Reimi pictured above in her custom Traditional Kusarian Dress style flight suit.
Name: Reimi “Rei” Saionji Age: 29 Gender: Female Citizenship: Libertonian Bio:
Reimi Saionji was born into a traditional Kusarian family on New Tokyo. At the age of 2 her parents had a falling out with the rest of the family and decided to pack up and become freelance traders. Her father was already a trade pilot and was quite good at his job when he and his wife decided to leave, they took very little with them other than a few of little Rei’s toys and the family photo albums. They made a good living in the various systems they traveled through and eventually became accustomed to the Liberty house systems. At the age of 12, Reimi was in her room aboard their Mammoth when the ship was attacked, she hid under her bed as the ship rocked with the cannon fire from the raiders. Soon the rocking stopped and her mother came running into her room to see if she was injured. To her surprise, Rei was fine and had already fallen asleep. When she awoke, she could hear her parents talking in the hall outside her room, she crawled from her bed and snuck up to the door to hear them discussing the possibilities of becoming Liberty citizens. Rei had no clue as to what this meant so she went back to bed. A few weeks later, Rei and her parents were on Planet Manhattan in the New York system going through various bits of paperwork, then after a good 7 hours, they were given their Libertonian IDs.
After a few years passed, Rei had become accustomed to the different attacks on her parents ship and at the age of 16 was given permission to start manning a gunner station aboard the tiny ship. She soon learned many of the small freighters systems and their intricacies as well as how to pilot the small vessel. At the age of 19 she purchased a small Rhino with the money she’d saved from various odd jobs she did for the different traders her family came into contact with and it was with this small freighter that she soon found her love of trading.
After a few more years, Reimi had saved up enough credits so that she could purchase a large Bison Battle Transport that she had fallen in love with, and soon set out to join DSE, the company she’d done so many freelance jobs for in the past. Rie was quite the daredevil and made countless trips between New York and Leeds, the Bretonian / Gallic frontlines, simply to make her quota for Boron runs and had no problem telling the Gallics what she thought of them. Her crew were hand selected from the different freelancers she'd met along the way and are very close to her. She considers them like family though from time to time has to give them what for due to their tendencies for slacking off or just plain idiocy while on long runs. She's often heard over comms with other traders yelling at them or speaking with them for their opinion on different subjects. As Rei was raised, her parents decided to teach her the art of the bow, an ancient earth weapon that was used more so now for sport rather than actual combat. She is quite adept with her custom fold out kusarian bow and is hardly seen without it stuck to her back. At times she even uses it to shoot padded arrows at the boys when they decide to get perverted with her, this is quickly ended once they feel the sting of her deadly aim.
She has a stubborn mentality and is more likely to engage a raider than to fork over credits that she and her crew worked hard to earn. Her favorite vessel is that of the DSE)Stratofreighter Bison Battle transport that she can often be found captaining between New York and Leeds. She has zero tolerance for pirates and often bites off a bit more than she can chew, though She and her crew always manage to get out of a difficult situation. She believes whole heartedly that hard work and dedication are the road to success and shortcuts, trickery, thievery and all around Piracy are for those with no honor. Her crew agree with her on this subject and are always ready for a good fight, they also know that at every layover, their captain will by the first round and anything on the menu is free game. Rei often orders a small bottle of Kusarian Hard Saki, A drink thats been known to knock a heavy set individual clean out by the 4th shot, though with her it takes around 4 bottles just to get drunk. Her crew have more often then not been seen carrying each other back to the ship with her following behind laughing at their inability to hold their liquor. Reimi whole heartedly loves the company she works for and is more than willing to go the extra mile for DSE.
Faction affiliation: Deep Space Engineering (DSE)
Ship 1: DSE)Stratofreighter (Bison Battle Transport) Ships crew: 12, herself and her well trained, efficient, albeit rowdy crew. Favorite port of call: DISP (Doe Industrial Space Port)
Friends: Anyone that doesn't shoot at her, Her crew. Enemies: Anyone that shoots at her or thinks they can make some easy credits from her ships cargo. Likes: Archery practice, Saki, Dangerous trade runs, having fun with her crew. Dislikes: When her bow malfunctions, Pirates of any sort, Gallics, Yelling at her crew (Though this is often debated as something she enjoys by her crew).
Favorite quote: “A pirates only as good as his targeting sensors”