I'm buzzed, and ideas are flowing out of my mind like.... okay i can't think of an analogy.
Anyway, i was thinking. There are Basic gunboat turrets, basic cruiser turrets, basic battleship turrets, and there are faction turrets of these ship classes.
There are civilian weapons, and there are faction weapons.
However, there are only two types of bomber guns, the EMP and the Energy.
Out of curiosity, are there plans to have faction bomber guns? If not, why not? Would be great for diversity, like a logo kind of thing. Sick of the yellow squishy lightning balls and seizure-causing sparks of light.
EDIT: I just noticed that there was a poll in the Mod Balance section up there. Sorry about that. But hey, more power to the people:P
Dunno, I like the current bomber guns. Definitely better than when they had fighter-guns. All I'd like to see is some color variations, but I guess it's blinding shine is part of the balance. Either you aim, or shoot.. :)
I heard a rumor there will be varied bomber equipment in 10 days, but rumors, you know.
I guess that factionalisation would lead to the same discussions like with the fighter guns (see molly feedback for a good example), we cant need that.
Also, it would include a lot of balancing and developing, that might have been too much of it for any .85 releases and therefore hasn't been added.