With the Earth slowly making its final spin in the year, I couldn't help myself but to think about all that was, is and never will be again. Like all those things that make us who we are, this community has its destiny. And in all destinies there is a point from which there is nothing further in the future, a closure. Many an individual constitutes this community, some of us are not so well known, others are famous. And yet we all influence each-other, are a part of our existence, no matter how callous one's attitude might be.
And since our presence here is bound to end one day, why don't we - as a community - leave something behind. Something to remind us all of this place, of the people with whom we interacted.
A signature list. Hand written with ink on paper, then transformed into bits of information, sent, shared, externalised on the great internet. Write down you first name, your forum username or anything of the like, scan the paper or by other means post it here. I, or any other volunteer will then transfer all those signatures on a single sheet, for all to have all members signed there.
Use a plain white paper and some visible ink.
Oh, and happy new year, for those who have yet to reach it.
Anyway, I'm comfortably tipsy. I wonder how much of a difference New Year's Eve-tier drinking will make. Will attempt to upload another sig once I return from....wherever it is this night takes me.
Internet cookies for anyone that can identify my name, or indeed any part of it.
Edit: Those of you that remember my original skype display name, when it was still my full real name, are not permitted to take part in the guessing.
Nuther edit: No, it's not ink, just pencil. I do have genuine ink pens but I couldn't be bothered.