Internal Log : Entry one Neural Net ID:Fine Transmission from :Olivia Northenland to Rachel Winterton Subject:Research, and moving lab Source:Command deck Noclex class Colony ship Usage:Moving lab and practice center across Sirius
Moving lab. Resarch Facilty
Miss Rachel, my name is Olivia and i am the capitain of Neoclex , a moner reseacr facilty. I got some intel about your project. For me it was what i needed ! So i have done some reaserch about your project and past and some tend to shay your are iontroverted and shy. Well i cannot say the geniouses aren't , and more for a lady . But i am a lady , but sadly on the other side of the boat! I ask you friendly froma woman to woman , to accept or deny my invitation fro siting a cuple of days onboard of Neoclex ! If you decied to say yes i have here some short details about my ship!
The ship has 2 sides the practice side, where medium or just finished Doctors come and start some basic projet or aother that are working on their final project, whatevermay be, of course under my trusted men . And there is my quarter as i like to call it ! I composed in 3 sides.
1.A hanger witch ceeps all i need
2.My personal lab where i work with top notch tech!
3.My rooms . The first on e witch is mine ad a second one for guests like your . We wanna gave you the stres relifer and the best period while onboard of Neoclex!
You ill have erything you need in your researcha ndas well me , that i can help nay time!
I hope the odds will be in my favour and you decied to come for some days to see if you like it and would wanna settel here form some research!
We will be able to bring you all the needs if probably we don't have them !
Untill you respond, have a wonderfull day!
With all love Oliva!
''Huh, i hope i convinced her it might take a while untill she will respond but let's hope the Odds are in my favour. She is a diamond!"
Rachel was en-route to Omicron-74 at the time, a boring flight as always. Although at the time, she was doing one of her most favorite things. Taking a small snooze. You'd be surprised on how much one person can sleep, although she needed it.
The familiar sharp ring of an incoming message plays through the cockpit, where she groggily glances over, reaching over and opens up the comms array for the vessel she was currently in.
"Olivia Northenland.." Tapping a few keys, the console flickers to life as the message is displayed on the screen in front of her. Watching it to the finish, she hides her face in her hands, sighing quietly.
An invitation.. Why can't things be simple for a change.
Pausing for a few minutes, she mumbles something quietly under her breath, and begins writing up a reply.
Target -- Reverse address of sender
ID -- Rachel Winterton
Subject -- ...What?
"Hello Olivia. I must say. It's not every day someone comes out of flat-nowhere and makes a request of the.. standings you have sent to me in your communications message.
I've learned that things like this don't come out of nowhere in my lifetime. You say that you've taken interest in my research, but why does this bring you to ask myself to stay aboard your vessel?
A slight pause.
Or so that's what I'd like to say, that's merely paranoia over the years coming into play. Nobody is without their flaws. As of right now, I am currently in route to Omicron-74. I'm going to say honestly. Convince me. Why move out of a nice lab offered to me, where I can work around other people doing the same thing, into a place i'd be a little.. less comfortable in?
This is not a rejection. Merely a request to explain more about your motives. I'll give it some thought however. All depending on what your answer is I suppose.
I'll be hearing from you."
Sitting back after sending the transmission out. People.
Dear Rachel, well i readed my request and i can deeply say si shady. You ahve pointed as well why ould' you leave your confortable office for something less confortable.Let me make a detailed pharase, onboard are only students who camehere for practice, real sicents are only 3 , me, MR and Miss Dean who are the oversee the stundents. As for the confort term , my quarter isa luxury place where you have everything you want a people who will work for you at any time . And the condition on this ship are made to be luxury , cleana na well hight tech. I rather call my ship the haven of siances , well at a samller dimenssion and as well mobile. We have spent a lot ofmoney in Neoclex and as well we will need some more trainde personal if i say so myself!
*She stops for cuple of minutes to refresh her ideas and breath a bit. After she was done , she went to sleepleaving the message open. After she woke up , rejoins the message*
I want as well somebody to work with , make new discoverys and complete projects , but becasue the lack of trained personal we can only take a small amount of insignifact projects. When i heard about your project i thought to myself *She could be the one i am looking for , inteligent and many other qualits*.Neoclex has advanced tech with some help from special people including my dad who was happy to help me get some devices! Many of them are from the top lab in Sirius!
So as i think the needs your office gaves , Neoclex will do just fine .
