(09-28-2012, 11:24 AM)Deitar Wrote: So, if I understand correctly we will need to "readjust" all the post templates we have to be compatible with the new code?
I bump this question.
I would only like to be told whether the old code will be processed correctly at some point or whether I have to format my posts again.
It's no big deal, but I would e.g. have the recruitment posts etc nice and readable... and not change it now and see that it is fixed in 2 days.
(09-28-2012, 11:24 AM)Deitar Wrote: So, if I understand correctly we will need to "readjust" all the post templates we have to be compatible with the new code?
I'd wait a few days/weeks. it might get fixed eventually.
Also, this is concerning:
You are currently using N/A of your allocated attachment usage (Unlimited) [View My Attachments]
Someone might want to set up some limits to that.
ad1 : welcome back, everyone. and three cheers for cannon and whoever helped him.
You may want to fix your own BBCode, we've done the fix for the violation report template, we'll fix other Administrator templates as we get round to it. I doubt fixing the BBCode is a terribly high priority for Cannon at this time.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
(09-29-2012, 11:27 AM)Pepe Wrote: I'd like us to have a nice search. Idk how should it work, I'm entry level user. Old one was confusing me when searhing multiple words. Like:
pepe killed
"pepe killed"
Sence of that two words differes, depending of using " marks.
I'd like to be able to search wiki as well (with same search engine). You know... if it's possible. In case you have nothing else to do, heh-heh
The easiest solution to that is using another search engine, for example Google, to search instead - Just add site:discoverygc.com somewhere in your search string. This (usually) works a lot better than the internal search engine on IPB/myBB when it comes to finding what you're looking for, and it gives you a lot of extra search options if you know how to use advanced Google search operators, for example the use of wildcards (*) and word exclusion (-) in your search.
Unfortunately, it's currently rather broken due to the recent forum move (all links/search results still point to old threads - the new forums haven't been (re)crawled by Google yet), though that should hopefully be updated automagically in a short while.
EDIT: You could also give this a try - it's a custom Google search that I (temporarily) put on my web server as a test. I can't guarantee that being up 24/7 though, if I know my web server correctly. I (or anyone else, for that matter) could put it up somewhere more permanent, if it's of interest to anyone, when I get back home over the weekend.
Things that have been changed over the past couple days:
Forum skins - everyone sees the new default, there's a dark skin that's available as well. Be mindful that it's still "under construction", images and color blocks will be tweaked over the next while or so. Forum skins can be accessed via your User CP >> Edit Settings menu, right column, second selection box from the bottom.
Custom user titles removed - as desired by the staff, there are no more custom user titles. Your user title should now display your group name. There's a few exceptions to this, which will be remedied before too long
Ratings and karma system deactivated, star rankings in user postbits removed.
Postbits have been relocated to the left side of each post in a vertical "classic" configuration, as opposed to the horizontal "above the post" format. If you would like to revert to the "above the post" user details, there's an option to do so in your User CP.
Indent and Youtube tags have been restored as they were on the old forum. - Edit: Indent tag isn't up to full functionality yet, it doesn't nest. One indent is all you get right now. Working on a fix.
Mark As Read button added to the "View New Posts" page.
Minor forum cleanup and board rearrangement.
User pruning - users with less than one post will be deleted after 90 days.
If forum displays look weird (i.e. You can only see your own posts in a forum, you can't see any posts in a forum) let a staff member know and they'll pass it on up to someone who can fix it.
To answer the question we keep having to see, no, there is no way to reclaim the "old look" for the forums. We were using a version of IPB that was nearly six years old before, and we've since moved to MyBB, an entirely different forum system. the skins are not compatible, and the new layout is going to, for the most part, be how things are. The benefit to the new forum is more modern options,
We're also working on installing new subforum walls which should make things a lot prettier. These subforum walls do have a slight arsenic content. Added brightness is to be expected. If your teeth start vibrating of their own accord, make note of it. That's not part of the new implementation, that's from the arsenic. And that's bad.
Things we're still working on:
Finishing the dark forum skin
Reimplementing description lines under thread subjects
Optimizations and preventative measures behind the scenes.
A plugin to (hopefully) make mobile browsing a thing. (If I can convince Cannon)
Adjusting paramaters on the user warning system. We'd like to try to make use of this.
Whatever we damn well feel like.
If you have issues with old BBCode not working at all on the new forum, message me exactly what tag it is that's not working, and I'll have a look into implementing a patch for at least helping to fix old posts. Certain things are out of our control, mainly due to the way things imported, and so will need to be manually fixed in each post.
Known items are:
List tags - the close tag did not survive the import on most posts. you will have to manually go through and drop that in yourself to make your bulleted or numbered lists display correctly. Code for lists are:
[*]list item
[*]list item
[/list] <--- This is what didn't survive.
Any HTML - because of incompatible support at time of import, some BBCode tags were converted to HTML. We will not be enabling HTML support on the forums, so any remaining markup code will need to be manually changed.
Don't keep sending us forum skin suggestions - we already have a bunch of ones we've gone through, and we know what we want to implement.
If you take particular issue with any of the above listed, or if you are unhappy with the service provided, we have a twelve step list to handle your situation. Adherence is recommended.
JihadJoe Wrote:1. Close your eyes
2. Turn 180 degrees away from the computer
3. Open your eyes
4. Stand up.
5. Find your car keys.
6. Walk out of the building.
7. Get in your car.
8. Start the car and drive off.
9. Crash into a tree at 80mph
10. Die
11. Don't bother us again.
12. Have a nice day.
Alternatively, you can PM Cannon a message. Ensure to include "Ban Me" in the subject line.