We need more unlawfuls. At this rate I am going to have to end up cutting lawful indies out of the event, and maybe some official faction members as well.
(05-11-2013, 12:16 PM)Xenord Wrote: I can bring Bundielol char(Bomber or LF) if it'll fit in that unlawful party
Im not sure whether the Bundschuh would hold hands with corsairs though, because everytime the bundschuh met corsairs, they shot eachother pretty badly...
A big kudos goes out to the KNF, who have agreed to withdraw from the event so that they slots could be taken by other lawfuls. I hate to see it come to this, but this also alleviates the problem of Corsairs having to shoot KNF; a bit silly in the first place.
Yeah, the way this event is set up means it isn't for Bundschuh (since that would add a third side).
I have a Unioner bomber I could use, and a Corsair hiding away somewhere/
As a reminder, unless more unlawfuls show up, I am going to bar a lot of the lawfuls who have signed up for the event from participating.
There have been objections fromt he corsar side that due tot he current force composition,they are going to die a horrible death.
Please keep in mind that the sairs and unioners are going to OUTNUMBER lawfuls for this event. Once we have the final number of unlawfuls, I am going to cut lawful places to about 2 ships less then that of the unlawfuls!