This is my maintenance report for works carried out on the DSE)Globemaster. According to our Chief of Departments, Mr Denian, the Globemaster suffered an explosive decompression on cargo pod 6 duing a routine mining run.
Furtunatly the pod, upon sustaining a hull breach had automatically sealed and jettisoned itself just as designed, leaving the track and docking clamps undamaged.
A thorough examination an screening of all tracks, airlocks and clamps revealed no faults to be present, and the new pod was installed successfully without incident. After a series of pressure and integrity tests, repairs were completed.
Another happy customer *smiles*
Also, just as a reminder to all employees, If you have any problems with your company vessels I'm more then happy to carry out service and repair work.
That's all I have for now. Until next time, *waves*
Catelyn out.
Location: Planet California Minor
From: First Mate Alan D Stark
Ship name: DSE)Intrepid
today I took part in a Mining Operation happened in Humboldt system,
leaded by our Mrs.Rinoa on her Phoenix.Tears.
We had the pleasure to share the Operation with our friends from Liberty Navy,
Sir Clark and Sir Polstari.
This time I headed the Intrepid to store the Silver Ore
and with great satisfaction we reached Planet California Minor with 4100 precious units.
Please look files attached for more infos.
Well it's bad enough to have to fix asteroid and piracy damage,
But for bored teenage thugs to ripping off two of your starboard turrets? I mean really?
So whatever happened to those five punks in Bloodhounds?
I heard you managed to destroy all their ships, tractor them in and call their parents.
Personally I woulddn't mind babysitting them whilst they cleaned out the barges exhaust vents.
Anyways, repairs to the Dolphin are complete. Two shiny new CT-404 "Dulzian" transport turrets have been fitted.
A little hone and polish at the pivot point and a few initial motor gearing tests have been carried out,
but they will both require field testing. If you come across any problems with them just let me know.
Well I certainly hope those punks have rich parents,
or good lawers,
cause I'll be charging out the $850,000 repair to be sorted out amongst them.
Maybe they can mow lawns on Manhattan until they're 80
Anyways, you have a nice day Mr Dublin, and again,
Any more problems just let me know.
Catelyn out...
Cargo run from humboldt to Planet Harris has failed... *static* Legion Space..*static* Suffered casualties in decks 3-7...*static* Galliac Battleship just appeared in front of Tau 31 J....*Static*
Decryption fail, Re-analyzing binary data....
*A long and suspending static* Require repairs and escort to Liberty Space, contract offered is 4 Million, please hurry before they...*static*
Transmission Terminated..signal lost..
.:j:.El.Ron.Skarsle [Waran] ˜˜˜˜ .:j:.String [Conference]
.:j:.RatString [Annapurna] ˜˜˜˜˜˜ .:j:.Skarsle [P;train]
David.Walker [Neptheysr] The Order ˜˜Peirre La Swamp - Wyrm - KuExiles
Dear Catelyn.
This is James Dublin in reply to your recent report on the repairs to the Dolphin.
First of all i want to say that the work you did on my ship was fantastic... I have just returned from a short weapons test and can confirm that all the hydraulics and targeting systems are in ship shape and good working order. I've included some of the test footage below for the records
As for the kids... I hope they learn their lesson when they're put to work to make up that money; and I'm sure they wont be getting into any mischief like this again, for quite some time atleast... They're just lucky that they didn't try this on some of the other traders around Sirius as it might have ended differently for them...
Whatever the case my ship is now back to its working state and so i can go about my work thanks to you
Oh boy. I hate to be the one to give bad news but I think we have some psycho guy after us, making claims that we are the backbone of Liberty and that we should eat scrap metal... I know right? I don't understand it either.
Well, Wasn't able to get much, got a communications recording that I've attached below, hope that helps.
Anyway, While I remember, Jess got hit by the same guy. Got told to talk to John about bounties, so I'll go sort that out now.. Well, not Right now, I still gotta upload the communication log things....
Quote: DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Greetings!
