Run Hack interface protocol 451.......................
Program interface established:::::::
Uploading frequency to long range transmission array.
Frequency found..........Patching.............Patch loaded and running:::::::
This is VP Orion from the RepEx-Security team. I am now returned to my desk at Hamburg and sat enjoying a fine cigar to mark the destruction of two of your valued corsair brothers. Your association to the TBH will be the downfall of your organisation with the demise of elder alexander they are leading your people down a course of destruction. Prepare yourselves for the onslaught of RepEx in retaliation for their attack on our CEO Alex Cummings. I will have every corsair head on a spike outside of Alster shipyard before I allow my bloodlust to be quelled. Yesterday I personally led a reprisal attack against the corsairs in Gamma. Corsair forces have been inside Rheinland on too many occasions recently and the attack on our CEO is too much to bear. Reprisals are inevitable. How you respond to this is what will mark you as a man of intelligence Xavier.
Your pilot Ferono was destroyed and Jose forced to retreat from battle yesterday and they led 3 other corsairs to their death. I see some skill and capability about your people Xavier. I urge you to not become embroiled in the destruction of the TBH by RepEx. Elder Alexander used to moderate these fools and stay their hand from stupidity. With that gone YOU need to step up to the plate and decide if your 'familia' need to be treated like rabid dogs and shot or will you stay your hand and focus on your true enemy the outcasts.
RepEx has been a friend to the corsairs in the past. Until recently I was helping Alexander in his research on nomad physiology and transported goods to crete for him. It was on delivery of one of these shipments that the TBH Velasco destroyed one of our cruisers. Your forces were not involved at that time. Ensure they do not become overstretched and do not allow your desire for blood to cloud your judgement here. I give you this one chance to back off from this engagement Xavier in the hope that you can show sense among the corsair people. Should you not take my advice then I assure you the destruction of the benitez family will become second priority to me stringing up the TBH by the skinny drains they call necks.
I am poised to make you a friend or hated enemy.
Allow your intelligence to rule here and not your heart.
Orion out.
"Ok cut the transmission and scramble the transmitter location"
||GF to all involved. the fighter squadron did a fantastic job however was outgunned by Capitals. In honesty we were expecting more gunships than we got.
Senor, a week or so ago, your organisation handed over one of our Corsair bretheren to the Rhienland Police. Any petty disagreements you may have had with the Brotherhood pale in comparrison to such a vicious act of hostility against our nation.
We assisted our brothers in retrieving this operative, and the prison transport destroyed itself. This, naturally, means that your attack on Gamma was the first move towards hostility between our organisations.
I will make myself perfectly clear, we will stand in solidarity with our brothers as long as corporate Rhienlanders threaten our home. Outside of our home, we will continue to pirate your convoys as we would to any other organisation. We reserve the right to demand whatever we wish from convoys we ambush.
Our nation has, and does face many threats. We will survive as we have always done.
I would like to add that I find it personally offencive that you appeal to one of my generals, as opposed to me, in order to overturn a decision I have made. It looks to me as if, lacking the necesary force, you wish to undemine Corsair solidarity and trigger a civil war within our family.
The issue here is not about what side we choose, but what stance you choose to take with us. You have had our bretheren imprisoned, you have invaded our home, and you have attempted to plant the seeds of mutiny.
Any good will is gone.
||| You should consider in future that over 70% of Benitez ships are fighters, and these are the ships that new members recieve. They are also the default option chosen when defending crete. I should also stress the RP unlikelihood that Republican Shipping would send battleships to a a pirate system over 5 systems away from civilisation, surrounded by dense asteroid fields and radiation and enemy hazards.
Message to: The Brotherhood
CC: Benitez Family
Comm ID: Teresa Chavez
The last imprudence of RepEx security department is outrageous!
Not only have they betrayed our brother Emilio Torres and handed him over to Rheinland Federal Police, but they also dared to attack Omicron Gamma with a squadron containing several capital ships! No surprise our brothers weren't prepared for this, who'd expect that?
When I spoke with Torress in Crete's hospital (yes he's recovering after the rescue and he'll be okay), he told me that the purpose of the RepEx security fleet was only to protect the transports and it contained only fighter-class ships. But now it seems this is no longer the truth. They must have become incredibly rich as their security fleet now includes cruisers.
Do you really think they need cruisers to protect their transports? I doubt! They must have be looking higher and after yesterday's attack in Gamma I fear their plans with the Corsair nation didn't end with betraying a corsair co-founder of their own company (Emilio Torres), and they want more.
I hope the Dons and Elders of both Benitez and the Brotherhood are reading my message, because I think they need to get together and create an offensive plan to stop this. I don't believe random piracy is going to endanger such a wealthy company as RepEx. We need more coordinated hit and run strikes, maybe a full force attack later, but we really need to act quickly now!
