//This is now open for posting. Remain in character and ask questions pertaining to the High Command. ONLY order players may post here.//
<Location: High Command Conference Hall, Lisbon Station, Omicron 100>
The four conference chambers at the core of Lisbon Station had been opened up, creating one large open space crammed with benches and chairs for attendees. At the front of the room a stage had been set up, with five seats arranged behind a long, closed-front table. At each seat was a microphone, linked to the speakers hanging from the walls on all sides of the conference hall.
Order personnel, ranging from recruits to officers, squadron leaders to battleship captains, funneled into the hall, filling up row after row. The majority of The Order's personnel were attending, but admittance was given on a first come, first serve basis. After all, there was limited room aboard the station, and many pilots and officers were required to remain on patrol and defense duty while the conference was held.
A large projector screen behind the stage displayed various recorded operations undertaken by The Order in the past, and the speakers surrounding the hall blared speeches from Orillion and other Order leaders, a filler while the crowd packed into their seats. After several minutes, the conference hall had been filled to the brim, and was overtaken by the low roar of the attendees talking amongst themselves while they waited for something to happen.
The projector screen went blank, and Orillion's voice faded from the speakers. One by one, the five new members of The Order High Command came onto the stage and took their seats. From left to right they lined up: Commander Aki Kimura, Colonel Meredith Savoy, Grand Admiral Sius Malacos, Commodore Caitlyn Shauers, and Admiral Mirage Bre'Delakorsa.
Grand Admiral Malacos cleared his throat, the sound echoing outward from each speaker in the room. The attendees ceased their talking, dropping the atmosphere into sudden silence as they listened intently to what the leader of The Order had to say.
"Welcome, pilots and officers, to the High Command Introductions Conference. In the past few months, there have been upheavals within The Order that have caused unrest amongst it's members. Those vying for power or making rash decisions in the field have cost us ships, equipment, and most of all the lives of the men and women operating under their command. This behavior cannot continue, we are the first and last... the only... line of defense standing between humanity and the alien threats on the horizon. We are defenders of an entire race, and while they may fight amongst themselves for the same power and greed that has afflicted us as of late, it is our duty and vow to be better than the average man, to rise above these desires in order to make Sirius a better place for future generations."
"To that end, the command structure of The Order as a whole has been reorganized. The cancer afflicting us had to be cut out, and it is unfortunate that no other option presented itself. However, these changes will hopefully prove themselves worth the effort, and from them I hope that The Order will gain new strength in it's ultimate purpose of defending humanity."
"Standing before you today are the five members of The Order who have been chosen to represent you as the High Command. These people, myself included, were chosen based upon their personal experience, leadership capability, and areas of expertise. It is our hope - my hope - that with this new High Command we will be able to better organize The Order's operations. Now, each of us has a short speech prepared to introduce ourselves for those of you who have not met us before. Commander Kimura, care to start?"
Aki straightened her uniform and stood as Grand Admiral Malacos returned to his seat. She flipped on her microphone and straightened the papers before her containing her prepared introduction. Public speeches were not exactly her forte, the large crowds made her nervous despite having to do this a dozen times prior to today. She looked across the hundreds of assembled personnel, most of them she did not recognize but those who had flown with her in the past stood out.
"Hello everyone, thank you for attending. Most of you do not yet know me in person, I've only been a member of The Order for a few short years now. I was raised in Kusari, and spent several years serving in the Kusari Naval Forces as a fighter pilot. Unfortunately I was not recruited into The Order until after the Nomad War had concluded, but I have seen my share of battle since as I'm sure most of you have."
"Through the years I've served here, I have leaped and bounded through The Order's ranks. I cant say it was entirely against my will, I'm sure few of you would turn down promotions if they were given..." Many members in the crowd chuckled at the comment, and Aki grinned in return. "...However, I do like to think that I've earned those advancements. Everything I've done in my time from fighter pilot to Guard Commander was done to further the goals of The Order. I was likely one of the most frustrated officers here when these power struggles began several months ago, it is not a fun feeling knowing that what you've worked so hard towards is crumbling and you cannot do anything to stop it. Fortunately, with the help of many dedicated members of The Order, including most of you, we were able to prevent that collapse due to internal strife, and I hope that we go on to defeat those enemies which threaten humanity and our existence in Sirius."
"Now, onto the point at hand... my area of expertise on the council primarily lies in our research projects, which I have participated in and helped develop for the past several years. Additionally, I have recently been given the task of forming an alliance with Kusari through our Hogosha allies. So far, this diplomacy is going well, and with luck we will soon find ourselves gaining public support from Kusari's citizens. I firmly believe that it is time we start looking at such alliances as an effort to clear the terroristic slander Liberty has given us; if we are not trusted by our own people, I do not think we will ever have the backing to withstand a full military assault by alien enemies."
