The thing just mixes those two values up. Best verify which one it is by simply comparing it with one from the game's infocards. (E.g - I'm sure as /bleep/ that a hammerfall codie does some 850 hull dmamge per shot and has 3.03 refire)
Nope, the Infocard is right about Hammerfall, it does 750.
But it is still one of the best coddies out there, it is most energy efficient for sure.
750 damage for 130 energy. Even more efficient then Prometheus.
But, Prometheus looks nicer, and does more damage, even though it uses a bit more energy:)
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I picked up two Cerberus turrets and bought one Zoner turret for kicks and giggles. The rest of the turrets were Solarises. A fellow BH in his Orca (new and fresh from space dock) was having some problems with a certain Banderas (Corsair). I asked for coords in secure channel and eventually found Banderas. He was flying a bomber - oh no, I thought. He's hankering to punch my ticket. We engaged. Padre (the owner of the new Orca) gave me a vital bit of advice: When he lowers your shields, look out for his Novas.
Well, he lowered my shields at least twice. But I compelled him to exhaust his own stores of bots and bats. After about 4 minutes, I managed to drop kick him through the goalposts of eternity. I won! Un-freaking-believable!
As a sidenote, I've decided to sell all my Solarises. The Liberty turrets produce good damage (750) and I have an easier time hitting VHFs with the Libbys. The Cerberuses are power hogs, but damage output redeems them. I don't think I would have won that tustle with the bomber without them.
Another question: Should I get a Razor/Inferno? If I run into a GB, It might be handy to have a bigger "boomstick" handy. But would the energy drain be a problem?
Like I said, a matter of personal preference.:)I'm going back to quad Sols and a pair of Kusari GB turrets...MIGHT put a single Cerb on there, but no more than that, because I don't like the energy drain and what it does to my aim.
Anyhow, with my Bret GB I have experience with GB infernos and battlerazors...the energy drain isn't bad as long as you don't also use Cerbs.;)It's awesome to hit PC bombers with the battlerazor though, and I've done it before.:PYet again, a matter of preference. I'd recommend trying it if you think you might like it. You can always go back if you decide it's not for you.
' Wrote:Sorry Lightman, but something's wrong on your end. It says that's the damage per shot, and I know those things shoot more than once per second. I'm using FLstat, which also takes the data directly from the game files. No analyzing, just the raw data, so I tend to trust it more. Where does one get DataStorm? A google search brought up all the wrong things.
The full name of the program is FL DataStorm v3.91.
Here's the data displayed by the program:
Price: 520000 - ZT-9 Zoner Gunboat Turret
A gunboat turret produced by the Zoners. Despite its Zoner origin, it can be bought from many civilian and even pirate bases around Sirius.
Refire-Rate: 0.25 = 4.00 Shots per second
Power-Usage: 1,000.00
Projectile-Speed: 1,400
Needed Hardpoint: hp_turret_special_8
LifeTime: 1.00 = 1,400 Range
Hull-Damage: 185.00 = 740 per second
Shield-Damage: 92.50 = 370 per second
Price: 750000 - Solaris Gunboat Turret
Solaris Gunboat Turret is a powerful rapid-firing capital ship turret. Its design is similar to codename weapon bearing the same name. Solaris turrets are manufactured by The Order and Corsairs, but are available from many different places in Sirius.
Refire-Rate: 0.20 = 5.00 Shots per second
Power-Usage: 900.00
Projectile-Speed: 1,400
Needed Hardpoint: hp_turret_special_8
LifeTime: 1.00 = 1,400 Range
Hull-Damage: 122.00 = 610 per second
Shield-Damage: 61.00 = 305 per second
I've been looking for that FLStat program and all I found is a server-side program for gleaning player info from a server and outputting it to a HTML file. Could you tell me how to get this program so I can see its stats;)
I used that FL Stat program and found out the zoner gunboat turret had a id of 501614. Looked in the weapons ini in the data folder and I quickly found it.
In the [Munition] part above the [Gun] part that had this ID I found this:
hull_damage = 740
According to FL DataStorm 740 is the damage per second, but the raw ini data indicates that the damage is actually for every bit of munition ( per shot ).
Why Datastorm would confuse the values, I don't know.
That being said:
740 * 4 = 2960 hull damage per sec for zoner turret
610 * 5 = 3050 hull damage per sec for solaris
The zoner turret is however 1.091767 times more efficient than the solaris :P
' Wrote:Another question: Should I get a Razor/Inferno? If I run into a GB, It might be handy to have a bigger "boomstick" handy. But would the energy drain be a problem?
Personally, I think that Razors are weird. The Cerberus actually does more damage per second than the Razor. Plus, it has a higher refire rate and a higher projectile speed. I suppose if you only had one shot to get in, then the razor would be better, but gunboats turn slow enough that I think the Cerberus should work well enough.