Oi, Sofie got me all squared away as far as the ship, guns, and... well thats everything that needs to be taken care of. So the Hung Mung is ready for service and will be running through the lanes of Sirius at all times of the day!
We still are in urgent need of Plutonium for completion of Objective Neblod Zin.
The KNF have expressed a renewed interest in helping us to meet this need.
I hereby direct all TAZ trading vessels to acknowledge and receive all plutonium shipped by KNF/Kusari-associated traders and delivered to Baffin, and pay them the sum of 1,800 credits per unit. This will save us significant time in acquiring the stockpiles needed for our purpose. This agreement is in effect until further notice.
If there are any questions regarding the final destination of these shipments, please contact me directly.
Hey there boss. Well I think you're the boss anyways. Yer awful bossy if you aren't. Either way I was wonderin if the final destination thing is a trick question. See, my 'usual' distributor has gotten wind and well he's a mite concerned that his rock might be the wrong destination. He knew you by name, and reminded me that You introduced us. Somehow I seemed forgetful, nothin new there. Anyhow, the man said if his gold isn't good enough, he will work on finding a new commodity for us. His desire for his delivery is worth the extra hassle. So, since you set this all up to begin with, do I crush his day and learn a new route mate? Just in case. Been lonely skies most of the time lately.
Message to: Mal
Comm ID: Linus
Location: Everywhere!
You got it, Episkoperson! Gonna be haulin' plenty o' Plute in my Mammoth's shielded hold, straight from the source to Bafflin'. Gonna make my first such run a bit later t'day.
Oi, I think I'm in a bit of a spot. See I've been running for the last little while from some bounty hunters. Buggers picked up my trace last time I left Shasta and they've been tracking me across the entire galaxy. I don't know how many old flames I called in to hide me... hmm... none of them would oblige... but anyhoo I'm still alive.
Now what I learned is that someone out there has some kind of contract to catch me... don't know who yet. But when I offered the lead Hunter all the credits in Mal's hold he just scoffed and said that whoever was paying him would outbid any TAZ hemlock chewer.
I don't know who it is mates but it looks like I've stepped on a big player's toes... really though, who'd have an issue with moi? I can't imagine ever being anything less than loved. Well... there were a few times... BUT! out of mind.
Anyway right now I'm chilling on FP4 in O41. Figure that radiation will at least keep any would be kidnappers from hanging around too much. I'm gonna make some inquiries and see if I can track down this big cheese. In the mean can one of you fellas ship out some decent rum? Apparently radiation keeps the good life from being delivered too. Keep your ears to the grindstone!
Message to: Mal
Comm ID: Mad John
Loc: FP 6 Duty Free Zone
Thanks for the message, I'm with the plot re the Plute.
Warmin' up the engines... hangin' up the dice on the rear view mirror, make sure the smokes box is full... that's it, ready to go! Tell Reggie I'm on the assist..
Eddie .. Dark Rum OK? I got a one time deal on Cap'n Morgan's right now up at FP6. You know.. "Everything must go" type of thing... I'll swing past O41 some time soon and drop a coupla crates by...
Transmission to: Those who can read and listen
Comm. ID: Amnezia Haze
Location: Borderworld Transporter Phazed
Hello boys and girls, its been a while since i've seen some good space of my own, but yesterday i roamed the free skies once again. I sold that horrible half-a-click long pencil and got myself a nice and tidy new Borderworld Transport.
I hear something about plutonium to bafflin? Or should i lay this one done, get some rest and get back?
Hope to catch a few of you in the void these days, i recieved a message that a certain Colonial Tranport Captain finally gathered enough credits to repay the huge debt they made with me and Ricky. Some 500 million credits are awaiting transfer.
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage."
Message to: TAZ
Comm ID: Five Tons of Flax!
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
S'this thing actually workin' this time? You sure, Graham? 'Cuz I don't wanna hafta repeat myself ten more times...okay, here goes.
Ye Olde Ravenhurst is workin'...mostly. The interface fer one o' my Solaris turrets failed while I was passin' through Omicron Minor, an' looks like I might hafta replace the whole dern gun. Tested th' hull strength by doin' a bit of sundivin' in Cortez...made it out with 3/4 hull left. She's an old bird, but sturdy.
Lights keep on goin' out, though...taken to carryin' a headlamp 'round with me, 'cuz ya never know when the overheads'll conk out like a drunk miner on Friday night. Cruise engines work mostly fine...cut out at random every hour or so, but it's not a big deal. Impulse an' thrusters're okay. The forward cannon got a workout in Iota, an' SEEMS to work okay...still worried 'bout them heat sinks, though. They're all scratched, and I'm wonderin' if it'll overheat...
Scanners're gonna be an ongoin' problem. Think I mighta offended some folks when the dern thing displayed their names wrong, an' I called "Liquid" "The Squid" instead. Dahlia says she can figure it out better'n I can, but not much progress yet.
Alla that said, though, the Ravenhurst is just 'bout ready fer whatever Shamus is gonna throw at 'er. Gonna run s'more Plute to Bafflin' an' upgrade the hull plating, an' she'll be ready.