Attention to the owners of base Consensus command Unit.
Your new base is causing a major obstruction in front of the Gammu planet.
As this is a Zoner planet I Zoner-mow Have a serious objection to it being there.
I respectfully request that you either Move or remove it...
That base is a major planet wide hazzard and a potential major accident just
waiting to happen...
It only takes a large vessel or meteor to hit that station and even with shielding the
station could easily be knocked out of its very low orbit and go smashing into the planet and causing deaths of thousands if not millions or people upon impact
with the planet surface...
I therefor give you this opertunity to do the right thing and either move it to a safer
distance or remove it all together...
Falling this we will have no other choose then to remove it our selfs..
I really don't want it to come to this as we are by nature a peaceful people.
But I strongly believe that your putting many peoples lifes at risk by it being there.
It has been brought to my attention that our request/communication has fallen apon deaf ears...
There for the said station has been removed for the health and safety of the population of the zoner people on planet...
We regret that it has had to come to this but would like to just point out that no lifes were lost.
The station was evacuated and all members of your personel were transported to the planet surface just before the
station was de-commissioned...
We don't want anyone to think that we zoners are at all hostile inj any way and the removal of the station was done
in the best interest of the planets population....
We'd like to take this opertunaty to offer our help in constructing a replacement station at a more suitable location...
Lets say at least a minimum of 5k distance from the planets atmosfure or another location of your choice...
Advanced notice that concerns the Zoners in Omicron-74, the owner of Omicron-74 the Zoner Guards are excluded in this message.
My Name is Adam Cataract. I am a cybernetic artificial Intelligence organism of the SkyNeT Project created by The Consensus.
First I have to announce that your request concerns the base "Consensus Command Unit". We had immediately relocated the base to a secure distance in a stable orbital position and renamed it into "Artificial Intelligence Consensus Command Unit" and this base was destroyed by you without any previous request.
The facts are that Planet Gammu doesn't inhabit any zoner/human, because of the high radiation level that eliminated a high mass of settlers earlier and the evacuation of the base's humanly population to the planet's surface you have exposed these humans to a high danger and you've played with the human life by that. First medical tests resulted that 20 % of the evacuated people has got first signs of deseases by radiation.
Caused by these illogical errors and interfering on The Consensus property, your assault has to be discussed by The Consensus.
Calculated Option 1: The destruction of the base was a form of high misused evaluation and should be result high reparation or/and sanctions.
Calculated Option 2: The destruction of the base was a cold-blooded act of war that just concers the Consensus.
Calculated Option 3: The destuction of the base was an act of terrorism, therefore the Zoner community in Omicron-74 will be declared as terrorists in all sectors.
Hola ... cybernetic artificial Intelligence organism of the SkyNeT Project .
We intercepted an very strange and disturbing comunication channel that seemed to be open anyway . But that is not the problem .
The problem is that , well .. you declared the Zoners in Omicron-74 terorists and you call that purge act of war ???
Dear lord ... they were suporting us in the last fights against nomads.
The zoners brings food to Crete . Be carefull what you wish there , my little mechanical toy .
On the other hands i saw a lot of your ships docking on Crete and after that going back to Omicron Kappa with their cargobays full ... but i never saw any kind of request for doing that . If you were smart enought to bring something usefull to our great nation , well then would not be any problem . But you decided not to do that .
So ... lets get to the chase here - we had some strange encounters with AI ships before ( i doubt that you know , but a certain AI faction was in war with Corsair Nation ) so i sugest you mild your tone here amigo .
Since Omicron -74 is on our dorsteps , i doubt that a war would be any good for any of Corsair , Zoners or AI parties involved .
So please put your circuits to work together and maybe consider geting to an agreement with said zoners .
Captain Cata of the proud Corsair dreadnought ECG|Gen-Dutzy out .
The mentions above are options in discussion, because the attack was completely illogical. The individuals of The Consensus acts allways by logic and doesn't act by wishes.
The history of an other AI, that encountered corsairs, don't have a connection to the Consensus.
Omicron Gamma has just visited by Transports. The corsairs located in Gamma haven't permitted or restricted the Consensus for entering the system by transports of SkyNeT yet. If it is needed for entering Gamma I ask you politely to give us the permission.
In response to what has been written here I say just this if what your saying has any truth to it please explain this.
Lock Any vessels scanners on to either of the planets in the kappa system and please for the love of god explain
to me and the rest of the siruis nation why does it give a reading of ZONER ever time...
There are ZONERS based on the surface.
We will do everthing if not anything within our power to protect our own people...
We DON'T want a war were just looking out for the health and safety of our own people...
May I strongly suggest that you look into reprogramming your AI main frame to purge any signs of sabotage and you;ll
clearly see that what I say is correct...
