****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
I’ve been discussing your status with the leaders of the Liberty Rogues. It seems you have made yourselves quite unwelcome there. Now I hear that you are carrying on with this same nonsense outside Junker bases. I have reports of you pirating people right outside our bases and then docking on those bases. What do you have to say about this?
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
And here I was pretty sure you would want to say something in your own defense. You see, if I don’t hear anything from you I’m just going to assume that everything I’ve been told about you is true.
++Incoming Transmission++
++Berkeley's Basilica, Firefly class civilian transport++
++Location: Somewhere in California++
Is this thing on? .. There.. ah. Right.
A young yet determined face appears on the screen, eyes blazing with.. purpose..
"Ahem. I'm sorry sir, the prophet seems to have misplaced himself again. There has indeed been a slight disturbance at Rochester, but it did not involve pirating junkers, I can assure you. We would never get in the way of any.. allies in our desire to bring the holy substance created by glorious Jiub to the unknowing masses. It appears that the rogues seem to follow their own religious ideals in the worship of the 'Warlord' Moka, which leads, understandably, to certain.. conflicts of interests. Let me again reassure you that those conflicts of interest do *not* involve the esteemed Junkers' Congress. As Vicar in the Church and.. dare I say it myself, the most levelheaded individual around the holiness of Jiub these days, I wholeheartedly apologize if the church is implied in the pirating of Junkers. I hope we can come to an agreeable arrangement beneficial to the both of us."
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
That’s interesting. The evidence provided to me was filmed outside Beaumont. So you’re telling me you’ve been doing the same thing at Rochester as well. That’s good to know.
I think it’s time I explained a few things to you. We control the space outside our bases. If ships are coming into the base it is only because we want them there. If we don’t want them there we can make sure they stop coming. Keep that in mind by the way. So this is how it works. You cannot attack ships that are actively doing business at our bases and then claim you are not interfering with our interests.
To make it as simple as I can let me say this. WE control the traffic in and out of our bases. You cannot claim to be our allies while you are impeding that traffic in anyway. Is that clear?