"There is one last thing I would like to note; if any of you ever have concerns regarding decisions being made by this High Command, please let us know. All of us are willing to listen to the opinions of The Order's members, without you this organization would not exist."
Aki smiled as she sat back down, relieved that her part was over. Public speaking... she would take fighting nomads over this any day of the week.
Caitlyn Shauers was next in line. Wearing her normal Commodore outfit she walked
up to where Commander Aki Kimura and Grand Admiral Sius Malacos stood just
moments before. She gazed through an infocard she had prepared for the speech.
Noticed the mic wasn't turned off she looked up at the crowd and started with
a slight grin on her face, as always.
"Hello, it's good to see all of your faces. Though many of you know the ships
I command and who founded them. Few of you know who I am. Well I guess I
should tell you then huh?" She paused, clearly a bit nervous. "Well I don't know
if you knew this but I originally wasn't even apart of the Order. I was a Commodore
in the Liberty Navy." The audience started to speak amongst themselves. The
sudden talk didn't seem to phase her though. "Yes, I was once one of the
enemies. Though Travis, founder of the 122nd, didn't remember I was in the
same training group as he was on West Point. When the tragic news of his
death came to me I was onboard my cruiser. Doing a secret mission in
Alaska. So secret I didn't even know what it was that we were doing. While out
on this mission a got a call from Stewart Chamberlain, former commander of
the 122nd. He told me that he was given power of a massive fleet and asked
that I be the assistant leader. I knew that Stewart had his doubts about Liberty
and so did I. They did many things that were not what I signed on for. Which
led me to accept the new rank as an Order Commander. Taking 2nd in command
of the 122nd. Though I stand here now as the first in command of not only
the 122nd but many others. I feel I am still new to the Order. I joined in as a
Commodore and found that my rank was based off the enemies. Though all
of you accepted me with open arms. I thank you for that." Caitlyn paused again
this time for about a minute."Anyways that's enough about me, if you have
any questions about me feel free to ask me after the conference. Now then,
what the 122nd does."
"The 122nd Order Guard is a massive fleet which will soon be proposed to split
into two sections. The main 122nd Order Guard, which consist of all the warships
along with fighters and bombers, and the auxiliary fleet. Which will be called
the 122nd Order Guard Auxiliary Rescue Research & Recon Fleet.
Both fleets under my command but both doing separate tasks. The main fleet
of warships would do it's normal routine of patrol the outer systems of Sirius.
Every so often entering house systems for mission I can not discuss. As
for the auxiliary fleet it will be the Order Support fleet. Once the prototype
cruisers are complete my fleet will receive in upwards of 3 of them, 4 at max.
These ships would go all around Sirius bringing supplies to Order ships, or
doing research and recon missions. These two fleets are one of the few
Order Guard fleets. This fleet is also one of the largest warship fleet we have.
The fleet is to be used in severe cases as one of the main shields against
our home and our main assets. If you need any of these ships all you
need to do is call upon one of them. Though the bulk of the ships will be
scattered for safety reasons. One will likely respond to the scene ASAP.
All my ships commanders have high military experience and could almost
deal with all situations. That is all I can tell you for the 122nd."
"My last notes for this entire thing are. As a member of this High Command
I do not wish to be treated as such. Treat me as you would normally. That
is all I wish for. If you do wish to treat me as a High Command member
than go for it. I will treat you as one of the people I command though."
Still grinning from the start of her speech. Caitlyn turned off the mic and
took her infocard back to her seat. Caitlyn knew her speech was rather
ill prepared but thought it still came out well.
Commodore Caitlyn took her seat and Mirage was next in line for this little introduction conference. When the young , pale woman stood up , the applous quickly stopped. Most of the Order's members where familiar with her , they where the ones who stopped talking first. Next where those who had never met Mirage before , confused about this sudden silence they all looked around and then focused there attention on the person before them. Mirage was not alone on the tribunal , captain Duran Goronovich was with her. A fly buzzing was going to be heard in the silence that filled the large place.
Mirage was wearing her usual black leather uniform and her devisions insignia was atached to the cape on her back. Her cloths where in complete contrast to her skin colour. The woman's pale skin was filled with scars from not properly healed wounds. Yet her blue , grey eyes where sharp and keen as always.
Duran was dressed in his own black uniform , with the devisions insignia placed on his chest. There was no emotion slipping towards his face , Duran was simply staring at one , imaginary point somewhere in the empty space around him. Awating his admiral to begin her introductory speach.
