Today, I regret to bring you news that one of our own kind has tried to not only trespass but also defile one of our greatest and most guarded grave sites: The Don Quixote.
The piloto in question flew a combat service vehicle that had corsairs ID and papers.
I caught the piloto in the act and red handed and confronted him about his deed. Despite his insolent deeds I offered the piloto not one and not two but three chances to stand down and turn back onto the right path.
The piloto refused each of the three times I asked him and lastly prompted me "Go ahead and shoot a fellow corsair then." With much dismay I did as he said, in agreement with the laws of Omicron 94
laws created for the region stating that visitors to Omicron 94; Wrote:
Must not enter the Aegean Nebulae
Must not desecrate the remains of fallen ships
Must follow instructions from Benitez pilots
I have the flight recorder log attached for you to read.
You did well hermana, people like this never learn. I've suggested we execute everyone that sets foot in the cloud without my permission but the other elders didn't agree with me.
Gracias for your service
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez
I have been checking on our neighbors, el hecian, and conducted a reconnaissance flight towards Omega 11 where Diamant Station had been known to be located. But when I arrived there, not that it isnt a muy boeno surprise but look for yourselves...
To be sure it was not just relocated I conducted a patrol through the system to take a quick look but I found no traces of another base. Silly hecian! Cannot even keep up a base, who would have thought!
I have been checking on our neighbors, el hecian, and conducted a reconnaissance flight towards Omega 11 where Diamant Station had been known to be located. But when I arrived there, not that it isnt a muy boeno surprise but look for yourselves...
To be sure it was not just relocated I conducted a patrol through the system to take a quick look but I found no traces of another base. Silly hecian! Cannot even keep up a base, who would have thought!
With this my report concludes hermanos.
Viva Los Corsairs!
We are very Happy to hear so a lot of News from the Benitez Family! Our mission is to Protect the Great Corsair Empire. We will follow strictly every Order From Benitez Elders (or even from every Corsair Elders) !
After some silence, our former brethren, the outcasts have made themselves known to us again. They travelled all the way to Omicron Gamma today and started broadcasting over system comm. It was actually a muchos interesting conversation ... especially since they had the nerve to try and convert me to their "orange dream".
These locos! They should know better... But you have to give them courage points for trying. Here is the flight recorder log for your entertainment.
Flight recorder Wrote:Chenzo-[101st]: There's a hole in my bucket... dear Arther Dear Arther....
Chenzo-[101st]: Hello there... we've come for a party.
Chenzo-[101st]: We didn't get any invites.. so we thought we'd gate crash
Chenzo-[101st]: Hope ye' don't mind
Benitez(CT)-Arana: That explains why you're late
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Always keep your bucket without holes. Havent your parents taught you anything? Who are you anyways?
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: Monsieur Chenzo.. Must you taunt and bicker your prey?
Benitez(CT)-Arana: The fiesta is already over and the booze is gone. Might as well head home.
Chenzo-[101st]: Of course..
Chenzo-[101st]: How else does one have fun?
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: Hmmm... You cannot have slaughter... without laughter..
Benitez(CT)-Arana: Quite...
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Chenzo?! Senor! If I remember correctly, you are an *outcast*!
Chenzo-[101st]: Give that man a banana!
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: So this is the Les Corsair homeworld?...
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: I do non approve of you coming here with your ... amigos. You are nada welcome!
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: Si si, it is less of a corsair homeworld
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: How.... Dissapointing...
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: and more of a landfill
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Go home before something happens to you. We do not want anything to do with your kind here...
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: our kind?
Chenzo-[101st]: Well, this is to be the Second Malta....
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: somewhere down the line, you are the same as us
Chenzo-[101st]: You should be happy we have let you live thus far.
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: Seems to moi... That all those hideous capital craft I shot upon all those moons ago.. Came from here?
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: just gotta get past the inbreeding
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: What a pity...
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Who is taunting now, senor?! You should know well that your "orange" curse has enstranged you not just from us but from
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: humanity!
Chenzo-[101st]: if we are stranded, then why are as everywhere?
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: I do non blame you for being the victim of your situacion back then. We know how it is ourselves...
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Stranded, helpless forgotten...
Chenzo-[101st]: Eh?
Chenzo-[101st]: you were the ones who failed to embrace a oppertunity
Chenzo-[101st]: meaning your people resorted to eating one another
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Pah, you, senor live in el past.... our ways have changed. Have yours?
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: Signora, why not give up your futile resistance and partake in the Orange dream
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: You got nothing to lose and everything to gain
Chenzo-[101st]: if you hvae changed, thenwhy have you not learnt to embrace the gift you were offerd once before?
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: Give in to your emotions, join the orange side
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Ahh, senor you flatter me. But insult me too. Tempting me to treachery....
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: If I were to betray and join you, how could you know I would not betray you too someday? No, my life will be without treason
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: Then you got yet another choice
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: lead your people towards the righteous side
Chenzo-[101st]: Once a 'cast.. allways one
Vulpe.Felanis[101st]: Oh... The heartless humanity that tugs at mon heart strings.. Treason.. Is but another word for progression..
