Lel. So every once and a while I get a PM like this, someone asking me what the hell is my problem and how I function and what the hell happens. Last time it was a week or so ago, and they were quick to point out that I seem to operate on a pattern. This is what they summed up:
[2013.09.11. 13:08:02] : well
[2013.09.11. 13:08:10] : here's what you seem to do.
[2013.09.11. 13:10:11] : - Behave like an obnoxious fucktard for a while. Gathering people towards you and trolling the shit out of everyone. Sometimes cheating, or encouraging people to cheat... Little to no regard for the rules. Generally fucks everyone off.
- When the heat gets too much, you rat out all your compadres who were behaving like assholes with you and make a big apology.
- You go quiet for a bit, hoping everyone forgets.
- You start behaving like a disco jesus and being all helpful to everyone, which makes everyone much more patient when you finally...
- Restart the whole cycle.
[2013.09.11. 13:12:50] : So, what I suggest is that you stop falling into that cycle of behaviour and do something different.
I find this interesting, since I never really thought about how this looks from the side. But the cycle described above is sort of incomplete and sort of wrong on a few levels, so here is a much more detailed one for the lulz. I am at work at this point and it is a slow Wednesday, so yeah.
Cycle of Spazzeh
Step One
Return from an existing phase of CBA or inactivity, make a few indie characters to fly around and explore, have some random RPs and pew pews, generally playing Incognito mode, enjoy the feeling of general anonymosity. I take this moment to explore things I would not otherwise do. Sometimes involving things such as dropping the level of my RP quality, joining random indie groups like the LNS, where the concept of RP is much, much more relaxed- perfect for getting the gears rolling again without much stress.
Step Two
At some point, the immersion hits and I start paying more attention to the happenings going on in the general area I play in. I make a few indies on either side of the reputation sheet for that place and buff up my RP quality, interact more with the official factions and focus a little more on the RP side of things. I've noticed I do this a lot in transports (trader or otherwise), where I can relax and focus on them as an RP platform, without having anyone expect something more from me PVP-wise. Of course this does not last and I quickly get bored of flying alone. One of two things happen then- either Step three of Step five.
Step Three
Interaction with the populace of the area leads me to give up on Indie-dom and join one or few factions I enjoyed to RP with the most. Usually with some sort of twist, such as joining RM with a Bretonian Junker or joining the 101st with an ex LN agent or so forth, eager to give example of the RP capabilities of the ID they use, trying something different and RP-orientated. Sometimes involved some flack because of stretching the limitations of said ID. This phase can also be skipped right to step five.
Step Four
One of two things happens. Either my contribution to the faction I joined was good enough for me to have significant impact on it, at which moment I abandon all my other characters and dedicate all of my free time to it and its growth, helping the peeps in charge along the way (With or without their consent). The longest period of this was my involvement in the LR-, where I ended up taking over the faction. This can also manifest itself in trying to contribute to the mod itself. Making movies, tutorials, guides.
Either that or my efforts in the faction either go unnoticed or I am simply not having enough fun as I thought I would be having. Nonetheless, during the time in the faction, I make a few friends I start flying around with on different characters.
Step Five
At some point, I get tired of playing by the rules set on by another person. That could have different reasons, for example all of my RP effort put into something having gone to waste or ended up in a way I did not like it to be. I either end up leaving the faction to seek new ingame experiences/cool off or, as it happens more, I create one of my own. Usually this is the ''troll faction'' phase. I gather a few peeps and we focus on an ID we can exploit for our own lulz. Notable examples are the Razortridente Squad, Allertons, [99%], MD Mining Company, Urlas, Torpedoes and the Bass Hunters(Which I joined, mind). At this point all effort to deliver RP based ingame experience shifts drastically towards my own individual enjoyment of the game, usually at the expense of others. This moment in time is dedicated to pure lulz and a reminder to myself that Disco is still a game. The moment where I just fly with a small group with friends and cause general havoc, while remaining on the edge of the server rules.
Step six
This step can end up happening in many ways. Either I get tired/bored and leave the group I made (Torpedoes) or it gets sanctioned (Urlas) or turns into something I do not enjoy (Bass Hunters) or it makes things boring (MD) or people make groups to specifically counter our actions ([99%], Allertons). Or perhaps it just leads down to overall drama, which might or might not involve admins and might or might not involve a ragequit, which in turn, might or might not involve deletion of all the stuff I had either by myself or the admin team.
At this point I focus on something else apart from Freelancer. WoT and School being two notable examples. I start playing FL less and less.
Back to Step One.
Boosh. No idea why I wrote this, bord as hell. Use this chart if you are confused about my actions at some point.
EDIT: Lel, I think I just made a tutorial on myself. Go figure.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
An interesting read, I must admit.
I'm curious about where the 15 minutes of Disco vids come into play, or if they're not regulated to specific steps.
You're also not likely the only player who goes through a specific phase cycle (speaking from self experience, though nowhere near the same steps)
Casual Flier: Returning Player. Forum-PM me if you require my attention
Well, the 15min vids sort of started during an indie phase, then the channel got more and more subscriptions, people started liking them and watching them so...as long as I know someone enjoys them, I keep making them *Shrug*.
EDIT: Actually, you can see the cycle in action through them. They start with patrols with indies with Total Absolution, then they go to JZ, a faction I joined and helped with. Then they turn to Allerton Xeno and [99%] ones, then back to indie ones after a while of not uploading them.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Well, the ragequit step from two years ago ended up with me posting all of my accounts on the forum. Including my Keeper account, which I thought I deleted before doing so. So a lot of things.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502