With no inforcard to read a speech , one could only asuse there was no speech prepared. Mirage however didn't appear concerned about that fact. Her face was emotionless aswell , the look in her eyes gave the young reqruits the impression that ice glaciers on the surface of Toledo where wormer then this womans stare.
"This is a total and complete waste of our time!" - Mirage started. It was clear that no one was expecting exactly those words and many started whispering amongs each other. Commenting on who she was and where did she receive those scars. Mirage was witnessing the birth place of many rumors , but that was not something that was important for this young woman.
"But .... since I am already here and you are already here. I suppose I can do the most logical thing and finish my presentation as fast as possible , so we all can return to our normal course of operation."
"My name is Mirage Bre'Delakorsa. I am the daughter of the deceist Admiral Mendoza Bre'Delakorsa. The Bre'Delakorsa family is with deep Corsair ruits. My father was a honored commander of the Corsairs and when the treaty , between the Order and the Corsairs was struck he moved to aid the Order and to straighten the bond between Corsairs and the Order. But times have changed since then , changed alot. But as his only air , I desided to take command over his forces and work. All of the personel who are under my command are located in the Bre'Delakorsa mantion on planet Toledo , with the exeption of my flagship , the Au'Rora. Located on the Eternity shipyard also on Toledo.
My role in this council is , assasination of troublesome individuals who stand in the way of justice. Operatives who are under my orders are responsible for the removal of many torns in our sight , most of them being from Liberty and the Bounty Hunters Guild. My devision is also responsible for interrogations of captured enemy pilots , operatives and their removal when they no longer serve us a purpose. And at last I myself am a devoded archaeologist. Meaning that the Bre'Delakorsa mantion is involved in studies concerning allien artifacts and such.
The current forces wich fall under my command are 5 fighter wings of Anubis fighters , 1 fighter wing of Praetorian , Corsair bombers and my flagship , The Au'Rora. Defence of Order interests , Order space and Order personel are the main objectives of my devision.
Last , I'm not the person you wich to annoy. What you think of me is your concern , not mine. If you wish to contact me on any matters , talk to captain Duran. He is well trained and quite capable of answering every question you may have.
To the new reqruits I say only one thing. This is no game , learn to adapt and survive in this hostlie enviroment and only then you can start worrying about the future of humanity."
Next, there was an empty chair, a stark hollow in the austere proceedings, and when silence began to drag, when nothing had been said for a moment, and then another, murmurs spread throughout the audience. The four of the five present began to look distinctly uncomfortable, because on their first meeting, just out of the most trying time the order had ever experienced, they sat, waiting, because their most junior member was not there.
Then, the speakers crackled, and the projector blew static across its screen. A face formed out of the static, and words emerged from the crackles:
"...again, I'm terribly sorry I could not attend in person. I'm Captain Meredith Savoy, head of the 42nd Autonomous Rangers. Events have conspired to keep me in the deep omegas during this meeting, and I am making use of teleconference equipment aboard the Battleship Fes.
I was born on Freeport 7. Grew up there, began raising a family. I'm sure many of you have heard similar stories. My home was attacked. My parents, my sister, my daughter, my husband, my friends. My entire life, disintegrated before my eyes, during that first act of the Nomad War. I, and the rest of the defense wings, never saw the attackers. By the time we arrived, people were already suffocating, and by the time support arrived, most of the station personnel had suffocated or frozen to death. Now, The Order is my family, and I am incredibly dedicated to it.
After joining the Order, I flew and commanded strike teams in liberty and Rheinland, then was captured by LSF. I spent 3 years on Huntsville before I was released, and then assigned to command Deep Recon Wing 3, until my transfer to the 42nd last year.
Before the chaos that emerged from the recent power vacuum, the 42nd was one of many deep recon operations outside of order space, and had been my command for quite some time. Now, it is the only one, so far as I am aware, but it is entirely possible that other such autonomous entities have emerged, and I will seek to pull them back into the command structure of The Order, and this council.
My role in this council, in some way, explains, if not excuses, my absence today. I am to be the conduit through which the reconassiance and covert operations outside of the Omegas, and the intell received therein, reaches this council of 5. I represent the Order's silent arm, and its subterfuge.
And, Ladies, Gentlemen, excuse me, but I very much have to get back to what is keeping me from Lisbon today. Thank you for your time."
The projector clicked off before the speakers did, and a feedback spike blared for a moment, and then the room was silent.
After the projector clicked off, Sius rose to his feet. He walked up to the front of the room where the other 4 members had just stood. Unlike the other High Command members, everyone knew Sius.
