...\[incoming.signal] ...\[decrypting.signal] ...\[encryption Enigma-Beta-Beta-Seven] Communicator Identification: Nikolaevskaja, Lena Target Identification: SCRA Communication Centre frequencies
-- Mykolaiv Research Station
Source: Zvezdny Gorodok Station Topic: Initiation Flight
...\[decoding.message] ...\[message.loads - opening.visual-transmission - no.video-feed.available] "Privet, Comrades.
As by Coalitions tradition, I've done the initiation flight into maltese core territory systems visiting the Hispanias wreck, uploading idendification details to the pad marker left there for this reason.
Encountered a Royal Fleet soldier within Edinburgh, yet this one was more concerned with keeping distance to my Partisan as to actually consider combat actions enclosing this encounter.
Tau-systems empty, entry to maltese territory unguarded, nobody of concern at bay. Secondary Fleet warships had been spotted, but contact was broken after a few seconds to have our position unrevealed.
Other than that, shift was nothing to speak of and borderline close to irrelevant. Definitly not a challenge at all, needs more life-threatening contentions, either by the spoken word or by gunfire.
As a side note, stop pestering me by spamming your add-requests to my account-ID, that would be appreciated."
Target ID: General Thies Sturz
Encryption: Medium
Location: Coalition People's Warship Karl Marx
'The memorium'
I'm proud to hereby award the Genossin Junior Lieutenant Lena Nikolaevskaja the Hispania Memorium and congratulate her on her first flight within our ranks. May she bring glory for the revolution.
>>> Incoming Transmission <<<
From: Junior Lieutenant Anya Abakumova
To: SCRA Headquarter
Subject: The First Mission
I successfully finished my first mission to visit the Hispania wreck in Omicron-Alpha system. On our way to there, we didn’t encounter any Hispanians stopping us until two Nomad ships appeared near the Planet Malta. Luckily, the Nomads were destroyed within seconds.
This was my first time to see what the ancient sleep ship really looked like. I was surprised that I never seen any rusty metal when we flew inside the ship. It seemed that the Outcasts kept their “asset” very well.
Finally, I thank all of you sincerely for accompanying me to finish my first mission.
I seems that one of our recent addition to SCRA ranks has accomplished its first mission. And did it well. Not without an escort, but I was told there was planned attack on Malta, so everything is fine. Comrade Abakumova, you have been awarded your first medal - Hispania Memorium. Wear it with pride and continue to serve our glorious Army. I have high hopes for you.
Comm ID:Senior Lieutenant Alex Krukov Subject:Patrol Report...? Encryption:Medium Priority:Low
Privet comrades!
Uhh...where do I start. Right, I undocked from Sedona to where we were invited, and headed for a little patrol around to see the surroundings of where we were. I headed to the place we will most likely to pass a lot, and went to search what treasures were on the other side of the clouds. It wasn't treasure that I found, although it seems to be some active thing of advanced technology, unlike something I have seen before. I don't know what to say more about this, I'll just upload my Cockpit Shots for you to see....
From: Captain Thebe Mzunu To: The SCRA Subject: Liberty Raid
A fine way to mark my maiden appearance in Liberty. Field Marshal Garcia commanded a small strike team to deal some damage to the Liberty Navy. It was not long before we had chased down a perfect target. One of the new Atlantis class carriers.
Under relentless pressure from three bombers and one Insurgent, the target was disabled in a hail of glory. It will be some time before we see it again. We lost two fighters in the attack. A small price to pay for the Carrier's hull.
COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*
TARGET ID: S.C.R.A. Assets
SUBJECT: The Christmas Season
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Revolution. It has come to my attention that individuals have been attempting to spend above their allotted Social Credit Rationings in preparation for the Christmas Holiday. I must remind all citizens that these limitations are in place for a reason and are NOT to be used for the Holiday Season.
Should you wish to acquire a gift for your fellow comrade you MUST put in a requisition to the Ministry of Plenty for a End-Season Credit Allocation' which can only be used during the holiday season known as Christmas and 'New Years Eve'. Any attempts to continue using this allotment after the time is up or if not as intended to be used the perpetrator shall be sent to the GULAG for re-socialization and education on logistics.
Furthermore I wish to address rumours of possible breaking and entering this season, if you should hear a strange sound near your heating vents or for those on JiangXi their 'Fire Places' as they would be called. You are to ignore it, return to your bed and sleep through it. Attempts to open your eyes and investigate the sounds will be met by blunt-force trauma induced by a hoof-shaped object and increased possibility of your Coal Rations being increased.
