My wife owned an '06 330i for 5 years.
Every little thing on it kept failing - a door handle here, a control knob there - and the dashboard plastic cracked within 3 years.
It was our experience that thing was a total money pit.
and yeah, eventually the engine mounts (saddles) began to give.
Problem with Beemers is that the engines are big enough to hurt themselves, even with conservative driving, due to the supporting structure being fairly cheap.
They're dreamy cars for 3-4 years, after that, time to replace.
never buy a car from an engineer. they are aware of the exact tolerance of the second-hand part that they used, and for them, replacing it is no bother. only buy them from genuine certified old ladies
I think whatever brand you get if its that old you are going to have to do alot of work to keep it running. if you dont have the skills or inclination to do the work yourself it will be expensive. most people i know who have cars of any appreciable age only drive them for short periods and only during good weather. even then they drive with care. most are mechanically capable and are sort of in love with the car. for them it is no biggie to use second hand parts from scrapyards. one told me if i fancied buying an 'antique' car the cheapest one to get would be the ones that you find alot of in your local scrapyard.
if you dont have the skills i'd avoid it