I apologize for the delay in my report so I have taken the opportunity to collate reports.
Firstly as you are no doubt aware, my former apprentise Catelyn Smith has completed her final assessment in course UEF309934 Aerospace Mechanical Engineering.
I recommend that she be assigned to full Engineer at the nearest convienience.
Pending your approval I will personally see to the requisitioning of her own dedicated mobile repair ship.
*Willis pauses, looking away from the comms screen for a moment then continues*
Now then, to the nitty gritty,
Just over 11 days ago I intercepted the following communications transmission: :::Transmission:::
Our David Green had been taken captive by a then unknown assailant. The man asked for ransom in exchange for David's life.
Seeing David there.
My friend and collegue lying prostrate and helpless.
I wasn't about to wait on red tape to get him back.
I took matters into my own hands and boarded my freighter and made my way to the Kolen system.
When I arrived, the man introduced himself as John Maverik.
I got David back
I'll spare the details because honestly,
You're better off not knowing.
We arrived safely back at Baltimore shipyard. David appeared to be fine, but I suggested he go to the infirmary and get himself checked out just to be safe, which he assured me he did.
I understand if DSE) upper management wishes to employ diciplinary actions against me, for violating safety protocol and acting outside my authority. I accept full responsibility for my actions.
I'll be in my workshop if anyone wishes to contact me further on private comms about the incident.
Just wished to confirm my transfer will take effect as of the end of this transmission. I have been accepted into the aerospace maintenance and engineering division on Norfolk Shipyard. This is a great opportunity for me to gain more experience working with offensive and defensive snubcraft and warships. I hope to learn as much as I can during my time there, in the hopes of returning to Deep Space Engineering with a broarder scope of skill and expertise.
I do understand however, that this heavy workload will make it difficult for me to find time to visit my close friends and collegues here on Baltimore Shipyard. I will miss you all greatly whilst I'm gone. Remember I'm just an encrypted S.K.Y.P.3. network transmission away. Don't be a stranger. *smiles*
Lastly, Before I sign off, I recieved the following message on my PDA this morning.
From Willis addressed to me, but with instructions to retransmit here:
Willis Carrier Wrote:Dearest Catelyn,
I regret not having the time to say goodbye in person. I have left to return to Bretonia this morning. Copies of my resignation from Deep Space Engineering have been foreward to HR. I'm not certain how much of my past I've told you, or how much you know. But it seems the past has come back to haunt the present. This is something I must do if I am to have any resemblence of a normal life here in liberty.
I have taken the liberty of forewarding my ongoing works regarding gate and lane maintenance and engineering to your friend David Green. He is smart, very smart and a brilliant young engineer who should be more then capable of handling the workload whilst I'm gone.
I'm not sure if or when I'll return, but before I leave I have to let you know...
*Catelyn's eyes are beginning to water, she is seen fighting back tears*
The rest of that message was directed to me personally...
Anyways, I will miss all you guys and hope to return when I can.
And remember to smile *smiles*
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Sender: Mark Tres:::
:::Location: Doe Industries Space Port:::
:::Encryption: Corporate Clearance:::
Hola amigos!
What can I say?! It's been one helluva a week!
First off, let me thank Senor and Senora Doe for letting me join their esteemed corporation. Having flown under subcontractors all my life, I am proud to now officially be a representative of this great organization!
While it took some time, I managed to obtain a "Stork" Advanced Train vessel out of Rheinland. It took some convincing for them to believe that I was not of a descendant of Hispania, but one of Liberty working for Deep Space Engineering. There are some enhancements I've yet to had applied, but still, I am up and running now.
And just in time, too, as I was able participate in some "Jump Trading" to Okinawa and back. It was quite the experience, I must say. I even managed to snag some shots of us in action.
I am Josephine Alibrandi, you can call me Josie, Everyone else does. I am the new Head of Engineering for DSE. Some of you have already met me in the past few days since i joined DSE, some of you know me from before that. A week ago i was in the Navy, until this little ray of solar flares came up. If you are wondering about my qualifications i grew up around ships and their construction, then i joined the Liberty Navy and up until a week ago i was a Lieutenant Commander at the helm of a Liberty Naval Bison class transport for the Liberty Naval Primary Fleet Logistics Service. (LLS). Station Experience wise i do have some i just legally cant say where and when. Since i got here I'm still kind of unpacking my stuff. Just a notice for security, I do conceal carry and there's a couple more in my office so don't fret. Also hand off them cost me a months pay. Another thing is hands off my Talon. That's for your own good. its security system is rigged with one million volts. As i said its for your own good.
