I'm hoping you fellows might be able to help me out a bit. I need to pay a visit to Vieques in Puerto Rico to meet with Jack Thompson, but I heard you're making sure things go smoothly and thus have security cranked up. Would it be possible to arrange for a visit? I just need to run over some blueprints with him, and maybe get a load of manifolds while I'm there?
Greetings Clockwork Evans.
Aye tis good you asked about entering first.
We've had some incidents that recently forced us to lock down Puerto Rico.
Now.. will the correct handle for this ship be "Clockwork" Evans?
Also a great place to meet for a drink around PR would be the Drunken Junker.
Located on La Fortaleza our security station between Rico and Texas.
Good food, great service and the finest ale available in Sirius!
Should you require some of those manifolds or mani's as we like to call em.
Stop on by the Cuelbra Smelter just behind the Vieques shipyard.
If you have any problems be sure to let me know..
Just ask for "JT".
Cya soon.
Oh, good to hear from you, Mr Trenton. I will probably be arriving aboard the <G>Triskelion so that there is room to carry back the necessary manifolds. It seems better to have too many than too few, aye?
I will surely stop by the pub you mentioned, as well. I do love me an ale.