Sius'd personal assistance Drone 062, whom he nicknamed "Chip" flew up next to him and plugged into the computer terminal infront of Sius. But nothing happened. Sius them began to talk.
"First off, I would like to say that it is purely coincidental that I am the only male on the High Command."
The crowd gave a light laugh and the 4 woman he was referring to gave a small smile and some a little giggle.
"But now down to business. I'm sure you all know me, I have Rheinland roots and joined the Order some years ago and was put into Black Squadron while Admiral Hoff was still in command. From there I rose through the ranks and became Rear, Mid, and Vice Admiral, all through the therms of Helljumper and Admiral McKinley. High Command was essentially in our control. However, the Admiralty of Black Squadron decided to disband the group and no longer carry the name of the elite squadron formed long ago by Wolfpack, but now represents the Order as a whole. I am Admiral of the primary Order forces and the only representative of the fleet. I may have the most militaristic power under my command out of everyone on this council, but the revision of the High Command has assured that decisions will be concluded democtratically as we have grown to no longer being a simple fleet under the command of Casper Orillion."
Chips's eye light blinked once and the projector came to life. The image was of Evora shipyard and the docks in full production.
"Our power has grown, and so has our arsenal. Soon we will be comissioning various new ships including an updated Talon, our own Bomber, a Recon Cruiser, a Gunboat, and lastly, the Carrier. Our new line of ships will help us combat the growing threat of the Nomads, Liberty, and the Bounty Hunter Guild. We are at war, and whether Sirius knows it or not, it is up to us to keep the Nomads at bay."
Chip's lights blinked again and the projector shut off and chip Flew up to the hight of Sius's head.
"Now. You have met all the members of the High Command. I would like to thank the other members for their time, and now..."
Sius walked away from the front and towards the door.
Admiral Mirage Bre'Delakorsa and Commodore Caitlyn Shauers followed Sius out of the conference hall; all of them had work to do and the conference meeting had pulled them away from tasks vital to The Order's security. The only member of High Command left in the room was Commander Aki Kimura, alone before the crowd.
"Alright, you've heard our introductions, unfortunately the others have urgent matters to return to. I, as well, have business to conduct in Kusari over the next week regarding our alliance talks with them. However, I will remain here to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability."
[color=#00CCCC]//OPEN POSTING is now permitted, please remain IN CHARACTER and ask any questions pertaining to the High Command.
A man stood up in the front row. He was wearing his patrol Unifrom, obviously rushing to the conferance and not having time to get changed. as he stood up the crowd gazed. He cleared his throat then began. "Excuse me, i am Captain John Arkantos, and i have a...shall we say disapointing comment to make? I have been in the Order since the nomad wars and never in my life have i seen such great Admiral's and commanders lead such great ment into battle. But i fear it may be too late, I know Mrs Aki that you have done many patrol's in your life but, i am sorry to say that we are loosing more men then anticapated in these long range patrol's, i there fore wish to make a suggestion" Aki raised her eyebrows, She managed a short smile before concentrating, She nodded for John to continue. "i just think we should pull back on long range patrol's, the nomads outnumber us greatly, i have had this discussion with Sius before but the situation is not getting any better. i know that the council has done alot in the past week to re organise the order but we seemed to have ignored the one thing that we were made to destroy, Nomads!" with that John sat down. the croud gases away from him, onto the platform
"Personally, I agree with you. We're stretched far too thin right now to be losing our patrols in areas that, frankly, dont concern us or arent an immediate threat. We are trying to enforce the 42nd Recon Division's role as our long range operations group, and they receive the training to survive in deep space that our standard patrol pilots dont have."
"However, it would be far too easy for the enemy to surround or flank us if we didnt have eyes out on our borders. We need to keep at least minimal patrols in systems such as Alaska and Omicron Delta in order to give us enough forewarning when an attack group is inbound for the core of our space. Unfortunately it is a dangerous job and many of our patrol pilots never come back after such assignments."
"Hopefully with our new ship and equipment development, we will give our pilots in these areas a step up against the enemy. Our fighters will soon be recalled to have new sensor and stealth equipment installed, as well as improved weaponry, and once our new warships have completed construction at Evora we will have a much larger support fleet for these patrols to call in when assistance is needed. We will also likely replace some of the patrol squadrons operating in more dangerous areas with new vessels such as the Order Gunboat, which will provide these personnel improved firepower and defensive measures when flying in those areas."
"Past that, there is nothing more we can do right now. If anything, our future goal should be to spread out and patrol increasingly larger areas of space in order to gradually push Nomad influence out of all human systems. However, spreading out in that manner requires a much larger fleet than we currently have, and only time will tell if we will ever be able to reach such a goal."