And now the second part , where i have to convince you , welll... is kinda hard , you know i don't to this often this kind of invites . As any capitain iam putting the crew and the research before me and you seems to me like te one who will be helpfull in so many wasy a human will not understand. I have nothing prepared for you , but as i sed we have people who can bring you whaterver you want , either is for research or for personal treats! *She swing her hair, arrange it and carris on!*
All this time while i was on myself , i haven't shown any projeect , becasue we haven't done one. And what you wanna do is exactly what we need, and by saying "WE" i menn me and you . I am more of a girl that workis on guns , alloys, and all that meens tech to a ship, as well ic an do reaserch on organisms and many other thingls like artifacts!
I would love to have you here and hear that you consider me a Friend and as well Neoclex a home!
*While she was typing , a tear fell on the heavy metal *
I know you are a person who likes to see things rationaly. I know this things look strange , because you don't gat any daily invite to join a research team! I totaly undeerstand that , but i thoight something will come between us andmake you dediced to join us! As of right now my offer remains avaivble , because you are the one who i want to have beside me and spend Days and hours in the lab looking for to reveal things nobody ever sow. I would apriciate to have you here, and i promis you will be trated like a queen! Not sopiled , but still a queen!
*She press the button to send the message , close the message , and then she went in her bed !*
Rachel doesn't waste much time bringing up the response to her message, something driving her to be a little curious about what this person wanted.
Listening to the content, she closes her eyes, merely listening to what the transmission enclosed.
"You'll be treated like a queen"
Rachel winces at these words, a hand balling up into a fist. "I don't do what I do because I wish to be tr-.." Pausing, taking a few breaths, looking slightly irritated at the computer system in front of her.
With a slight attitude, she reaches forward and has the computer replay the message once more to her, pausing as it only got a few lines in.
"She just said.."
Reaching forward, she quickly brings up the response command, creating a 'very' short response.
Rachel, i have sow your respind, seems like you are not so please with my exprimation. Mby it was just a misunderstanding.
*She was scared, what if she done something bad that iritated Rachel*
Well *She was shaking* the youngst will be girl from kusari 16 old and the oldets will be around 26 . I dont care so much about their age , but i ahev her somewhere a file with all their ages *She lifts from the carisand looks around . She foun dit , the file with the name and age of every stundent! *
My excuses the oldets is 28. But aabove anything else i wanna take my excuse for somethings said in the last comm. I want to apologize from my word inprudance , but for my excuse i don't know how are you Rachel. All i know is from rumors and hearsy! But as i mention i really want to be here , with us .
We need people like you , literalywe need. I know my request doen't look so appealing, but still .
*Damm. they told me will be dificultl, but i will do everything human possible o bring this lady to us. She is the shinny diamond we need now. But i am so confused , how i will convince her to come here. Well to me she look kinda shy and thinks torationaly , witch at the end of the day makes her a genious*
So Rachel, why you don't gave us a chance! Maby i don't know how to convince you, but here i am tring with all my beeing to bring you here, and stilli fail! And for me failure is the worst feeling. So at least let me know how will be possible to convince you to come!
By the end of the transission , Olivia was crying! She was just so i need of her , that she couldn't stand a, "NO".
So atleast let me know how will possible to convince you. Evry bit of Intel will be a blessing!
The familiar sequence of an arriving reply comes through the ship systems, which almost mechanically is set to play by a bored woman in the cockpit. She has been flying for quite a while now. People always say that wormhole travel is quick! Not really.
Granted the boredom was mainly her own, the trip was 'not that bad'.
The message echo's throughout the smaller room she was in, rubbing her head, feeling something coming on.
Sixteen to twenty eight huh.. A bit older than i'd like..
Rachel sits in silence for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. Why do I alway-.. bah.. If I regret this..
-- Reply
"I'll be there in two hours. I've already ran a trace on your comms signal. Expect me. I am making no promises, however.."
Trailing off, before starting once more.
"I've decided to give it a try. This will not be permanent mind you. Although.. I'd like to see a few things for myself.. I.. May have an attitude which takes a bit to get used to, i'm sorry in advance.. Although there's nothing I can do, or even want to do about it honestly. Time is harsh after experiences.