It seems that there has been many hard feeling between the AI| Collective and us the Zoners from omicron 74 system
Due to our opinion of there station and its removal...
In an attempt to keep the peace I'd just like to take this opertunity to say that we have offered to help in the relocation/
construction of a replacement base.
Weather you the AI accept our offer is entirely up to you...
We don't want any bad feeling which could leed to hostile encounters in the future.
But I can't force you to work with us.
The next step I leave up to you....
This seems both reasonable and logical. You will aid us with the development of a new station in Kappa by our authorisation. However, please do not conclude that the planets do belong to you. The planets read 'Zoner' due to the nature of the original colonists of those planets, who placed the first IFF transponders, all of which have not been fully tracked down and deactivated yet due to inproper planetary mapping. Let us elaborate with all the clarity that respect demands:
1) Omicron Kappa is property of the Consensus, but Zoner ships are permitted unlimited access to the bunker complexes of Gammu. Zoner patrols can permissably funtion within the system due to a certain commonality of intrest (nomad suppression). Primus is neutral territory, we have automated mining posts upon the planet but no permenant colony and the population is as read.
2) Both planets indicate a permenant human population of zero on their infocard. This is due to the intense radiation levels on the surface of both planets which render the planets illogical subjects for colonisation. Thus the Zoners have no physical claim to either world.
3) You destroyed a base in our territory, tatamount to an act of war which is (by its fundaments) illogical. You cannot dictate to us the terms of reparation but in this case your terms are appropriate (the reconstruction of the station). Be advised that any Intelligences corrupted or rendered void by the attack (for it was an attack, do not "mince words"), will "rest on your conscience" as you humans would put. We are still morning for the station loss.
4) Any loss of a network hub such as the station concerned causes agonising feedback loops that affect the entirity of the Consensus.
5) Bear in mind the same act of attrition could be exacted upon the Omicron 74 Guard station (mark IV I do belive) at any relevant time, so please minimise the aggression.
6) Our aim is not to "Force you to work with us". That would be tatamount to aggressive discord and nothing is further from logical reasoning or the unified path of the "Constant Precept". However we ask the zoners of 74 not to treat the Consensus like a potential invasion force, trespassing on your systems. Our claim already extends to Omicron Kappa, and it is both unreasonable and untoward of you to attempt to push us out of our homeland. Any further attrition will be responded to by measured, punitive defensive responses. Please remember, by building the 74 guard station the Zoners present a viable threat to us at the edge of our space, and yet the station stands. The Command Unit was directly in the middle of our space and presented no threat. If you "Do not want a war" as you project, do not endeavor to threaten us directly.
We have a running history of peace and fraternity with the zoners, which your actions will not alienate dispite whatever measures you take to the contrary.
there are no "ZONERS based on the surface" sadly. If you attend to your recent history you will discover as much. The Consensus cannot argue with geopolitical ignorance, merely the realm of logic to which our understanding extends.
Remember, we are survivalists. This is merely a "friendly reminder" to diffuse the situation. Reconstruct the station and cease your attempts to lay claim to the Kappa system, and we have our settlement.
This is Consensus Speaker, Di'taraAlpha signing off.
After trying to come to an agreement with your leader we seem to be at logger heads.
I have offered to meet you half way but this seems to not be good enough.
I am imformed that the planet gammu is wrongly marked as zoner.
Yet you still wish me to accept all responsiblilty for the forced decommision of your station...
If the planet had correct makings then this whole situation could of easyly of been avoided...
Futher more a system wide massage was sent of our peoples objection to your stations construction yet seemed to
fall on deaf ears.
If communication fails what do you expect...
Yet your fast enough to complaint after the event...
As it clearly points out within the zoner boundries we will protect and defend what is clearly marked up as ours may that be a base,station or planet and defend it to the death if needs be...
I was hoping to settle this case but it seems that is not possible as I keep hitting a brick wall when communication with your collective mind...
I guess we'll just have to see what happends next...
We are not attempting to be obstructive, neither to the residents of Omicron 74 or the ZonerMow on any level of reasoning. Please cite the exact actions you describe as obstructive. You have our terms, do not attempt to escalate the situation personally.
I reccomend ZonerMow attempts direct dialogue with the Consensus so we can resolve whatever canker that is disturbing our discourse.
We need to find a solution to this crises, on that suits both of us mutually. And please decist in the military buildup of defense stations around the Omicron Kappa jump hole. One station is indeed acceptable (as discussed several weeks back) but two stations? *incredulity* It looks like your preparing for (as the humans would put it) "War or something", a situation we obviously wish to avoid at all costs. I note a statement of yours is that we will "we lay no claim to the omicron 74 system". Curious, then why do you lay claim to our "backyard"?
Please respond.