Chenzo-[101st]: as you never stop being one once you are.. The honour is what makes you one.. we never loose honour
[101st]MNS-Ricercatore: Why struggle, when a new dawn awaits
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: There is non honor slavery, senors... I wish to believe you, but your deeds need to speak same language as your words
Chenzo-[101st]: Slavery is a means to an end... Not all of us use it
Chenzo-[101st]: and those who do, at least they are fed, clothed.. with much betetr lives than previous
Chenzo-[101st]: They don't have to eat each other
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Would it non be better to have it build yourselves? Worked for it with your sweat and your blood?
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: buenos dias pilot. careful there are outcasts in the system
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Our empire is built by our sweat and our blood. In many ways. That is our pride, senors.
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: I hope that one day, maybe, the outcasts will start by following this path of honor
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: Then, maybe, I will listen to what you have to say.
Corsair_Valeria-Benitez: **after a while of silence, the comm closes**
This is new Benitez soldato Bruno Benitez speaking. Today, we had a mess day in Kappa system. I recived a help request from AI ships, who has base in Kappa system. As a Benitez representive, I dispached ASAP to Kappa system to dcreas tension via diplomacy and awoid warfare. Mucho pardon, but I failed in this assigment. When I reached planet Gammu, I saw a Zoner Dreadnought attacking their base. I asked to hold their fire, just in case, we could talk as civilized people, not like El' wilde. I did not recived any response, except frazes like "Why", along with few EMP shots from a PRATORIAN BOMBER with CORSAIR identety. Soone enough, a Legate Dreadnought named Manta *whispers* suspiceouse name, eh? So, where did I stoped, ah bueno, si, Legate dreadnought was in same party, which attacked us. I have ordered him to hold fire on AI ships, to perform a investigation. It was a direct order. They did not obeyed it. They claimed, that they defending themself against AI, which insulted them. The order to return back to gamma and report their actions to command, was obviously ignored too.
Zoner Carrier, named Outer.Sanctum. engaged one of our ships, ECG marked gunship, which came to assist. For such actions, there is no excuse, and only adequate answer is return fire. Manta did not obeyed attack order on Zoner. For such misbehaviour and triple violance of military order I took response and gave that dreadnought TRAITOR of the Corsairs Empire, along with bomber, who engaged me together with criminal element called Not.Sad.Clow.
As a enemy of corsairs empire, they deserved a death, so those were my instructions and clearence to enage them. In case I did wrong, Im fully adequate, and Im ready to face military cort for violation corsair's law.
Unfortunalty, we were unalbe to hold them down, and I moved to Yaren to call heavy backup.
Dreadnought Meteoro was in active status, and responsed to call. Along with Zoner's Dreadnought <ZA> tagged, they managed to remove Outer Sanctum. However *whisper* Just dont tell it to zoners porfavor, they are shooting like subber. So Zoner's Dreadnought did not made less than half of job. Meteoro finished the Sanctum. Unfortunatly, Meteoro was newly build ship, and armor haven't been plated on it. Ship survived fight, but el' bastardo, who had Corsairs Bomber and ID enaged that ship, together with pirate bomber and destroyed it.
As a pilot, who took actions in this crisys, Im asking to give those pilots status of a an Enemy of Corsair's Empire, with all consiquences. Barbapapa For engaging fellow corsair ship with Benitez transponder, not obeying military order, acting together with hostile elements. Manta For disobeying military orders and supporting hostile elemnts. Alfonso.Fhurrnandes Attacking fellow capital ship, disobeying orders and acting together with criminal elements.
For additional information you may send info request to AI, which were there also, and fighting those bastardos.
Addition investigation should be done with ship Asesino- Praefect cruiser.
Today was my first flight in mi home,Omicron Gamma.I took out my titan for a ride in the Nebulae north of Crete.Near the Omicron Theta Jumphole,I found a Zoner "Whale"class transport hauling water.The vessel had the callsign "[ZA]Supply_03[T]".I quickly disrupted him and asked him to bring haul Food Rations to Planet Crete from the nearby Freeport,under my supervision.He didnt resist and hauled over a supply of food back to Crete.I made sure that the Food Rations are distributed to the starving children in the province.
Flight record:
Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Hola amigo
[15.03.2014 01:23:15] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: greetings
[15.03.2014 01:23:27] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I need you to do a favor for mi empire
[15.03.2014 01:23:41] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: depends on the favour
[15.03.2014 01:23:51] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I need you to deliver
[15.03.2014 01:24:11] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I need you to deliver a load of food rations to the starving children of Crete
[15.03.2014 01:24:30] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Why are you running now?