Neural net ID :Olivia Northenland Encryption:Low Transmission:Comm Sender:Olivia Location:Omicron-74 Status:Fine Signal:Strong Data flux:Normal
Wating untill arival.Storm of thought in Olivia's mind
*I did it , thought Olivia to herself. Even for a trial period i did it, i convinced her to join us. But she got me really deep , because she sed she will have a strange atitude. What that can be. Well sure it can mean many thing like she will be shy , introverted or many other things that will not make our interaction smooth from the start. I have to say so myself i understand her, and i would do the same thing as well, if i wouldbe in her boat now!*
She just set there in her room stearing at the transmission and beeing amazed and confused at the same time . Many thoughts and feeling were passing Olivia. Some of them were asking how would they make her stay some how would they make her fell confortable and inside of a home! To many for her , so she decied to get a nap , and let the sleep give her advices!
She was dreaming , she was hearing a voice calling her name *Olivia*. It was her mothe falling into the sun and screaming after her ! She woke upand jumped from bed screaming and crying ! She was scared , and stuned! She was shaking like there were -40 degress and she was in naked outside! She was crying and screaming ! In all this time she was hearing the voice of her mother screaming after her!
*Olivia, come to me dear, Olivia!.* *Stop, make it stop *. She shouted, but nobdy heard.*What is happening with me , mom are you there ?*.She was hearing only the grave voice shouthing her name and she was having images with her mom falling into the sun!
The dream stoped , so she did from screaming ! She knew that canno't meen anything nice and fluffy! She knew something bad would happend , but all was paranoya, she charged with so uch energy that she was having nightmares with failure! She needed a drink or something to cool her of . She was sweatting! She felt like every step is a agony and she had an insane headache!
*What is happening to me * She asked her self . Then she looked at the cloak , it was close for Rachel arival, so she had to prepare! She had to prepare her room and make her sittig as pleasuring as she can!
The colony ship gets a single ship arriving on scanners, broadcasting a standard IFF. The pilot puts on a communication channel, only to be received by the hulking mass of a ship, where the captain on the bridge issues a standard docking procedure.
The small ship begins its instructions, lining up with one of the hangers specified, and begins the docking procedure. A small eagle slowly sets down in one of the slots, and shortly after, a younger women steps out of the ship.
She wasn't the tallest of people, merely at an average height. Dark green eyes, and her 'very' long hair was one of the first noticeable things about her. From her height at 5'10", her hair reaches all the way down to the top of her thighs, yet it looked still taken care of.
She was wearing a loose fitting shirt, as well as jeans of all things, nothing revealing in the slightest.
She immediately crosses her arms as she looks around the hangar, leaning against her ship until the person who invited her arrives down at the specific hangar she was in.
*Commander she arrived*Shouted one of the LT. *Where is she*, asked Olivia!
She was siting in the capitain hangar waiting for Olivia!As she was expecting , she head to the hangar, wherenext to as ship was a small lady wating for her!
*Hello , i suppose you are Rachel. My name is Olivia! Welcome aboard!*. She invited her to her room witch was next to Olivia's room and were right in front of the Lab! *Ok , get yourself confortable and aftert you done , tell me if you wanna eat something , i suppose you must to be hungry, aftert teh trip you had! Please tell me , did you meet any kind of truble?*
Olivia left the room and let Rachel get relaxed and make herself confortable , and if she wanted to eat then she will take care of! Now Olivia was happy knoing that she has Rachel onbord!
Rachel didn't really know what to do, or say. The next few moments happened a little fast for her. Before she knew it, she was in a 'guest' room as her host 'Olivia' leaves telling her to get comfterable
What the heck did she get herself into. The situation was more than uncomfterable, and yet here she was. Left alone once more.
Looking around the room she was given slowly, she takes a seat in one of the chairs in the room sideways, so her legs were dangling over one of the arms of the chair (Very un-lady like) and closes her eyes.
She didn't want anything. She didn't come here to be treated like a queen, the moment that happened, was for sure the moment she high-tailed it out of there without a second thought. The commander.. She seems a little.. eccentric, good intentions at heart perhaps, although she really needed to slow down for her own good. What will she do with herself..
Well, I suppose Olivia will come back whenever she is ready to deal with me I suppose, perhaps until then..
Shutting her eyes, she begins to doze off, although she doesn't have much luck to begin with, she eventually manages to fall into the void of nothingness.
About an hour later, she cracks an eye open, only to stand up and walk over to the large window at the corner of the room, crossing her arms and looking out. "I'm slacking.. Although I suppose 'they' won't mind too much." Muttering quietly to herself, merely waiting for the eccentric commander to return.
"Whatever she wants.. Perhaps we should get started, I don't want to spend more time than neccisary here if I can help it.. At least I can hope."