Your ZOI is pretty much all of Sirius by what you listed. I find that a little extreme. As to goals/lack of ID/IFF seams to me you all just want to be a pew pew everyone faction, everywhere faction. That will equal fail.
If the group would became official, if possible, we would like to get our own ID for now as soon as possible...
500 SC millions can be found on (SR~New.Dawn
It has been stated by a few admins there will be no more non lore faction IDs handed out. So you need to pick an ID that excists, and has no Official faction already.
' Wrote:Your ZOI is pretty much all of Sirius by what you listed. I find that a little extreme. As to goals/lack of ID/IFF seams to me you all just want to be a pew pew everyone faction, everywhere faction. That will equal fail.
They've been operating for quite some time without fail, their ZOI is mainly in the Tau region, branching out only on occasion. I see no problem with that, especially since they are "Raiders."
My say on it is: If BHG/Reavers/Mandos/IC/[C]/Zoners/Junkers/IND can have a huge ZOI, why not another faction?
And if you have met them, they really aren't a "pew every faction everywhere" at all.
' Wrote:It has been stated by a few admins there will be no more non lore faction IDs handed out. So you need to pick an ID that excists, and has no Official faction already.
Nope, in fact the admins have left several "blank" IDs in the game system already so they can edit them in as other factions become official, without having to mess with sending out a new update. Just a bit of FLHook and a server restart and new official factions can get their ID with the correct nerfs.
You mentioned you "avoid" a few area's. That is not the same as not going there, or out of your ZOI.
But what ever. You seem to not care about people's input here, so in game i will not care for your faction. Deal with comments, or do not post. Several made good comments, and you snapped at them. My oppinion? bad start.