And I think it won't take them a long time to find out who crippled their rat-leader Alex Cummings. And when they do, I think we could expect a huge bounty on my head as well as increase of their attacks in Gamma.
Teresa Chavez out.
If I die, I forgive you, father. If I live we shall see.....Teresa Chavez
---------Incoming Message--------------
To: Benitez and Allies
ID: Imperator, Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Mrytos Villa, Benitez Base on Crete.
Hermanos, I was released from Crete medical on Tuesday. I have been resting at the villa, and will be back in space tonight. Those Liberty fools gave me a rough time after I was captured smuggling, but luckely you rescued me before they handed me over to Rhienland.
See you in space tonight familia.
The Praetorian class bomer "Maldicion" (Curse) is reporting on active duty, after christened on planet Crete, and it will complement the Titan class VHF "Intangible" (Untouchable). May those Order torpedoes wreck havoc upon our enemies!
-----------Incoming Message-------------
To: The Benitez Family
Comm ID: Imperator Don Carlos Benitez
Momentary blip with our comm channels. The Outcasts may be attempting to scramble our interlink frequencies. Dont be alarmed if it goes down (forums) again.
------Incoming Message----------
Comm ID: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez
To: The Benitez Family of Crete
Once again mi familia, we find ourselves in a position of deteriorating diplomacy with the Brotherhood. Not only have they attempted to drag us into their stand-off with the Coalition Rev Army, and force us to become unfriendly with them, but it seems now they threaten to murder our brothers for upholding laws made to protect the people of Crete.
It is with a heavy heart I give these orders. With the Brotherhood's current stance, and their majority control over the Council, it seems we now cannot help or aid the people of Crete as we once did.
I am ordering all brothers and sisters of this family to prepare to leave Crete, and Omecron Gamma, if this becomes necessary.
Start moving your belongings onto your ships, and invite your closest friends and your own close family (spouses, children etc. ) to join in the exodus to our new home.
A new system was recently charted, and it has been my task over recent months to oversee the construction of a new base there. We will make our way there, together, if the time comes that we must leave Crete.
Therefore, prepare yourselves, and await the signal. The signal that will sound throughout Sirius, and reach brothers and sisters operating on Leon, Cadiz, Freeports, and even those involved in smuggling in Manhattan; the message that the Benitez family seat of power will no-longer reside on Crete, but a new outpost on the edge of Sirius, where we can live without interference, bureaucracy and injustice that now plague the Council of Elders.
To: Don Carlos Benitez OF CRETE
CC: The Benitex family OF CRETE
From: Commodore Dieter Zehn, SCRA
I don't suppose it would astound you to know we have our eyes and ears on the surface of Crete at this present time. Needless to say we've heard about the threats you've received from that rabble, the Brotherhood. We've also come across a certain abandonment order from yourself to the rest of your illustrious family. I say illustrious as even the Coalition can be wrong from time to time. We now see who the real Corsairs are.
Our co-habition with the Corsairs over the years has taught us something about them, and that is that true Corsairs never back down. It is this characteristic that turns heads in the Coalition Revolutionary Army, and is truely an attribute to be praised. I therefore see no sense in your order to leave Crete, the true Corsair's home. A mere threat from that bunch of digressing fools should not uproot those whom truely belong.
I do not make the mistake of underestimating you either, Commandante Benitez. We both know that you are neither ignorant nor unknowledgeable about the Coalition. We've had our disagreements, and I won't pretend that there is no love lost between the Benitez and the Coalition. But I believe you know how powerful a force we can be. With that said, you know that if shots were fired between your family and those indecisive traitors, the Coalition would not stay quiet. As with all our battles and wars, we fight for an advantage, not priniciple. I also think we both know where this advantage lies at the present time.
The heart of a true Corsair belongs with Crete. Those that seek to remove that should be destroyed.
Comm ID: Raul D. Yanez
Message to: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez
CC to: The Benitez Family of Crete
Don Carlos, I am seemingly upset about Brother Martinez, who flew the Guevara. We expect an excellent behaviour from our fellow brethren, and the behaviour Brother Martinez showed is indeed not acceptable. I doubt a few months with cleaning the bar is enough for a punishment.
We still need time to discuss a reasonable punishment for him and to investigate the source of that behaviour.
------Incoming Transmission----------
Comm ID: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez
To: Elder Raul D. Yanez
Let us not pretend that only one crime was committed during this incident. This pilot brought numerous thousand tourists to Crete against protocol, causing a food crisis (1). He refused to stop (2). He switched characters when fired upon by my brothers (3). He fired upon my familia (4) thus obstructing their duties in upholding our laws (5). He threatened to murder one of my familia (6). In-so-doing, set about a chain of events that could have lead to a diplomatic crisis (7).
7 Crimes against our people in as many minutes. I don't care if he is a good pilot, I want him made example of.