually. The participation of TAZ members always makes me smile. And I do love to smile.
For those who expressed concern. Fyre, is doing well. If you happen to be in the vicinity of Freeport 6, I'm sure both Matok and she would love to share a drink at the Deadbeat Cafe.
I'll be around Baffin should you need me, as I have no plans to depart before the new year.
I would like to respond to Doc's transmission. He mentioned the training session, I would like to take part but because of our schedule it may happen I cannot attend to each of them.
On the other hand, I think the same, that the Templars should be highly trained. I'm afraid that we need to engage more often than we would like to. If needed I can arm a few fighters and bombers... well my resources are limited, still I would like to take part in every event.
So then, I'll be away for some time, I hope you don't plan to organize those trainings soon. Anyway, send a private message to me, so I can keep myself updated.
23's for now
~Declare yourself what you wish, do what you like and tell us about it. Or, if you prefer, don’t.~
[color=#FFFFFF]Kallisti folks, I am glad to announce that the Discordia has left the drydock of Livadia, structural repairs and modifications have been made. The modifications that are still in queue can be done in flight without problems.
I am sure the ship will be fully operational around new years eve.
On other news, I still haven't heard from our captain, Sister Joanna, if any of you might have information on her where abouts, please share!