If you cant say something nice constructive or lacking that special crap flavor.. dont bother hitting the reply button.
For gods sake who raised you people. Go punch your parents. it only shows on you, who you are, what good you are, and how quite frankly no one cares about your crap. Im sorry to have to be the one TO TELL YOU THIS.
Anyway. ON TOPIC.
Tena. as well as I have been probably following the progress of this mod for awhile. Or what you could call the version changed through the ages. Needless to say.. eventually it will become stable. it will become nerfed and patched and all the wonderful things people hate and love or dont care about.
And while I dont agree to throw in the towel just this moment.. For some folks. Really. at this point it could honestly be "done" for them.
It's a beta, treat it as one. Beta is a work in progress, essentially; count yourself as a tester of the game.
However, a smaller (50 slot or something) server running .85 would be cool to have at least a server you can play on without bugs until there is .86 final release (non-beta, final release, srly).
90% of reported "bugs" and crashes are client side, Tena and you know that very well. Those issues will be fixed when players themselves follow instructions to the letter (now they just think they do).
As for the rest of FLHook issues, well they are under heavy testing and many things will be fixed during next days or so. Issues with equipment will be addressed also. Most devs don't play the game any more in such extent that we know everything (or anything) about your or everybody's else role play. We don't know everything and that is why beta exist.
Some system had to be included as base point. Now you don't like this system and instead of collecting your thoughts and ideas together with reasoning for those based of your role play and handing it over to devs to make appropriate changes, you leave ranting and flaming all over.