That's right! We here at Ageira Technologies are looking to grow even further, and with several new departments being built, we need a few good men and women to fill in the empty spots!
Want to make massive profit for both yourself and Ageira? Then become a transport captain! With high pay and immediate benefits, you'll find yourselves in the most well-equipped transports in Sirius, and accompanied with our highly skilled escorts that will guarantee you make it to your destination safely, no matter what!
Or are you feeling a little more heroic? The Navy a bit too close to home for you? Or do you just want to fly in relaxed situations, with fellow escort pilots? Then sign up for transport and lane security! The pay is just as good, our ships are top of the line, and even if you get a wing shot off of your ship, our health care is the best available! The benefits are unbelievable!
Oh? Not much of a pilot, but you've got a good mind in that noggin of yours? Then submit an application to our Research and Development department. While our transport captains and escorts keep Ageiras gears turning, it's people who come up with our new technology that keep us moving forwards! Even if you haven't gone to some glamorous university, we're more than happy to teach and train bright and willing minds.
But that's not all you can do in Ageira, and the sky definitely is not the limit here! Wherever you go in our company is up to you!
Current Entry Level openings are: Transport captain, escort pilot, research intern, engineering, janitor, secretary, public relations.
Applications are to be sent here, or in through PM.
Note to all potential employees: Approved applicants receive 15.000.000 credits to purchase either a personal transport, or fighter/bomber, allowing them to begin work almost immediately.
Previous employment (If any): The Lane Hackers. Ironic that I'm going to you from them, eh?
Personal Goals: To do something decent with my life. Ageira's gotta have at least one opportunity open for that, considering the importance of the company in Sirius.
Desired starting position: Transport captain. I can't screw that up too badly.
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:::::: Digital Signature: Valid
Miss Danielle, we are quite pleased that you saw Ageira as a more viable lifestyle than that of a Lane Hacker. Your application is approved, but on a probationary status. You will be expected to work at a level somewhat above that of your peers!
Mister Awesome, we will just assume your surname is a lost bet, or you are in fact awesome. Your application is expected, but if you could keep your ships transponder to display your name as something a little more.. Formal, we would greatly appreciate it.
Yes, Mister Destroyer. Looking here at your references, your previous employment, it seems you did quite the stellar job at keeping Bed, Space, and Beyond quite spotless with your janitorial work. You actually seem to have a streak of cleanliness in your previous jobs as well.
Your application as janitor for the company is approved!
You will receive immediate funding to ensure you're capable of purchasing any supplies you need, Mister Destroyer.
Previous employmentrivate security, Operated a gunboat and some fighters. All lost in ambush by Gallic raiding force.
Company Goals: Looking to use skills gained to further the growth of technology and help a waning company wax once more. Hopefully added security will encourage more potential employees to join Ageira.
Desired starting position: Security/Transport captain depending on what is needed at the time.
I am proficient in flying all transport class vessel short of a barge. I am also proficient in commanding Gunboat class vessels. I am able to fly fighters though more training is needed to be truly threatening.
I am not capable of flying Bomber class vessels effectively without further training.
If accepted preferred ship name for transport class vessel will be Rainier.
For Gunboat class vessel will be Phoenix.
Thank you for reading this application I look forward to a bright future with Ageira
Be quick,
Be efficient,
Be powerful,
The correct way to pirate
Hello, mister Cole. Your past checks out and you indeed seem to have quite the combat record. Transport or escort service? For now, we think we will fund you your own personal transport, and allow you to decide from there. Do good enough work, and you just might have every option available to you!
Entry Level Application #QR3354782 Wrote:Name:
- Jason Langley
- 28
Previous Employment:
- LSF Tech Specialist
Personal Goals:
- Making some cash, I resigned from the LSF since my opinion of it was that it didn't have only Liberty's interest in mind, so there was no reason to waste my talents there. And since you're the largest corporation in my field, well, it's natural you'll be paying the most.
Desired Starting Position:
- Lane Security & Software Maintenance. I was a field agent, I'm trained to fly anything from a Fighter to a Gunboat. Also as a tech specialist I have extensive knowledge and experience of Information Systems, including certain programming languages Ageira uses, I can easily get myself acquainted with your Lane & Gate operating systems upon being employed.