DSE)Phoenix.Tears: aye take care string. im headin back
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Location?
DSE)Globemaster: Me?
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Yep
DSE)Globemaster: D/C1
DSE)Globemaster: about 50K under plane
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Waypoint set, on my way.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Almost there...
DSE)Globemaster: And then?
DSE)Globemaster: I got it.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Oi, Globemaster, what you doing all the way out here?
Monkshood: "Swallow the pieces whole."
DSE)Globemaster: I'm sorry, what?
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: John told you not to go getting lost...
Monkshood: "You heard us."
Monkshood: "This is debris from your operations, it has sustained you, so eat it."
DSE)Globemaster: That would mutiliate our insides.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Hm, What?
DSE)Globemaster: Not our operations.
Monkshood: "You will probably survive."
DSE)Globemaster: It's Liberty as a whole.
Monkshood: "You are the backbone"
DSE)Globemaster: Do you really plan on making all of Liberty eat scrap metal?
Monkshood: "Do not shift the blame"
DSE)Globemaster: Backbone, don't flatter me.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Well, who's this then?
Monkshood: "You will do this, and then you will tell others of what happened."
DSE)Globemaster: The Navy is the backbone.
Monkshood: "This is a demand."
DSE)Globemaster: I refuse to make my crew do such a dispicable and absurd demand.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Hes right you know, *Smirks* I wouldnt do that if I were you..
DSE)Globemaster: So, you can shoot me, and my crew will be swallowed up by Lightning, they are already in their pods....
DSE)Globemaster: But
DSE)Globemaster: If you really want the debris gone
DSE)Globemaster: Is it worth shooting me with all this metal onboard?
DSE)Globemaster: You will be just as guilty as the people you claim to be making pay.
Well, that was about the time I called in for backup, you know, being the first time in a fighter. Damn, I was just test flying it to make sure the repairs were all good!
Quote:DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Howdy
Monkshood: "The metal on board your ship has value, and lightning here will see that it is recovered"
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: You know, DSE) has already put programmes in place to clean it up. Guess you being... you... wouldnt know that thoug
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Howsit. I can mine for you shortly
DSE)Globemaster: So, you plan to make it better by making it worst?
Monkshood: "I think it is quite clear I am here to make an example of you."
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Do I have to make an example of you?
String_Skarsle: hehe beuty mate good timing !....... there are details on secure comms
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: He aint gunna eat it.
DSE)Globemaster: You know, to really achieve your goal, would be to join DSE, and help wit hthe containment.
Monkshood: "You may try. And we will all burn together."
DSE)Globemaster: You are being nearsighted.
DSE)Globemaster: This temporary punishment of the people who seek to clean it merely pushes us further from our goal.
Monkshood: "My sight is not like you can possibly imagine."
DSE)Globemaster: No, I'm not a dunderhead.
Monkshood: "Your operations have not succeeded in centuries."
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Guard: So what's all this fuss about?
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Mitchell, he aint lost
DSE)Globemaster: Neither have yours, apparently.
Monkshood: "Now, I see you have more support."
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Got some nutty guy here
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Guard: Nutty? How splendid
Monkshood: "IF, and probably when they fire, your ship will not survive before they are able to destroy this branch"
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Yeah, something about eating scrap metal.
DSE)Globemaster: So, Monk, we all burn, increase the mess, increase the burden.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Guard: Let's go. Time to get home guys
DSE)Globemaster: Why not let us go about our job.
Monkshood: "But I will compromise. Eat it yourself captain, you alone."
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: On your call.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Globe, what do you wish to do?
DSE)Globemaster: -He ponders for a moment-
Monkshood: "One piece of scrap metal, and you can be on your way"
Monkshood: "Take it with water if you must, run to the hospital afterward"
DSE)Globemaster: That's a lot of scrap.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: It would tear up his insides. You do know that, so water and hospital wont do anything. We are too far away for that
DSE)Globemaster: My ranking prevents me from complying.
