The Battered Bastards Unit number: First Royal Navy Seventh Fleet. 1-7
Battle in which the Battered Bastards are famous for: Battle of Gap Station
Percent casualty rate did they sustain during said battle: 60%
The mission of the Battered Bastards: Mission of the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet:
A:To spearhead operations conducted by the Gallic Royal Navy in defense of Kingdom of Gallia house space and Tau Territories, or to spearhead assaults on Council and Bretonia space, and hunt down and destroy criminal or terrorist organizations operating within Gallia Prime and the Tau-23, Tau-31, Tau-44, and Leeds Systems.
B:To ensure safe passage and defense of approved traders through Gallia and systems contested by the Gallic Royal Navy.
C:To ensure that contraband is not being smuggled into Gallic space.
1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet may cite all vessels that are carrying such contraband, and have permission to destroy said vessels if they refuse to cooperate, or are affiliated with a house at war with Gallia.
D:Absolutely no member of 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet will participate in any unlawful action.
System is restricted to us: Champagne
Ombre Démoniaque
Death: Ombre_signature has been put out of action by Teerin (Nuke).
Maximum signature size is 700x250, and yours was 614x359. Old contents. Better luck next time!
After review of your application, it seems to me that you are a desirable applicant. You know our history, mission, and territory. You are hereby accepted to the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. As a member of the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet you are expected to carry yourself with honor. The manner in which you act reflects upon the entirety of the Kingdom, the Fleet, and of course sa Majesté, King Charles XI. You are expected to carry out the duties tasked to you with due diligence. Familiarize yourself with the Laws of the Kingdom and The Code of Conduct. You should know these by heart. You should feel a great sense of pride, and honor in being a member of 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. Good luck to you. Report at once to Planet Angers, Anjou system for further instruction. Welcome to the Bastards.
Planet of Birth: Ville Saint-Denis, Nouveau Paris, Ile-de-France
Time in Space (how long you've been playing): Roughly a week, though I've plenty of experience on similar games and massive amounts with RP
What is the Battered Bastards Unit number?: 1ere Marine Royale, 7ème Unite
What battle are the Battered Bastards famous for?: Battle for Gap Station
What percent casualty rate did they sustain during said battle? Roughly 60%
What is the mission of the Battered Bastards?:
1.)Spearhead operations conducted by la Marine Royale de Gallia in defense of Kingdom of Gallia space and it's Tau territories, similarly to spearhead assaults on both Council and Bretonia space, additionally to hunt down and destroy criminal or terrorist organizations operating within Gallia Prime as well as the Tau-23, Tau-31, Tau-44, and Leeds Systems.
2.)Ensure safe passage and defense of approved traders throughout Gallia and systems contested/occupied by the Gallic Royal Navy.
3.)Combat the smuggling of contraband into Gallian space.
4.) To eliminate the vessels of enemy factions and Houses
5.) To uphold the laws of the Kingdom. No Member of the unit may act unlawfully.
What system is restricted to us?: Champagne, the system recently claimed by the Council.
Monsier LeBlanc,
After review of your application, it seems to me that you are a desirable applicant. You know our history, mission, and territory. You are hereby accepted to the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. As a member of the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet you are expected to carry yourself with honor. The manner in which you act reflects upon the entirety of the Kingdom, the Fleet, and of course sa Majesté, King Charles XI. You are expected to carry out the duties tasked to you with due diligence. Familiarize yourself with the Laws of the Kingdom and The Code of Conduct. You should know these by heart. You should feel a great sense of pride, and honor in being a member of 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. Good luck to you. Report at once to Planet Angers, Anjou system for further instruction. Welcome to the Bastards.
Time in Space (how long you've been playing):
2 years
What is the Battered Bastards Unit number?:
1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet
What battle are the Battered Bastards famous for?:
The Battle of Gap Station
What percent casualty rate did they sustain during said battle?
Over 60%
What is the mission of the Battered Bastards?
To spearhead operations conducted by the Gallic Royal Navy in defense of Kingdom of Gallia house space and Tau Territories, or to spearhead assaults on Council and Bretonia space, and hunt down and destroy criminal or terrorist organizations operating within Gallia Prime and the Tau-23, Tau-31, Tau-44, and Leeds Systems. To ensure safe passage and defense of approved traders through Gallia and systems contested by the Gallic Royal Navy. To ensure that contraband is not being smuggled into Gallic space. Items of contraband are included in the Gallic
Monsier Croix,
After review of your application, it seems to me that you are a desirable applicant. You know our history, mission, and territory. You are hereby accepted to the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. As a member of the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet you are expected to carry yourself with honor. The manner in which you act reflects upon the entirety of the Kingdom, the Fleet, and of course sa Majesté, King Charles XI. You are expected to carry out the duties tasked to you with due diligence. Familiarize yourself with the Laws of the Kingdom and The Code of Conduct. You should know these by heart. You should feel a great sense of pride, and honor in being a member of 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. Good luck to you. Report at once to Planet Angers, Anjou system for further instruction. Welcome to the Bastards.
Planet of Birth: Saint Germaine, Nouveau Paris, Ile-de-France.
Time in Space (how long you've been playing): A few weeks now. I've been testing out many of the existing factions in the game world, attempting to find comfort in one of them.
What is the Battered Bastards Unit number?: 1ere Marine Royale, 7ème Unite.
What battle are the Battered Bastards famous for?: The Battle for Gap Station.
What percent casualty rate did they sustain during said battle?: Approximately a 60% casualty rate.
What is the mission of the Battered Bastards?: The mission of the Battered Bastards focuses on spearhead operations conducted by la Marine Royale de Gallia, in the defense of Kingdom of Gallia space and surrounding Tau territories. This includes spearhead assaults on both Council and Bretonia space, additionally to seek and eliminate criminal/terrorist organizations operating within Gallia Prime territory as well as the Leeds, Tau-44, Tau-23 and Tau-31 Systems.
To ensure the safe passage and defense of approved traders through the Kingdom of Gallia and systems occupied by the Gallic Royal Navy.
To focus on the smuggling of contraband into Gallic space.
To eliminate the vessels of enemy organizations and Houses.
To uphold the laws of the Kingdom of Gallia.
What system is restricted to us?: Champagne, as it was taken by The Council.
Monsier Aguillard,
After review of your application, it seems to me that you are a desirable applicant. You know our history, mission, and territory. You are hereby accepted to the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. As a member of the 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet you are expected to carry yourself with honor. The manner in which you act reflects upon the entirety of the Kingdom, the Fleet, and of course sa Majesté, King Charles XI. You are expected to carry out the duties tasked to you with due diligence. Familiarize yourself with the Laws of the Kingdom and The Code of Conduct. You should know these by heart. You should feel a great sense of pride, and honor in being a member of 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet. Good luck to you. Report at once to Planet Angers, Anjou system for further instruction. Welcome to the Bastards.
Time in Space (how long you've been playing): 3 weeks
What is the Battered Bastards Unit number?: 1st Royal Navy, 7th Fleet
What battle are the Battered Bastards famous for?: The Battle of Gap Station
What percent casualty rate did they sustain during said battle?" over 60%
What is the mission of the Battered Bastards?: To direct the forefront of operations of the Gallic Royal Navy in defense of the Kingdom of Gallia House owned space and Tau territories.
To direct assaults on Council and Bretonia space. To remove permanently all terrorist and criminal organizations in Gallian space, Taus 23, 31, 44 and Leeds system, including transporting illegal contraband
To provide the safe passage of all transports in Gallic space and contested territories