One of our traders [*USI*]Aisatsana[T] and I [*USI*]S.Senun[CA] went ona mission to take Platinum ore from Alberta system to New london and then gold ore back to New York system.
When entering California system i found a Lane hacker member codenamed LH~trojan and warned [*USI*}Aisatsana[T] to fly above the lanes not to get seen, then i went on talking to the Lane Hacker to give time for our trader to fly away.
Later we found him again in Manchester system , i told the transport captain to use the Leeds jump hole while i distracted the Lane hacker, he did not liked seeing me again so he started shooting, luckly i had a cloaking device and i used it to get away, but yet i couldn't resist making fun of him because he could not see me, he got mad and left. Then we sold the platinum ore. The trip back was easy without any problems
While i was patroling New York system, i ([*USI*]S.Senun[CA]) witnessed an attack commanded by the Outcasts, i beleave they were about 7 or 9 i'm not sure because of all the commotion. When the attack started it was only me and a LNS gunboat captain LNS-Golden.Fiddle, we found and engaged another two gunboats and joshua, we managed to defeat them both with no troble and meanwhile a DSE) member showed up (DSE)F6F.Hellcat) .'s death
Joshua's death
Then the Outcast leader ordered us to surrender and we refused
But still we did not have enough forces to fight the Outcasts with more 3Capital ships and about 4fighters we had no chance, i still don't know exactly why but the ALG decided to come and help us, we waited for a while and then they appeared. Now that we had enough forces to fight back the Outcast threat we engaged them between Fort Bush and Planet Manhattan, before the fight started both we and the Outcasts had a large force.
Our forces
Enemy forces
After some minutes in the battlefield my crew and ship became injured, so i cloaked my ship with the last fuel i had and docked in Fort Bush luckly no Outcast was around to engage me, after that i managed to get back to the battlefield and we forced the Outcast forces to pull back from Liberty.
While heading to Colorado jump gate in New York i found a Lane Hacker member named LH~cochrane.interruptor, he ordered me to leave and started to threaten me, and at some point he shot his weapons so i engaged.
After some minutes he started to run into rochester, so i started to chase him, but he used the Kill Engine manuever and then used cruise disrupt on me and he managed to get away.
While i was patroling New York i received a call from an unkown transmition, the caller said there were two Lane Hackers in Colorado near New York jump gate named LH~cochrane.interruptor and LH~Ugo.Carnifex, the moment i heard Cochrane(whom i fought on my previus battle, but he runned away) i was eagered to find him and take care of him. I jumped to Colorado and found them atacking some traders so i told them to stop.
I holded them off untill the officer that was with me [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO] appeared, then the Lane Hackers started getting impacient with us so they engaged, meanwhile a Hellfire Legion member showed up and an Ageira trader(Ageira~Armostrong) as well, so LH~Ugo.Carnifex and him started to pirate the Ageira trader, so while officer [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO] distracted the Lane Hacker engaging us i helped the trader dispatching the Hellfire Legion member and the other Lane Hacker. Has i found out mr. Armstrong was a very good pilot and managed to take the Hellfire member out and made one of the Lane Hackers run away.
Then the Ageira trader Ageira~Armostrong went to seek refuge in Planet Pittsburgh, and because the Lane Hacker was going after him i had to follow him and engage him. After a few shots fired the Lane Hacker started running away wich made me pretty mad because he had also runned away on our previus fight two days ago.
I started to go after him to elimenate him for good but officer Brutus told me not to go, that following pirates is the Liberty Police job and not ours.
I reiceived a report warning me that a Liberty Rogue smuggler named LR-$ was taking premium scrap from Texas and to Omicron Alpha and then cardomine back to Texas so i decided i should make her a little "visit". I headed to Coronado jump hole in Cortez. After a while i found her and told him to stop, he did not stoped and kept flying untill he reached Baffin via Coronado... sadly my vessel doesn't have a cruiser disruptor wich made him get away.
After some hours I received an unkown transmition from whom im guessing was the smuggler i met.
While patroling Coronado system I [*USI*]S.Senun[SO] and [*USI*]J.Nowakowsky found a Lane Hacker named LH~Leiden.Interruptor "guarding" the New York jump gate so i asked him to leave the lanes and drop the cardomine he had on the cargo, he was not in a nice mood so he told me to shut up and not much after that he engaged us. We fought for a while and then another person showed up \V/-Seraph. It didn't took long untill he decided to run, so we decided to let him go...*thinks for a while about his battles with Lane Hackers*...typical Lane Hackers allways running away from their battles.
Good afternoon gentleman.
This is Patrol Leader Mick Brutus reporting on a convoy with route from Colorado to Okinawa and back to New York taken place a few days ago.
I have been busy and so, i apologize for taken all this time to write this report.
The pilots involded in this convoy were: me [*USI*]M.Brutus:[PL], [*USI*]Lincoln[M], [*USI*]Riverside[T], [*USI*]Newark[T] and a friend of ours from DSE, DSE)Samaritan
Convoy getting ready to move to Okinawa.
We heard rumors that at that time, Kepler system was agitated and it could prove to be dangerous to pass through there, so we decided to move to Galileo.
The convoy went smooth from beggining to finish. We arrived to Okinawa, delivered Pharmaceuticals to Planet Miura and filled our ships with Helium-3.
our friend DSE)Samaritan decided to stay in Okinawa to rest so we moved on without him and reached New York safely.
Arriving at Planet Pitsburgh in New York.