Monkshood: "a piece half the size of a deck of cards"
DSE)Globemaster: But, I insist you listen.
DSE)Globemaster: Your mere attempts here sing a loud enough note.
DSE)Globemaster: Shouldn't it be that I devoted all this time to you, is proof enough?
DSE)Globemaster: I could be shooting you.
DSE)Globemaster: We will listen.
Monkshood: "I am not convinced enough."
DSE)Globemaster: As we are now.
Monkshood: "Talk means nothing"
DSE)Globemaster: Then why do you do so much of it?
DSE)Globemaster: And so verily push your point?
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: *Giggles*
Monkshood: "Because we are sentient beings, now, EAT"
DSE)Globemaster: If it means nothing, the whole human existence is nothing.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Ugh, Still on it?
DSE)Globemaster: No, stop being a nearsighted dunderhead.
DSE)Globemaster: Listen to yourself.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: I dont see anyone eating anything for some time.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Globe, I suggest we get a move on
DSE)Globemaster: You are preaching the right belief.
DSE)Globemaster: In the wrong way.
DSE)Globemaster: Help us.
Monkshood: "You do not know who nor what you are trying to negotiate with."
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: My coffees going cold...
DSE)Globemaster: I don't care.
DSE)Globemaster: If you really love nature like you do
DSE)Globemaster: You'd be there with us, cleaning.
Monkshood: "Who is to say we are not? we are everywhere."
DSE)Globemaster: I know I don't like it, but I know it's a job that needs to be done.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: *has a blank look on his face(
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: No, your right here, and your starting to annoy me...
By this time, I was getting mad. My coffee had gone cold and yuck like, and I don't like cold coffee, so I needed to get back to Baltimore to get a new one, but this guy was STILL talking away, like he had all day or something.
Quote:DSE)Globemaster: -He sighs-
Monkshood: "The fastest growth comes after a fire."
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: I dunno what the hell this prick is on, but I'm done listening.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Finally. On your call.....
DSE)Globemaster: I'm sorry it has to be like this.
Monkshood: "Do it. Fire."
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Globemaster, I require you to make way for baltimore
DSE)Globemaster: I'll do as needed.
DSE)Globemaster: I move, he fires.
DSE)Globemaster: I know the routine.
Monkshood: "They fire, I fire."
DSE)Globemaster: So, if you plan to dance.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: I have beams ready to pick up your pod if it goes bad
Monkshood: "You won't make it back."
DSE)Globemaster: You might as well lead.
DSE)Globemaster: I know I won't.
DSE)Globemaster: But I trust you two.
DSE)Globemaster: Ready...
DSE)Globemaster: GO
DSE)Globemaster: Out to solve a problem by fire
DSE)Globemaster: it's buckling
Monkshood: "Now flee. and tell your leaders what happened this day."
DSE)Globemaster: Those are my leaders........
DSE)Globemaster: Disengage you two.
DSE)Globemaster: For Liberty's sake.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Hm.
Monkshood: "Look, learn, remember."
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Guard: I'd rather he was dead, but very well
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Dont let me see you again
DSE)Globemaster: Cate is gonna be pissed.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Very
Monkshood: "If you couldn't see us, you wouldn't be breathing"
DSE)Globemaster: Thanks.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Globemaster, get to base and repair.
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Get off your high horse
DSE)Globemaster: -He rummages around for something to drink- Well, looks like I need a drink.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Jess gotta hear about this?
DSE)Globemaster: -He shrugs- They're too busy.
DSE)Globemaster: We are making our best effort.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Same guy hit her, I think.
DSE)Globemaster: What more could we do?
Traffic control alert: DSE)Globemaster has requested to dock
DSE)B-25.Mitchell: Amanda, can you talk to John about bounties?
Traffic control alert: DSE)B-25.Mitchell has requested to dock
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Sure thing, I'll write up a report.
Traffic control alert: DSE)P-38.Lightning has requested to dock
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Amanda: Drinks are on me, I think you two deserve one.
