After having spotted her leaving the bar and stopping at a shop for food, he had enough time to work out it was the one he had been speaking to the day before. Through mostly a wanting to have a small bit of fun he had done his best to go unseen taking a longer route about when he came back around standing next to the tree he lent on it looking down toward her. "Indeed we shall, Good sub?" He asked looking down at it. "I was thinking of getting one my self how ever I found my self not hungry at the time, Hello Susan." There was a smirk on his features as well as shades over his eyes meaning she couldn't completely tell where his eyes were pointed. upon observation he would stand at around five foot nine, broad shouldered and very dark brown hair.
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
The poor girl jumps, as she was startled by the sudden appearance. She looks up at him quickly, putting down her sub. "For heavens sakes, people around here tend to make a habit to sneak up on peop-.. That voice.. I didn't expect to see you around again, I am rather surprised."
Settling down once more. "So what brings you up to the Tau's, I believe you were around and gaining funds for your own gain last time we spoke.. Sooner than I thought."
Going back to eating, not really bothered much anymore at this point.
He gave a short chuckle as he observed the reaction and then looked across the bio dome. "Well I was around the neighborhood trying to commit espionage or that of the like though I think the person only had a mental break down when she left, anyway, I docked a while ago the Onuris in the hanger by is mine, I don't like to get bored." he looked down to her managing a smile.
"Saw you walking out of the bar so I thought I might pay you a visit, I told you I like doing things out of spite, thought you weren't going to talk to me again let alone meet, I probably need to start getting more funds, gotta help a battleship get ready again and they are finding it hard to get requested supplies."
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
Taking a bite out of her food, glancing up again. "I despise captains of battleships just to let you know. Their attitude drops, and their behavior changes because they believe they are all-powerful by the mechanics they control."
Taking a small sip of water. "Perhaps.. Meeting again is rather.. 'unfortunate' hopefully it will not become a habit. I wouldn't have spoken as I did yesterday if this was to become a common thing."
"And while I am at it.. Is it really smart to tell people that you are doing espionage? Thats a rather.. delicate matter I would think"
He would shrug to her comment about Battleship pilots as he would move to sit down against the tree propping his forearms up on his knees as he had his head turned to the side to speak to her. "That most might be, but the smart ones often destroy those captains like they would a fly." An eyebrows raised for a while as he considered her words. "That as it may, I think I know how to keep secrets given its in my job description, besides are you really that afraid of having a friend? I thought you might have been braver then that."
He pushed back his left sleeve a moment touching the data pad mounted there to his wrist for a short moment and then pulling the sleeve back over it. "An Order pilot is never up to nothing and besides espionage is like breakfast we have a little bit of it in the morning and then lunch time we go on a suicide mission, I actually plan to set Malta on fire and free all the slaves at least that's my ambition but I seriously doubt Ill be able to see it as a reality, though a question, is there any item for your research you might need that might be a bit to dangerous for you to obtain?"
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
"These so called.. Friends you say are rather a hassle. Dead weight. I can function better on my own much better than with others, as for the Order.. More people I despise, actually people who don't work for themselves are rather irritating to be around. I am not a nice person mind you."
Finishing up her food, getting comfortable. "as for an item? Not necessarily. The commonwealth provides quite well on that regard, anything 'rare' per-say I can get on my own. I am independent, I refuse to work with others. I thought you would have gotten that since we have spoken yesterday."
Long before the new personages made their appearance in the lush of Sylvania Dome, when Robert and Susan just finished discussing and digesting their little and harmless plot, Robert glared at Susan as she left towards the labs, contriving the bamboozle in detail as well as the possible outcomes.
He didn't say anything to her, not even a salute. He was somehow worried. The idea of her departure didn't appeal to him at all and this is something to be expected. The Commonwealth possesses a remarkable unity. When one of its members leaves, or dies, the sorrow exceeds over gargantuan proportions.
But he didn't allow any such thoughts to express on his face and bestow a moment of subjective weakness.
" Tres bien " he thought as his attention turned towards his leopard, once Susan left.
The leopard also glared at him insistently, as if it knew what to expect. Robert then approached it and unleashed the beautiful creature, only to witness the docile and exotic feline disappearing in the confines of trees and bushes at an alarming excitement. Robert didn't want to take his furry companion to the laboratory for some reason yet unknown
" But what if people will get startled at this sight? Well... That is why we have Sean to worry about for " He thought, ruminating any possible and inconvenient outcome where his Leopard would stumble through the various drinks at the bar.
A small, elusive smile erected on his lips, as if the scenario appealed to him, drifting him away from the murderous thought of one's departure, tormenting him intensively.
Forward he went towards the exit as his shoes drenched themselves into the soft ground, covering the distance. He had to complete this intrigue. It is a well obvious fact that this wouldn't be the first of trickeries he attempts to play at Achille's address. No, such performances were a regular display.
Well beyond the unity and the strong bond they had, sustained by their commitment for the common cause: Prosperity of the Commonwealth. They exhibited a mutual desire to unleash a set of trickeries to one another. A performance equivalent to a lion guarding its meal zealously while being constantly and relentlessly nagged and annoyed by a hyena so that it would give in its meal away. The only difference here was that these roles were interchangeable between the two characters: Robert and Achille, while the meal, or the prize, was their own pride and sense of egocentrism, easily spurred.
Still, in a matter of seconds, Robert himself staged his disappearance from the dome, only to allow the events in here flow without him
He shrugged gently as if to give the notion. 'what can you do' across. "I am rather stubborn at accepting things, You are a very picky woman also its noted you find my presence as something that is irritating a pleasure I could serve that, You say these things that your not a nice person and such and repeating them over and over, are you trying to convince me or your self?" He tilted his head while raising an eyebrow.
"You know I was attacked by an outcast or two while within the area of the free-port while here they were tagged with the CL tagging charming people, they seem to believe screaming out now you die is a good conversation starter." he moved out his legs stretching them before going to retrieve a object from his pocket, he broke off a piece before offer it toward her. "Chocolate?"
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
She looks at him for a second, slowly reaching over and taking the piece, muttering a small thank you.
"Perhaps both.. Securing the way how I see things proves quite difficult, its irritating." Letting out a breath. "So what do you intend to do afterwards you leave the Freeport hm? I can see you sticking around as those Outcasts are probably still around.. Such a hassle.. But afterwards?"
Looking out at the forested area, to see a leopard crouching in the trees. She smiles slightly, finishing the chocolate.
He shrugged letting a smile play across his face shifting his head forward to look at the area and only signed with a small sense of defeat to what he needed to say. "Actually the dodging the outcasts might provide some fun in its own sick twisted way, I learned to dodge before I learned to fly, but after I leave? maybe patrol the sectors see if I can turn up anything send out communications gather information from those loose lipped enough which surprisingly enough there are quite a lot of loosed lipped people out there. maybe you should stop trying to secure the way you want to be and start to learn the way you are, you might want to be one way but if your constantly getting irritated at you doing something against that doesn't it stand to reason that the way you wish to be isn't the way you are, I often find if I just let me be my self well...." He'd spread his arms. turning his head to look at her. "Here I am."
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness