Wait. I think I may know what Dub is trying to get at with armour upgrades and the scrapping of bots.
Ok so lets take my ship (LABC) as the example.
Currently it has a hull of 450,000 Units.
Capital Ship Armour Upgrade IV buffs that to 1,350,000 Units.
Then add the Nanobots Buffs it to 1,350,900.
So total is 1,350,900.
If we apply the idea of scrapping the nanobots and just adding them to hull.
Hull would now be 450,900 Units.
Capital Ship Armour Upgrade IV buffs that to 1,352,700.
No nanobots so no buff here.
So total is 1,352,700.
1,350,900 =/= 1,352,700
Although now after looking at the math theres not a huge difference. Its just under 2,000 units. But its still a difference. And don't forget bigger ships with bigger cap upgrades would be effected a lot more.
I spose you could do it with fighters since the buff would be negligible but larger caps with larger armours may need to be rebalanced.
1st: Nanobots repair 600 per unit.
2nd: This is not how it works.
The LABC has 450'000 points of armor.
Slap a CAU 4 (3.0) on that, it will have 450'000 points of armor. BUT the damage that it takes is reduce to 1/3 - so it has IN THEORY 450'000 * 3.0 = 1'300'000 armor points. But only in theory. So, if you use bots to restore armor, you will have the [C]AU bonus "added" to them as well. This makes it uninteresting, in this case, whether the ship has 990'000 points of armor, or 450'000 points of armor and 900 bots.
LABC has 450.000 base hull points and 540.000 (900*600) hull points in nanobots. This sum multiplied by the armor upgrade multiplier gives you the number of effective hull points which would be 2.970.000 in this case.
' Wrote:Its not that simple. They would have to re-balance everything from gun/mine/missile damage to Armor Upgrades and Capital Ships.
It would also ruin dueling.
i beg u pardon, how so?
what's the difference between having 100units of hull and 50 nanobots or 5000 of hull(50x100) without nanos??
it would pretty much prevent everyone from sharing the nanobots, fleeing yet re-engaging
what's the difference between having 100units of hull and 50 nanobots or 5000 of hull(50x100) without nanos??
it would pretty much prevent everyone from sharing the nanobots, fleeing yet re-engaging
it's THE SAME, you just dont repair... jeez
Well, it would prolong group fights severely. Duels as well. Every ship would have way more armor, and with the gun damage staying the same, it would take hours upon hours for group fights to finish. Because by doing this, you remove several abilities pilots have in group fights. Namely, double-razor instakill. They dont happen often, but they do happen when people forget to regen. You forget to regen, you take a razor to the hull, you die. You lose that possibility.
CD-Mine traps would become extremely noneffective. All of your nukes and cd's wouldnt be enough to kill one ship, if their damage stayed the same.
Razors would become noneffective. Not just fighter razors, but gunboat razors as well. Gunboats wouldnt be able to instakill a fighter with 3 razor shots anymore. They also wouldnt be able to do any damage to other gunboats. You could pretty much scrap all of your razor gunboats.
Bombers would become even more useless since they wouldnt be able to do a lot of damage to gunboats anymore (or any other cap for that matter), with snacs. Snacs would become useless.