The young woman looks into the cam. "Hey... My name is Lea. You don't know me, but... I heard about you." She looks at the holocam, trying to find the right words. "I'm the sister of Miley, Miley McGreave. You might recall. I'd really like to talk to you... about her.
If you're out there somehow and this message reaches you. Please do leave me an answer." She tries the slight hint of a smile.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to insult you." She hesitates. "I don't know what happend back then... I actually don't know anything about my sister. That's why I contacted you... I'm sorry if that was inappropriate. I just wanted to find out what happend to her..."
She looks down. "Well. Uhm... You don't have to... But if you want to do me this favor I'd suppose Omega 3? The freeport seems like a location for that." She smiles for the first time. "I'd be glad meeting you there as fast as you can."