That's the end of my report
My regards.
Mick Brutus signing off.
Greetings gentleman.
I believe I have completed the qualifications necessary to earn the following achievment: "The Liberator".
I shall present to you the proof of my deeds: First evidance:
Second evidance:
And to confirm this:
Has you can see the trading vessel Anormal is gone, since the pirates "changed" prioritys by seing me.
Third evidance:
Has you can see here the Lane Hacker vessel LH~Cochrane.Interruptor while Ageira~Armorstrong is safely behind me
Good Evening gentleman.
this is Patrol Leader Mick Brutus reporting in the disgracefull events of today.
I'll start with the beginning.
Today, when i was on orbit of Planet Manhattan, i got word that there was a Red Hessian identified as PH|Hindenburg near the lane between Manhattan and West Point, i went to investigate and found him. I asked what was his business in the system, and he assured me that he was only exploring. I then said that i would keep close to him because he was flying a cruiser and could scare civilians in the system, so i would stay close to make sure everyone would be alright.
I engaged in friendly conversation with him to pass the time.
Mick Brutus and PH|Hindenberg talking.
A few minutes had passed and i received a call from LNS-Northampton telling me i should warn all [*USI*] personel not to make route towards the Texas system because there were 2 Liberty Rogue Destroyers occupying the lane. I told him I was a member of our Department of Security and that I could help if he wanted to. He accepted.
I didn't feel totally comfortable leaving the Hessian alone near the lane, so i though i could bring him with me as an extra help, luckily for me, he accepted.
Hessian accepting the go help in the battle against Rogues.
We went together to Norfolk Shipyard and meet up with LNS-Northampton, \V/-Lionel, and BHG|Lily,White, not much later \V/-Zettsu joined us.
The hostile forces were identified as PrimeEvil and Spirit.of.Fire
Meeting Point.
It didn't took long for the battle to start, and unfortunately our Hessian friend was quickly put out of commision by the two Rogue destroyers.
As the battle progressed it seemed that victory was assured, PrimeEvil was about to get destroyed and then there would only be 1 left, but it seems I had underestimated the Rogues, and perhaps Overestimated the navy.
I suddenly noticed that LNS-Northampton was far away from us fighting in a 1 on 1 with Spirit.Of.Fire, and i noticed he was taking too much damage, so i decided to quickly cruise to his aid, leaving PrimeEvil, that was almost destroyed, to \V/-Lionel, \V/-Zettsu and BHG|Lily,White.
I made a bad call, my urge to protect Northampton caused everything to fall apart, I should've stayed with the other and finished off PrimeEvil.
As i was on my way to help LNS-Northampton with Spirit.of.Fire... \V/-Lionel and \V/-Zettsu were suddenly destroyed by PrimeEvil and when i got near Spirit.of.Fire, LNS-Northampton had already been blown up.
Now there were only me and BHG|Lily,White against 2 Destroyers... we were outgunned. PrimeEvil was still severely damaged so maybe we could have a shot at him, but unfortunately he escaped through a Jump Hole at that time.
Mick Brutus frustrated with what had just happened.
Somehow a Police officer going by the name SolarCarrierEnforcement was passing by the battlefield and Spirit.Of.Fire, threatened him and quickly destroyed him... another damn victim for the Rogues.
Police being Threatened by Spirit.
Police Destruction.
Me and BHG|Lily,White tryed getting some shots at that Rogue, but it was proven pointless, we needed more gunpower, and if things couldn't get any worse, PrimeEvil returned fully repaired.
PrimeEvil Returning after reparations.
We were about to leave combat when Reeiforcements came, 5th|LNS-Cincinnati appeared in battle and we gained motivation. We then started to engage once again and this time, we successfully destroyed PrimeEvil.
Battle - Part 2 Beginning.
PrimeEvil's destruction.
Unfortunately we didn't have enough power to take on 2 Destroyers, after we defeated PrimeEvil, 5th|LNS-Cincinnati was much too damaged and ended up being destroyed by Spirit.of.Fire
Navy ship exploding.
After that there was only me and BHG|Lily,White again, against Spirit.of.Fire. but we didn't have enough gunpower to take him on, so we had to retreat.
That is how this nightmare ended... Liberty lost too much pilots against only 2 Rogues... *sigh* ... at least we got 1 of them...
While patroling New York system, more exactly patroling the Planet Manhattan orbit, i found a captain Matt from the trading vessel TS&M|TSS-Shiva.He told me that there was a Liberty Rogue called Alabama.True.Blue blackmailing him and so he asked for my aid to "dispose" him.
The Trader vessel's captain took me to the lane heading to Fort Bush, having found Alabama.True.Blue about 24k from Fort Bush.
He started threatening TS&M|TSS-Shiva for setting him up i asked nicely to him to stop blackmailing traders and to leave the system's lanes, and i warned him that i did not like pirates and blackmailers flying around USI trading routes and that my hate over pirates could possibly make me order him to leave by force. Still he did not comply so we engaged each other. Though i was able to dodge all of his shots, he was very skilled at disrupting mines and his Werewolf's high nano quantidy did not help at all... when i noticed i could not win the fight i cloaked myself to try to escape, but he disrupted me before i could and then he shot me down.
Luckily for me i ejected before my ship got destroyed, and while the Rogue was not looking TS&M|TSS-Shiva beamed my escape pod and then took me to Planet Manhattan and gave me some money to get back to the garage with the rest of my ships.