I have took command of carrier Bastet after solid refit to inspect personally how it performs in the field. With full assortment of snubcraft and additional cruiser as escort I decided to pay Core a visit and move away until they would eventualy scramble a force to take us out. Following event happened during night time SMT, 23th November.
Patrolling perimeter of Freeport 11 our scanners picked up single Bottlenose gunship, IFF confirmed to be Bowex company. Moving closer to Dabadoru, our scanners picked up several other contacts which turned out to be entire Bowex convoy caught just supplying station. With missiles locked on potential targets and assault wing ready for deployment I decided to pick a conversation with convoy leader which lead to be fruitless. I could not let this go away unpunished so I ordered to open fire. No one in Delta would hear them screaming. We broke the convoy, destroyed the escort and forced all of them to take shelter in Core's main base. How we deal with this problem in future is up to discussion however I recommend the same treatment soon as we find them in Omicron space. Of course I do not wish to antagonize their legitimate business in house space until it is found neccesary to make a point. I briefed Bastet's officers and wing commanders about potential future incursions of that kind.
Allied forces O.C.V. Bastet "Grunt" cruiser
Bastet's fighter escort - 1 vessel lost in friendly fire incident, pilot recovered
Notes: Several missiles used in artillery bombardment to avoid direct fire from Dabadoru.
On other hand I believe Dan Moreton deserves rank of Veteran which I will include in next promotions. After diagnosed issues, I believe he made full recovery or at least reverted to state allowing him to operate at best we expect of him. Noting his long service (with break through), putting aside nationality, following orders to the letter and previous reports I believe this will be justified choice.
I'm in agreement with the intention of the message you
conveyed to the Bowex Convoy, if not the blunt nature of it.
Considering Bretonia's desperate situation, I do not find it any
great shock that Bowex would be looking to expand markets
through any means possible..
I'd suggest a dialogue with their Directors, even if I don't see
much chance of it helping us any. They're far more likely to
nod at the added risk and continue supplying the Core and
making profit from it...but still, I suspect they'll already have
been informed of this engagement in full and a dialogue must
at least be attempted.
If it pans out as I suspect, then it gives us a visible and easy
supply line to target. The diplomatic fallout with Bretonia might
be impossible to handle then...but that is a risk we'll have to take.
There are far bigger issues at hand than the Core, and I'd
rather we conserved our limited strength for the future, rather
than tangle with the Core.
As far as Agent Moreton is concerned, I'm not disagreeable
to him moving up the ranks. His performance evaluations
have been satisfactory enough.
I'll be moving to Liberty shortly, to attend to issues
you are also aware of. Hopefully I'll have something.
You can handle it. You know my stance on the Core. Theta and Kappa are most logical points on their route where we can blocade them before even reaching Dabadoru.
Now, news reached me about 'RHEA'... What the hell? I get the feeling one hand does not know what the other does in house space. I do not trust Liberty government however Hale have some decency. I would keep an eye out on LSF too, perhaps it is their doing if intel was not fabricated.
With recent events, I intend to open communications with Council. My past experiences with them indicate they will be open for co-operation and due to recent events, we do not need to worry about their allies, at least for now. Their victory will gain us upper hand in war against Nomads if we handle it right.
As for Bowex again, Davids may have better idea, or at least offer logistic support for harrasment operation. My own bet is they are going to continue as long as it is profitable. Other solutions may involve... Gateway. 'Friendship' between the two is widespread known.
I just received your messages regarding this Bowex incident. Our ensign Guerra
has confirmed the situatiuon. One Four One already had heard rumors about
Bowex convoys heading for Dabadoru, but until now we had no true evidence for this.
This is ein reason, why I did not inform anyone of you. The other one is, that
I hesitated to trust our source for the rumours, namely Valkyrie from the Reapers.
She delegated a message to us, that she had seen ein Bowex convoy heading
for Delta, but not for Freeport 11.
But as I said: Our...common history is rather delicate, thus the doubts.
Anyway, let's see how Bowex will react to your message, Tawaret.
If they should still try to go on with supplying the Core, I might have ein other
ace in my hand. Just in case. Not going to tell it to you now though.