[15.03.2014 01:24:38] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: concider it done next time I'm in the area amigo
[15.03.2014 01:24:48] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: not running trading
[15.03.2014 01:25:03] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: The children wont wait and die starving
[15.03.2014 01:25:16] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: then i'll get right on it
[15.03.2014 01:25:36] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I will escort you on that terms
[15.03.2014 01:25:38] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: mind if i drop off my cargo first
[15.03.2014 01:25:58] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: You are clear to go
[15.03.2014 01:26:16] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: me right back with food for the people
[15.03.2014 01:26:51] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I will escort you in case of any troubles
[15.03.2014 01:27:32] Traffic control alert: [ZA]Supply_03[T] has requested to dock
[15.03.2014 01:28:38] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: We are clear to proceed I guess
[15.03.2014 01:28:57] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: collecting food from freeport
[15.03.2014 01:29:45] Traffic control alert: [ZA]Supply_03[T] has requested to dock
[15.03.2014 01:32:05] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Aye,I see another hermano in here
[15.03.2014 01:32:12] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Hola amigo
[15.03.2014 01:33:51] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Bien
[15.03.2014 01:35:04] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Lets proceed
[15.03.2014 01:37:01] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Lets move
[15.03.2014 01:37:30] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: locked on to planet crete co-ordinates on route for food aid
[15.03.2014 01:38:56] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: planet crete food aid transport requesting docking
[15.03.2014 01:38:58] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Wait near the mooring ring amigo
[15.03.2014 01:39:08] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: rother that
[15.03.2014 01:39:13] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: roger that
[15.03.2014 01:39:19] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: standing by
[15.03.2014 01:40:11] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Planet Crete,this is Romero reporting,we have a convoy of food ready to be shipped to the starving children.Requesting to dock
[15.03.2014 01:40:29] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Proceed amigo,you have been granted permission
[15.03.2014 01:40:41] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: thank you
[15.03.2014 01:40:43] Traffic control alert: [ZA]Supply_03[T] has requested to dock
[15.03.2014 01:42:33] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: cargo drop za transport leaving the area
[15.03.2014 01:42:34] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Mucha Gracias amigo!
[15.03.2014 01:42:46] [ZA]Supply_03[T]: your welcome corsair
Soon after,another incident occured.A Nephthis class vessel bearing the callsign "Civilian_101"was trespassing Gamma while I intercepted him.I scanned his hold and found adapted nomad weaponary inside.Fearing that this may be used in unacceptable ways as long as these are inside Gamma,I made him to drop those weapons in Tripoli Shipyard and made the equipment vendor rip it open.
Fligh Record:
[14.03.2014 22:15:24] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Hola gringo
[14.03.2014 22:15:35] Civilian_101: hello
[14.03.2014 22:15:37] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: What are you doing here
[14.03.2014 22:16:04] Civilian_101: going back to the order systems
[14.03.2014 22:16:34] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I fear that I may have to escort you out
[14.03.2014 22:17:17] Civilian_101: ok but you know we are friends not enemys
[14.03.2014 22:17:43] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: There is something disturbing in your hold
[14.03.2014 22:18:08] Civilian_101: what
[14.03.2014 22:18:21] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: We are not particularly fond of nomad equipment on borad
[14.03.2014 22:18:37] Death: Edward.Thatch was killed by an NPC
[14.03.2014 22:18:57] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: It leads me to think that you are infected
[14.03.2014 22:19:38] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: What are you going to explain for that?
[14.03.2014 22:19:39] Civilian_101: ha ha they are adapted nomad guns
[14.03.2014 22:19:49] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: You couldnt use them here anyway
[14.03.2014 22:20:05] Civilian_101: i use them to kill nomad
[14.03.2014 22:20:21] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: As we said,we are not fond of extraterrestrial things or anything that has their identity here
[14.03.2014 22:20:38] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Now,can you drop by Tripoli and sell those guns off?
[14.03.2014 22:20:56] Civilian_101: why?
[14.03.2014 22:21:12] Civilian_101: when i will be gone in a second?
[14.03.2014 22:21:28] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I said the reason before,we dont welcome people with nomad weaponary here
[14.03.2014 22:21:41] Civilian_101: how about i pay you and then i go
[14.03.2014 22:22:09] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: No chance of that happening
[14.03.2014 22:22:21] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: You heard it amigo,you are to drop it in Tripoli
[14.03.2014 22:22:32] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: I cant stress that further
[14.03.2014 22:22:45] Civilian_101: fine
[14.03.2014 22:23:14] Traffic control alert: Civilian_101 has requested to dock
[14.03.2014 22:23:17] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: You have to show a clear face when you come out
[14.03.2014 22:26:11] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Good,you are clear to proceed
[14.03.2014 22:26:27] Civilian_101: what ever
[14.03.2014 22:27:51] Civilian_101: now i dont have guns to fight
[14.03.2014 22:28:06] Corsair-Romero.Benitez: Buy them
Today while patrolling through Omicron 94,I found a Zoner "Whale" class transport with the callsign "CHIT".I enquired about his trespassing into our system.But he didnt respond to any of my questions,but was instead busy cruising his ship towards Gamma.I had no other choice but to take him down.
The old eyes dart back and forth on the console....almost as if searching for some lost glory..... a whisper...a lingering thought ...........of maybe the days ......gone by. The days when the stomachs were empty but the hearts were full.
"", The silence if the black night was broken by a thick spanish accented whisper.