That is all for now, remember..I know when you are sleeping...WE KNOW WHEN YOU ARE AWAKE..."
Respect Comrade Santa Claus during his visit! Leave out a share of Vodka Rations.
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
From: Captain Thebe Mzunu To: The SCRA Subject: Minor Patrol
Following successful space trials, I am now able to confirm the successful commission of the CPW-Mogadishu. The latest gunboat to our armory will hopefully serve the Coalition well. The gunboat did not have to wait long to savour it's first kill.
A pathetic intruding Bounty Hunter Gunboat encroached on restricted space around Zhukovsky Station. As the Mogadishu was moored to the station, we reacted fastest to the alert and pounced upon the enemy target. It's attempts at fleeing were quickly stunted and, like a panther, the Mogadishu ravaged its prey. Senior-Lt Leto Atreides as well as the Zhukovsky defense wing assisted.
With negligible shield damage sustained, and no hull damage to the Mogadishu or to Snr-Lt Atreides, we proceeded to Omega-5 and then onward to Omega-3. We met up with a Hessian cruiser who was preventing trade ships from entering Rheinland. With actions like these plus the Hessians recent gains in Rheinland, the house will surely fall over time.
However, recent developments over Sprague have me concerned. A large base has been constructed in orbit, built into the planet's docking ring. Designated as Port Talbot, the base has significant defenses. I suggest that we consider altering our flight plans for the moment while a course of action regarding this development can be agreed.
From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH
[Message Begins]
Members of the SCRA,
I bring to you today a story of righteous vengeance and justice. Today, I tell you all the news so that you may take heart and know that anyone can be caught and killed.
We have captured Kalliste Silver, some of you may know her as the former head of the Reaver Mercenary Company. She foolishly walked into our recruitment offices expecting us to shelter her from the elements that sought to destroy her.
She is currently about to face trial and when she is found guilty of her multitude of crimes, she will suffer a fate worse than death, of that you can all be assured.
With that bit of pleasant news out of the way, I am ordering all assets stationed in Baffin to return to Omega-52. This is in preparation for renewed strikes against Rheinland and the Corsairs.
Field Marshal Joseph Garcia Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
It seems that my new responcibilities took away hell tons of time, so I forget to drop here results of my missions and patrols. Threre are quite a few more pics to add into our great database regarding fallen enemies of the State and minor notes.
Firstly - Id like to talk about mine and Garcia's raid into Leeds. We found out one more battle between Bretonia and its allies versus Gallics. We jumped in and blew up good bit of bretonians and libertonians. And when they were all gone, Garcia initiated suicidal attack on remaining Gallics. It was hard fight, but we were able to shot down some fighters and bombers, while loosing only Field Marshal's Revolution. Himself I delivered back to the Coalition. (1 2 3)
A week after Unioner skeak into Omega 52, most likely spying on us. CPW ''Kurt Esinger'' sent a signal about him, and a good fleet was sent to patrol and to intercept him. He has been caught leaving into Omega 50, where was ambushed and destroyed. (4) Then I took ''Archon'' into long range patrol into Omegas/Omicrons. Mostly, there was nothing to report about. Once I met up a groud of Hessians and with them made a stike on corsairs capital. Did some damage and returned before main forces arrived. (5) Nothing more interesting exept for usual nomad patrols or corsair raiding patries was met on my way.
Recently, we started up to re-establish old connections with people who could trade with us. Resurrection of Volgograd Industries also brough up increased activity on our patrols and escorts, leaving Omega 52 less protected. And it costed us greatly. Two Zoner Juggernauts breached Omega 5 and pushed into Omega 50, destroyed everything on their way. I was nearly only one available to punish them. ''Archon'' was launched and sent to chase them. I caught up then nor far from Porto Novo and before was able to gave it a think, was attacked. This was more like attempt to scare me away, but that trick will not work. I chose my priority target, quick strategy and engaged. Result of my operation was suprsing even for me. Both Dreads was destroyed. First one after recieving big damage tried to repair on the station and re-engage - he rammed into planet because his engines was damaged too much to repair that fast with simple nanobots. Other met up more glorious fate - was destroyed by might of Typhoons mortar and cerberuses. (6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13)
And people ask me why I dislike Zoners? Ask again.