Moving on. Looking to really get the Engineering department moving. As for anything else that's about it. My door is always open if you need anything although i will be based out of Pittsburgh a lot with all the things we got going there.
Well my short stay at Norfolk has come to an end. A few weeks of intense training on some of the most advanced systems in the industry. I have alot of new information to process that I believe will be of great benifit to my work here at DSE. So I'm back now *smiles*
I also want to say hi to my new engineering boss, Miss Alibandi. I look foreward to meeting you in person, and working with you.
I look foreward to seeing you all again soon.
Catelyn Smith out...
I had a rather interesting encounter whils running some optronics to the Doe Industries Space Port. My vessel, the Sentinel, encountered a Liberty Rogue vessel about half way through the Gallileo system. But she was not a pirate or a thug, just a little girl. She could not be more then 13 years old. She flies an Arrow class Civillian Light fighter, callsign: LR-I'm.Not.Annoying.
To be honest I'm deeply concerned for the welfare of this little girl. It's obvious enough that she either has very little parental influence, or no parents to speak of. The poor thing looked like she was starving, so I gave her a sandwich from my lunchbox, which she seemed to enjoy.
I report this encounter only in the interests of young Pita's safety. The poor thing need not end up in a juvenile detention or worse. I ask that any DSE personel that should encounter Pita to please try to encourage her to get some help, possibly offer to help her attend school and make something of her life.
That's all I have for now, oh but one last thing. It appears that the inventory was short 3 optronic items from the Honshu depo. Will have to chase that up with them at some point.
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Sender: Mark Tres:::
:::Location: LOCATION:::
:::Encryption: Corporate Clearance:::
Hola amigos!
Man, what a week! While I was able to haul ore and gas this pass week, and not from the nachos on D.I.S.P., I ran into all sorts of locos and hombres while doing so! Let me tell you my tale then.
I encountered this loco while checking on Brimstone Refinery out in Tau-23. I was worried I was going to be harassed by the frog when I was assaulted by nonsense over my comms. I attempted to reason with the hombre, but I made no headway. And then, when I thought it couldn't get worse, he opened fire on me! It was an intense moment while I maneuvered my vessel under fire into the docking bay. I would avoid this loco, or if you have many guns, I would blow him away before he blows you away!
So, after waiting while my ship was patched up, I was called upon a few days later to help out our GMG| and IC| friends with some H-3 exports in Okinawa. I loaded up with some Beryllium to drop off on Honshu, and headed out. I was fine until I ran into this hombre in New Tokyo near the Jump Gate to Honshu. I had little choice but to comply with the hombre, curse his soul, so I paid as he asked. I give proof of my transaction and his identity below. I would like to point out that I think he is compensating for a perceived lack on his part, or perhaps he is paranoid of being spaced, as my scans showed more armor than many a capital vessel I've seen equipped with. I suggest avoiding this hombre if possible.
The final medical discharge report of the following patient(s):
Miss Catelyn Smith
Aerospace Engineer
The above patient has sustained injuries to her right hand. Suspected perminent nerve damage:
Preliminary evaluations have indicated Miss Smith has lost dexterity and strenght in her right hand.
Miss Smith has deonstrated to the medical staff her eagerness to return to work. She has undergone both phisical and psychological evaluation with the following results.
Miss Smith has been approved by the Doe Industries medical team for return to:
Full time work Flexible full time work Part time work Casual work
With the following conditions:
Attends weekly evaluation by D.S.E. and D.I. medical staff
Does NOT perform tasks involving:
heavy lifting (in excess of 20 Kg of intermittant weight or 12 kg sustained weight)
confined spaces (including but not limited to crawl spaces, ducting and ventilation shafts)
handling explosives or volatile substances (including hand held plasma cutters, weapons)
Logistics operations requiring in excess of 3 hours sustained piloting
Carries out tasks under:
Direct supervision General / Intermittent supervision Broard supervision
Medical staff are to be made aware of any breaches to the above outlined discharge notice. The medical staff are also to be made aware of any changes in her condition as soon as they develope.
Hello Folks,
At present I'm busy with business over in Bretonia, Kind of makes it hard to run things when your across Sirius. So I've put Tom E. Bulges in charge of the Patriot. Just a heads up he is a bit loud. He was a Drill instructor over at West Point and joined us from the Naval Logistics Department. So try not to tick him off, his yelling may cause a rip in the hull and we Do Not i repeatDO NOTwant that.
In other news supplying of Doe Industries Space Port is going well keep it up and there may or may not be a case of alcohol of your choosing sitting in your cargo hold with your name on it. Free of charge of course.
Stay safe, Stay willing and most of all, Stay Awesome Josie