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Com ID: Doc
To: The Gamma Crew
Yes, you know who you are. Nice showing with the humanitarian crisis in Gamma yesterday. Ambassador Rackham, you're off and running with your new job. Working with the Junker Congress was something special.
[TAZ]Deadcat, nice work on your end. Please, remove the (A) from your tag as you no longer need it.
[TAZ]Tre-Del-Fida, good work on the long distance keeping comms up.
From: Richard Cole
I have a disturbing issue to report.. I encountered 2 ships docking on Pueblo bonito. You would say why so disturbing? Well as it seems it was a Gallic train and a Zoner whale working together transfering items it seemed. As i undocked i searched my cams for them and found them next to the docking tower. The whale instantly docked and the gallic train waited a moment. But sadly i was too late to make screens of this happening.
the names where:
.Morning-Breeze (zoner whale)
.insoluble~difficulties (Gallic train)
Any attempt to contact them failed. Even ignorance on private channels.
Also littlebit later my head of security went for another patroll and he encounters a ship named: Minigun. As he was curious what it was he made another scout patroll and when he saw this one flying.. He just made a video feed when Minigun just undocked from shasta.
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Comm ID: Doc
To: Mr. Cole
Good interdiction with the Minigun. I'm generally not too worried about ships like that landing and departing from Shasta, it's if they do it off of Pueblo that I'm concerned.
I've never really made a firm policy on foreign war ships in Baffin since it's generally not an issue. The Order has visited as has the Liberty Navy in the past. I suppose I should address it.
Miss de Sonne, I have rostered your ship. Safe flying.
And: i had some funny incident in Coronado. A colonial officer stopped the Deadcat and asked why i did flying around there. I said we were neighbors and so i like to this from time to time. He was really angry, and it needed another colonial pilot to calm him down. Obviously he never saw a TAZ ship before. In the end he reminded me not to harm any one there - me with the so martial megasuperbattleship Deadcat. I smiled and said we zoners really do no warfare thingies, especially not against friends.
Later then i talked with the other pilot and told him my real reason to be there, as there lives a woman i know. She is a well reputated member of their forces and later i met her again in Cortez.
The Deadcat currently is docked at Pueblo, and Natalie began her patrols with our nice new Osprey. A really wonderful ship i must say. Now i look for a whale, earned enough creds for a second hand one. Do we have a nice one i can buy?
I took the Apple.of.Sorrow for a spin. As it was still not fully tested yet. I did use it today for scoutings.. As for that i have nothing interesting to report. Exept some nice conversations. And well maybe even some more who are interested in the Chao to sign up. But we shall see those outcomes. When i came home i got a distres signal near the tau 31 jumpgate in Tau 29. So i speeded up there and well i had to defend a fellow zoner who was ambushed by many Gallic royal navy fighters, A gunboat and a cruiser. But we managed to keep it all nice and clean. Maybe some small cracks in the hulls. But nothing wich our engineers cannot fix. Think i have earned a small vacation. Maybe Eris grants me something nice. But i might see a star guide me..
For now i going to the bar at Freeport 6 for a nice nightcap and then hit my bed.
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/: Modulating frequency
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From : JhC
To : All
Location : [TAZ]GoldenDawn
Kalisti Popes and Popess, Templars, Priests, High Priests, Wasted Priests, Enlighted, Sycophants, Messiah and all surrounding Divinity...
The GoldenDawn and my good-self are back to Baffin from our last voyage. A long one that was, too long. Even thou I was always fueled by Her presence, I have to admit that I've felt the absence of my brethren.
I have already met some of the new ordinates Popes round Shasta's corridors and in space, may the Goddess watch their steps. I was glad to see a the new Freeport in Tau 29, and terribly sad not to find the sanctuary anymore... Were we gone that long ? Timeless is the void where I wandered of late...
On an more administrative note, I think I need some new ID for my vessels. Here is the list :
This time i call in from the Omicrons.. Delta to be exact.. I met in with Mathus and his crew and i did assist in the repairs of his ship. And we took of to Freeport 11. Carl assisted with the [TAZ]Deadcat to supply us with the needed commodity's for repairing it all. And power the engines.
I shall keep you guys informed on further developments.
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Comm ID: Doc
To: All TAZ
Jhc, I will update the list with your ships soon. We also have someone interested in joining our ranks. His application is up for all to review. Ambassador Rackham, we'll discuss it soon.
Now, I am in meeting with Prince Joseph DeFrance in my office so if you see a few Royals on station, they are OK. Please, show them respect. I have some old fences to mend. They are mine to fix. I have closed off the floors on, above and below my office. I ask that myself and the Prince are not disturbed as this is a chance for our people to bridge some differences.
I notice my last messages did not get trough from Delta. Might be a small faillure on my Communications. Have to check it out...
So short update. Have repaired most of Captain Rosem Mathus ship, but due to the big damage i was not able with my crew to fix it for the full 100%. We managed to repair most important parts. also fixed a big leak in the hull before we try to test the jumpdrive. After the test it seemed all well so we started up the jumpdrive. and we ended up in Tau-29. and flew manually to Pueblo Bonito for extended repairs. I gave him permission to dock and docked myself too. And we took everyone to the bar as Captain Rosem Mathus did give the crew free drinks.
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Comm ID: Doc
To: All TAZ
Let's give a warm TAZ welcome to Rosem Mathus. He has been working with Eric Stone and has had a nice chat with Ambassador Rackham. He is currently docked at the Temple for some repairs. Welcome aboard, Rosem. You may adjust your tag accordingly. Just put an (A) after your transponder.
It seems my chat with Prince DeFrance has gone sour. Stay tuned.