okay so i found these pictures on the internet and i wondered what you people thought. i, personally, think it would be quite nice to see them get put in at some later stage, but thats another thing for the developers to look at.
An idea for a MASSIVE RP situation, or just a very large base http://imageshack.us/a/img100/4943/img0757m.jpg
(Yes that small line to the side is a Liberty Dread)
the idea for it was origionally for it to act as an actual warship for liberty in a video
I really would like to see these in a future update, especialy the AWAC rhino, but it is something that someone with more skill than me would have to do. please feel free to comment on what you think of them and any other pictures you find of "prototypes".
These are cool concepts, unfortunately they wouldn't serve any real purpose ingame. Maybe the liberty colony ship thing could be used for e-peen enlargement purposes if sold via SRP
The Rhino doesn't look too bad, although there is no need for another Liberty transport model.
Although it's cool-looking, the colony ship is far too big for the game. Turn it around in almost any system and you die in the sun's corona or a planet's atmosphere, not to mention getting caught on every lane, rock or base and smashing people on the way.
I can think of a couple ways to use an AWACS type ship. Could do the tradelane warning system thing I forget the name of with 'em by ship class instead of ID. One for each house, would be interesting. I'd insist upon them having unique models for each rather than upscaled freighters with discs strapped on top of them though.
The colony ship would really be an in RP only thing, and we already have one. It's called a Jinkusu. Oh wait, Jinx decided the Zoners getting a dreadnought and calling it a Nephilim made more sense. Right. Either way, it's got the same model issue.