The Gitanos is one pf the fastest light fighters out there , it handles great. As for looks it is junkerish enough to make it quite original . I will still keep my light fighters but it will certainly become my favorite.
The X Shuttle, well. for a junker, perfect smuggler tool and lovely. If only you didn't removed the Firefly.
Ahah, I lol`d about the sticked out head
Not sure if I could not notice it while testing the model myself, so I`ll friendly-blame Aerelm .
Also, I see no lights and engine effects... BTW, I`ve put Docklight just in a good position, so when you change them to the spotlights (White/blue cone), they`ll be looking well as forward lights (remember that trick with the dynamic light?).
Single player features commands to beam yourself around, add cash, set your rep to full, see all bases, etc.
So it only takes a minutes to find a ship you want to test in space.
Just need to mod installed, but no need to actually go online and fly to a base to get the ship.
Just quickly bought the Gitano, models is fine. Ability (balance work, not yours) seems off, as its turn rate seems to be really low. It does get fast to it's top speed and turn rate, but the max turn rate seems low. Then again, it's a junker ship that stalks scrap fields, so no high speed maneuvers should actually be needed.
Guess it handles like a light bulldog, which by the way still needs a replacement, unless there is one waiting for the upcoming patches.