Hola, my brave hermanos and hermans. As you all might know, The Brotherhood had a short period of darknes falling down on us. With the betrayal of ex-Elder Juanez "El Presidente" Buonocore, The Brotherhood seen a major change over time. We had numereous Elders come and go, we lost some warriors that were too loyal to El Presidente and ran away with him, we had suffered a major loss on the political arena. We have forgot what we used to be...
But never again. In a time of need, the Lopez Family answered to the call of the Empire and chosen a path to restore the true Brotherhood, to ensure its survival and prosperity. I, leader of the Lopez Family - Raul Lopez has met what has remained from the Brotherhood elders, and gave them a hand. Together we shall restore what was build decades ago and prepare to work for the Empire's needs once again.
The Corsairs are strong, honorable and proud nation. We are true warriors and we take what we want from those who cannot hold it. That is why I summon you, my brothers and sisters. Get your heads up, launch your Titans and Praetorians, Correos and Armicustoses, Imperators and Decurions, and strike at the weak Bretonia. Steal all its gold and food, pharmaceptics and supplies - show them that Corsairs are not to give up easilly.
Today, I have been chosen as an Elder of the Brotherhood. I swear to serve our nation and its interests inside and beyond the Empire territory. Im also inviting proud warriors who can defend not only themself but honor of their families to join The Brotherhood. We need more pilots if we want to deliver a heavy strike into Bretonia.
Viva la Crete! Viva los Corsairs!
Signed, Elder Raul Lopez
Hasta la vista, la dignidad, el honor, el orgullo.
I wish you to be strong in your newly acquired Elder position for great responsibilities comes with it. The nation need it's Council to guide it's sons and daughters, both indirectly and directly in open space. We expect to see action, we expect to feel our blood running faster through the veins. We expect you to be strong, to be example for the younger once.
Lead the nation to the battle and we'll hail your name. Do not disappoint our expectations.
/signed Ellias Fernandes De La Rosa of the Omega Pirates Guild, Cadiz
Buenas dias...
I'm not a important person in Empire,not rich,not particulary skilled as a piloto,but I shared blood and tears countles times in battles all over Omegas with honourable warriors from TBH,and in my opinnion that gives me right to raise my voice and be heard...
I was ecstatic to hear Brotherhood has new Elder,and I'm eager to show my allegiance to him and Empire.
I hope you will lead Empire in new age of prosperity and many victories will be won during your leadership.
I will make it short and come to the point. I always will be close to the Brotherhood. And i am sure that all my Pilots will do the Same! We are a great Nation with Honor Dignity and Proud Soldiers. We must fight together and protect our great Empire for any hostile intruders!
I wish you to be strong and sagaciously in your Position.