I know this thread is pointless since SC is on its way and is supposed to have some dope coop mode etc. therefore im posting this in flood bcuz soon disco fl will be dead and disco sc will rise and everyone will need a computer with 8 gigs of ram and no longer can i have fun on a portable computer.
You know what multi-crewed ship in disco lacks? Multiple crew. If we have coop multicrew, it would give a reason not to nerf caps so much. 2 medium skilled bombers cannot possibly destroy a large manned cap - or even a manned gb for that matter because the cap could have multiple gunners who will shoot whoever is in their sight, meaning that you can't flank the cap from both sides and expect not to get shot at by the gunners on both of the cap's flanks - even a bomber could have some sort of tail gunner.
As for the RP, I know that we have superman in disco who can navigate, scan, pew and RP multiple crew at the same time, unfortunately I am not one of them. A cap is expected to be operated by multiple crew, instead we have people pewing bs in cockpit mode like it was some giant one-man fighter - ridiculous imo.
I am obviously not a dev so excuse the ignorance as usual, but I imagine coop mode could be implemented by having the guest player dock on the coop ship first, then type in some command, and once confirmed by the host that eg the guest player will control the piloting/cargo transfer/cash/all guns/guns3-5/CD/Observer etc. the guest will click undock and be temporarily controlling the guns of the same ship he docked on, sharing the view of the host and acting as gunner. When he chats it will appear to be the host ship talking, but the guest's char name will be auto-appended to the front of the chat.
And of course the host will have the option to kick the guest any time he wants.
this coop mode would also reduce the amount of cap spam and ensure probably a more immersive atmosphere as multicrew ships are operated the way they are meant to be. It would also give cap ship names a lot more meaning, since a multicrew ship that fought hard to fight off 10 bombers will make its owners much more proud than a solo ship that jousted another battleship. Also this could also give bunters and freelancers a chance to be hired as gunners, opening more window of oppurtunities. And I am fairly certain that a multicrew trade ship will turn the powertrading situation around, and actually justify increasing the hold limit of those huge slow unbalanced trade ships to the cargo capacity they were meant to carry. Also, genuine intercrew conversations aboard ships wouldn't you like that.
In fact, make multicrew a requirement for large ships and make singleplayer manned caps obtainable only via SRP, this way I promise no more lone lolwuts oorp cap ships, more people flying freighters and fighters, quality RP -and combat (GASP!)- for caps everywhere.
Of course I don't mean that caps be only restricted to official factions, I believe that you put 3 indies in a cap together and you will notice a dramatic change in the quality of their RP. Put several traders together in a 25K miner-hauler, and notice how much more they value their life during pirate encounters, and how much more RP they output. Put a new player in the same cap as some vets, and they will probably learn much quicker than they will by themselves, plus buying caps may become a group effort, justify increasing cap's price and power, and no longer will anyone miss out on the cap action just because they didn't grind enough to make a cap of that faction.
yet I suppose this will never be implemented, not only because SC but also because it will reduce the amount of large scale cap pvps and actually improve the immersion for a change. Sure coop might give players some incentive to invite their buddies to the game so that he could actually put his cap8 battleship to use, but then again I guess we will scare away people who aren't qualified to fly a cap by themselves anyways.
Or maybe I'm just an ungrateful sumabish who can't understand that making this happen is impossible.
I still remember the fast one the Devs pulled on us in 85, when they released a SS of a starflyer with station guns and told us it was a deployable turret for caps that could be controlled by another player...
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(10-07-2013, 11:15 AM)sindroms Wrote: I still remember the fast one the Devs pulled on us in 85, when they released a SS of a starflyer with station guns and told us it was a deployable turret for caps that could be controlled by another player...
My sides have left the planet.
EDIT: Also, why in the hell are you making such a long wall of text in flood without a tl;dr? i cut out that last part, bit uncalled for. ~Meoshi
(10-07-2013, 01:43 PM)lIceColon Wrote: tl:dr I want co-op mode in disco fl
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
actually, now that I think about it, getting co-op in disco really is all about getting the girl's consent before you try to dance with her.
devs implement this pl0x.
No atmosphere? GTFO.
The propeller is the greatest invention of all time.