I'm starting to get the feeling that dogfighting isn't for me. It doesn't help that by this time, the only people flying are goddamn ace pilots, so people like me get curb stomped.
Hey don't worry about it, have you tried all the various combat craft types to see if you are better at any of them.
Never know, you might rock in cap ships.
Besides RHA are one of the most dangerous groups to bump into.
Don't worry you're not alone. My ass get kicked almost always. Now i fly cruisers and GBs. I still die in those but i like them better. Some training with friends can help too.
' Wrote:It doesn't help that by this time, the only people flying are goddamn ace pilots
Uh, you couldnt be farther from the truth. I imagine that the general pvp ability of people has improved a bit over the past, 6-7 months or so, yes, but there are still only a -few- people that actually know how to duel/groupfight.
If you ever see me in Connecticut just pm me and I'll try and help you a bit.
If that doesnt work out for you, you can always try capital ships. You never know, maybe you're gonna rock in Gunboats.