Since I don't know what to write to make a good flood thread, I'll just misplace dozens of commas, stomp the majority of grammatical and such rules. That's all because (you need to realise that I'm writing this without checking and rechecking my spelling) I'm bored. Yes! On saturday afternoon there ios nothing to do. Server is empty, WoT playerbase is as retarded as ever and none of my RL friends want to play basketball or anything. Not even computer games.
I wouldn't mind being forever alone if I wouldn't have been watching the X-Files series for the past 3 months! I've reached the dreaded sevent season (the one I feared would come one day) where it gets shittier from episode to episode. I'm "acquiring" other series/films/whatever however with the retarded download speed (it's usually around 1,2mb/s but NOT TODAY for some reason) it's taking ages.
Now you're going to say go watch youtube videos! Or go and watch pron! Or, go and kill yourself!
Some are going to say get drunk while others will recomend reading a book. Guess what? The library is closed and since books are expensive as hell I have none at my disposal.
I actually don't quite realise why I'm writing this.
Just post something. Really. Anything.
I think computer games do really damage brain cells. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting this.
There's a saying that roughly translated into english means: "doing no work is hell for the soul". Work on something useful (not not computer game related, but real life related) that you can look back on and be proud of what you accomplished.