First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Tsuyoshi, captain of a naval forces gunboat. Today on my regulary patrols I've encountered a heavily armored ship and because I was suspicious, I stopped him to check is everything alright with his papers and cargo.
Everything was fine, but one of his equipment. He is carrying a "Cloaking Device MK 2" device, which is -well known- forbidden in Kusari space. He claimed, that he has the "permission" for it, however I couldn't find anything between the records, what could confirm it.
I told him, that I'll investigate this matter, and because of he belongs to a trustful company, I let him park his ship in planet Honshu meanwhile.
Due to I couldn't find anything, I decided to forward my records towards You (vid. attachments).
Only Kusari law enforcers are allowed to carry cloaking devices, as stated in the Kusari Legal Codex.
The captain of this vessel lied by stating he had an authorization to carry such equipment.
Interspace Commerce will have to answer for this. The admiralty will inform the parliament and a decision will be taken, for Kusari people wellfare.
You have my thanks for bringing this to our attention.