DSE)Globemaster: See you there.
DSE)P-38.Lightning: Sure thing, This ships fine. See the rest of you guys around.
But yeah, we all made it back ok, poor engineers having to fix Globemaster though, Its a mess! Oh well, at least he didnt get completely blown up or anything silly like that. I think we did quite well...
Oh... Right... John.. Where is he, I needa go sort out that bounty or something...
Cargo run from humboldt to Planet Harris has failed... *static* Legion Space..*static* Suffered casualties in decks 3-7...*static* Galliac Battleship just appeared in front of Tau 31 J....*Static*
Decryption fail, Re-analyzing binary data....
*A long and suspending static* Require repairs and escort to Liberty Space, contract offered is 4 Million, please hurry before they...*static*
Transmission Terminated..signal lost..
Upon arrival to planet Leeds I found the String_Skarsle disabled and running on mimimum power and life support.
The Train had suffered numerous hull breaches, forcing the onboard computer to isolate the bulkheads
in order to prevent the damaged sections from compormising the rest of the hull.
Several of the... *Will takes a long pause*
...remaining refugees and crew were trapped and sealed off from the main foreward train car.
With the support of the String_Skarsle's Capitain, a Mr Skarsle and his crew, we were able to override the ships emergency systems and use the ships shield generator to sustain atmophere around the exterior of the train. This was achieved by venting the remaining life support into the shield void, whilst the Sentinel shared life support with the foreward car. This enabled the bulkhead airlocks on the breached sections to be opened, allowing trapped personel to navigate their way to the foreward car.
Once everybody had been successfully relocated to the foreward car, the atmospheric venting was shut down and proper life support was restored. The refugees were transferred aboard the Sentinel whilst myself and the crew of the String_Skarsle's worked at welding temporary support panels to the rear bulkhead.
By this time the Sentinel's life support systems were beginning to drop below recommended safe levels under the burden of sustaining the second ship. The String_Skarsle's and the Sentinel landed safely on planet Leeds.
The String_Skarsle's will remain on planet Leeds for a while whilst extensive repairs are carried out by the local engineering staff.
*Willis pauses again to collect himself*
It feels bitter to call anything that happened today a success, but I have nothing but respect for Mr Skarsle and his exceptional crew for how they performed under circumstances that are ... sad to say the least...
I leave you with a transript of the following conversation. The loss of human life to those Royalists... I really am lost for words...
[color=#FF0000]File Transfer Complete - Scanning..:
To:DSE Head Of Department Of Mining! From:Pending DSE Hauler Mr. Skarsle of the String_Skarsle
Attached File:
Quote:Dear HOD,
After the horrific incident at planet Leeds, the repairs on the String_Skarsle have been completed, and the remaining refugees sucsefully made it to planet Pittsburg, however there have been several succesful mining operations commenced in Humboldt but i am confused as to your neural net details for funds tranfser, you see sire, the String_Skarsle has now totaled 113,187,009 in sirus credits and i cannot complete my report until my earnings are verified and the correct tax be processed!
Please respond ASAP
Verified: DSE - String_Skarsle [CT69 - "Crane" Civilian Train]
Location: California Minor - California
..Transmission End..
.:j:.El.Ron.Skarsle [Waran] ˜˜˜˜ .:j:.String [Conference]
.:j:.RatString [Annapurna] ˜˜˜˜˜˜ .:j:.Skarsle [P;train]
David.Walker [Neptheysr] The Order ˜˜Peirre La Swamp - Wyrm - KuExiles
First, I'm 'ery glad ta be aboard, and yeah.
Second,most importantly, I got meself a shippey. Yeah,a brand new Stork. Some cousin of mine died and left it to me. Odd,but who cares. I've already tagged the ship DSE)Hustler and it's ready to do its purpose. I'll gather some temporary crew until I can at least get it back to Liberty... It may need some repairs and a repaint job.
I also may be interested in yer mining operations, but we'll talk about that some other time.